Remember when "liberals" spoke "TOLERANCE"?

Speaking for myself, I've never said I'm tolerant of the illegal crap we see from the right. Never have been, never will be.

Speaking for what I've seen from the left, I've never seen a liberal who is tolerant of the same crap and I'm certain I never will.
Speaking for myself, I've never said I'm tolerant of the illegal crap we see from the right. Never have been, never will be.

Speaking for what I've seen from the left, I've never seen a liberal who is tolerant of the same crap and I'm certain I never will.

Neat, then you can give us examples of the illegal crap we see from the right, and explain why PROGS (demented snowflakes) are exempt...........Do share, and good luck. Until then we can assume you're the common PROG, who says things that sound cool for personal satisfaction which cannot be defended rationally.
Speaking for myself, I've never said I'm tolerant of the illegal crap we see from the right. Never have been, never will be.

Speaking for what I've seen from the left, I've never seen a liberal who is tolerant of the same crap and I'm certain I never will.

I'm tired of jerks from from both sides!
Hey speak of tolerance, how about that Coyote poster, who swears Trump said white supremacists are good people, and when you provide evidence PROGS made it up he can't own up to it. That sound tolerant to you, because from here it looks like a weak spine & corrupted brain.

I still look forward to Luddly Neddite defending their post.
things liberals are TOLERANT of;

pot smokers
single parents

And here's where you lose. You boast of “tolerance” for evil and madness, and you think that this makes you more virtuous. It doesn't.

Tolerance of evil is a vice, not a virtue. It does not put you on a higher moral ground than those who recognize evil for what it is, and reject it. It puts you much, much lower.

As long as you boast of your tolerance for evil, and condemn others for rejecting it, you will always lose any argument that you try to make based on such a degenerate position. Always.
Somewhere along the line people have taken the word "tolerance" to be equivalent to "acceptance"
Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

No, I never call the cops, I do call Smith and Wesson...If I waited on the cops to save me I'd be dead by now.

It's true. Their examples of "why we need them" just reminds people how much we really, really don't.
Sure you remember, that was Obama years, good times. Of course they didn't practice what they preached often, but that's expected right. Like all things they adopt in training, they sure lost touch with that since the Orange Man was elected, wouldn't you agree? Let's take a look:

Statues, monuments and history are to be destroyed. Doesn't matter who or what they are, or what they stand for, if it's in the USA they deserve to be destroyed. The left condones this and you know it.

Conservatives aren't allowed to speak in PROG locations, or I should say, the more PROG the location (e.g. Universities) the less likely they're allowed to share their views.

Web censorship. Matter of fact, if PROGS were truly tolerant as make-believe, wouldn't PROG-media provide a story on a few of Trump accomplishments on occasion? You know, something positive?

Physical Assault: How come the alt-left harms and murders those who aren't members, which goes unchecked by PROG-news & PROG-leadership?

White: What's the deal with the assault on whites? If white areas are so bad, why are you in this country when Mexico is a short trip? What non-white countries would you recommend?

Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

Products: Products like Big Bens is emotionally harmful huh? That's some serious tolerance right there.

Black-list and Alienation: Cross PROG-think they'll ruin you emotionally and economically.

First off, when 9/11 happened, the Left and media said you cannot tar all Muslims with the same brush. Fast forward to today, the Left and the media tar all cops with the same brush. Something I've noticed.

Secondly, rioters and looters are not responsible for their actions. But apparently, the Right are responsible for the actions of people 200 years ago.

We live in strange times with strange thinking Left wingers.

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