Remember When FOX and New York Post Were Hyping Transition Regret?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2022

The study, published Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery, shows that people who had a gender-affirming mastectomy, sometimes called top surgery, had extremely low rates of decisional regret and extremely high levels of satisfaction with their decision to have the procedure.

The results are “overwhelmingly positive compared to other medical and nonmedical decisions,” the study said

There are so many pathologies related to transhysteria, but the most annoying is the COMPULSIVE lying....and it isn't limited to this topic.

The recipe is to find a data point, ANY data point, and labor it......while deliberately withholding necessary context.

This consistently succeeds because the audience for it has no sense of scale (think stress tests for shrimpShrimp Treadmill Study Paid for With Taxpayer Money), and it is ENTIRELY innumerate.

America's biggest problem is the Eager Credulity of so many of its people.
That's the beauty of the internet. You can always find somewhere that will post a story to support what you want.

This study only included 139 people from a 6 month period from a year ago. Last year it was still a big fad among young people, a lot have come forward way after that.

The problem exists that when you have a up surge in radical surgeries like this they only post positive results in a very brief period of time. It takes many many many years to see actual results. So they rushed to get polls out quickly and only used a short calendar window for it and excluded anything more current.

And jamanetwork? Never heard of them before so I looked into it. They are funded by article processing charges meaning the people who write the articles pay to have them published so that means anyone can post anything as long as they pay.
That is really shocking!

A survey funded which was by the Plastic Surgery Foundation, an organization run by Plastic surgeons, and conducted by researchers who themselves are gender surgery specialists and who were paid additional money by that foundation, showed that people love having their boobs lopped off by plastic surgeons.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Ms Bruce and Dr Morrison reported receiving grants from The Plastic Surgery Foundation during the conduct of the study. Dr Lane reported receiving salary support via an F32 training grant (F32HS028748-01) from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality outside the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported.

Funding/Support: This work was supported by a pilot grant (923995) from The Plastic Surgery Foundation (Drs Khouri, Ms Bruce, and Dr Morrison). Biostatistical support was provided by funding from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (grant UM1TR004404) for the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research.

Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; the collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

Data Sharing Statement: See Supplement 2.

Additional Information: The University of Michigan institutional review board requested that the authors also disclose their participation in the performance of gender-affirming surgery in their practice (Drs Hsu, Wilkins, and Morrison) and assistance with these procedures during their surgical residency (Drs Khouri and Lane).

And published by the JAMA Surgery, a publication run by surgeons! Shocking that such a study would show that people rarely regret the surgeries.

Oh wait . . . it is shocking that anyone falls for it and/or expects others to fall for it.

Study or no, I don't care a bit if adults get gender affirming surgery and either regret it or don't regret it later on. That's on them.

Few people did care until Democrats decided it wasn't enough to have this available to adults, they had to give it to non-consenting children as well. Before these attacks on childrend and childhood, Republicans never talked about banning sex changes.

The study, published Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery, shows that people who had a gender-affirming mastectomy, sometimes called top surgery, had extremely low rates of decisional regret and extremely high levels of satisfaction with their decision to have the procedure.

The results are “overwhelmingly positive compared to other medical and nonmedical decisions,” the study said

There are so many pathologies related to transhysteria, but the most annoying is the COMPULSIVE lying....and it isn't limited to this topic.

The recipe is to find a data point, ANY data point, and labor it......while deliberately withholding necessary context.

This consistently succeeds because the audience for it has no sense of scale (think stress tests for shrimpShrimp Treadmill Study Paid for With Taxpayer Money), and it is ENTIRELY innumerate.

America's biggest problem is the Eager Credulity of so many of its people.

Cool story. 0% from a poll proves it, so ignore the self-delete statistics.

There is no reason for your hesitancy for getting your transition.

Just like those vaccine hesitant people have been proven wrong.
That's the beauty of the internet. You can always find somewhere that will post a story to support what you want.

This study only included 139 people from a 6 month period from a year ago. Last year it was still a big fad among young people, a lot have come forward way after that.

The problem exists that when you have a up surge in radical surgeries like this they only post positive results in a very brief period of time. It takes many many many years to see actual results. So they rushed to get polls out quickly and only used a short calendar window for it and excluded anything more current.

And jamanetwork? Never heard of them before so I looked into it. They are funded by article processing charges meaning the people who write the articles pay to have them published so that means anyone can post anything as long as they pay.

Exactly! And thank you.
That's the beauty of the internet. You can always find somewhere that will post a story to support what you want.

This study only included 139 people from a 6 month period from a year ago. Last year it was still a big fad among young people, a lot have come forward way after that.

The problem exists that when you have a up surge in radical surgeries like this they only post positive results in a very brief period of time. It takes many many many years to see actual results. So they rushed to get polls out quickly and only used a short calendar window for it and excluded anything more current.

And jamanetwork? Never heard of them before so I looked into it. They are funded by article processing charges meaning the people who write the articles pay to have them published so that means anyone can post anything as long as they pay.
I can see adding something then going back....but man!!! What happens to a guy who wants his dick back?
Last edited:
That is really shocking!

A survey funded which was by the Plastic Surgery Foundation, an organization run by Plastic surgeons, and conducted by researchers who themselves are gender surgery specialists and who were paid additional money by that foundation, showed that people love having their boobs lopped off by plastic surgeons.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Ms Bruce and Dr Morrison reported receiving grants from The Plastic Surgery Foundation during the conduct of the study. Dr Lane reported receiving salary support via an F32 training grant (F32HS028748-01) from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality outside the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported.

Funding/Support: This work was supported by a pilot grant (923995) from The Plastic Surgery Foundation (Drs Khouri, Ms Bruce, and Dr Morrison). Biostatistical support was provided by funding from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (grant UM1TR004404) for the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research.

Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funders had no role in the design and conduct of the study; the collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.

Data Sharing Statement: See Supplement 2.

Additional Information: The University of Michigan institutional review board requested that the authors also disclose their participation in the performance of gender-affirming surgery in their practice (Drs Hsu, Wilkins, and Morrison) and assistance with these procedures during their surgical residency (Drs Khouri and Lane).

And published by the JAMA Surgery, a publication run by surgeons! Shocking that such a study would show that people rarely regret the surgeries.

Oh wait . . . it is shocking that anyone falls for it and/or expects others to fall for it.

Study or no, I don't care a bit if adults get gender affirming surgery and either regret it or don't regret it later on. That's on them.

Few people did care until Democrats decided it wasn't enough to have this available to adults, they had to give it to non-consenting children as well. Before these attacks on childrend and childhood, Republicans never talked about banning sex changes.
they had to give it to non-consenting children as well.
You just make this garbage up.
That's the beauty of the internet. You can always find somewhere that will post a story to support what you want.

This study only included 139 people from a 6 month period from a year ago. Last year it was still a big fad among young people, a lot have come forward way after that.

The problem exists that when you have a up surge in radical surgeries like this they only post positive results in a very brief period of time. It takes many many many years to see actual results. So they rushed to get polls out quickly and only used a short calendar window for it and excluded anything more current.

And jamanetwork? Never heard of them before so I looked into it. They are funded by article processing charges meaning the people who write the articles pay to have them published so that means anyone can post anything as long as they pay.
This study only included 139 people from a 6 month period from a year ago. Last year it was still a big fad among young people, a lot have come forward way after that
When the survey was conducted last year, the participants were between two and 23.6 years past their surgeries.

Given that you can't grasp one of the essential parameters of the study, as suggested by the headline, I hope you can appreciate why I'm disinclined to spend much time ruminating on your cogitations.
I can see why you have 76k messages but only 8k in reactions. No one takes you seriously because you have nothing to add to a conversation.
I can't see why you're still here...

But you should have learned two important lessons..

A) Reading is fundamental

B) Never, ever, presume to question The5thHorseman. He's better than you.


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