Remember when "liberals" spoke "TOLERANCE"?

Tolerance is not the same as putting up with unfairness
So, its okay to be intolerant toward FaceBook employees...and beat the shit out of their commie asses?

How are you gonna beat anybody unless they walk up to you sitting on the couch?
Tolerance is not the same as putting up with unfairness
So, its okay to be intolerant toward FaceBook employees...and beat the shit out of their commie asses?
I don't remember when the marxist Dim shitstains were considered human..... much less tolerant....

But I've only been following politics for about 30 years.....
hahaha...I'm pretty damn sure I'd get along great with you fellas.
Sure you remember, that was Obama years, good times. Of course they didn't practice what they preached often, but that's expected right. Like all things they adopt in training, they sure lost touch with that since the Orange Man was elected, wouldn't you agree? Let's take a look:

Statues, monuments and history are to be destroyed. Doesn't matter who or what they are, or what they stand for, if it's in the USA they deserve to be destroyed. The left condones this and you know it.

Conservatives aren't allowed to speak in PROG locations, or I should say, the more PROG the location (e.g. Universities) the less likely they're allowed to share their views.

Web censorship. Matter of fact, if PROGS were truly tolerant as make-believe, wouldn't PROG-media provide a story on a few of Trump accomplishments on occasion? You know, something positive?

Physical Assault: How come the alt-left harms and murders those who aren't members, which goes unchecked by PROG-news & PROG-leadership?

White: What's the deal with the assault on whites? If white areas are so bad, why are you in this country when Mexico is a short trip? What non-white countries would you recommend?

Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

Products: Products like Big Bens is emotionally harmful huh? That's some serious tolerance right there.

Black-list and Alienation: Cross PROG-think they'll ruin you emotionally and economically.

Remember when liberals said this.....This was before the filthy fucks hated all things America...and not long ago.
I've always had a philosophical problem with "tolerance." As a matter of fact, I think the first thread I ever made here was on this very question.
I try to be tolerant. I try hard not to judge others. But dammit all, I have no tolerance for the intolerant. None. And no tolerance for those who live in perpetual search of enemies around them instead of looking for the good human qualities that almost everyone possesses.

First thing you've ever said I mostly agree with. Congratulations, do you feel betta'?
They never ever mean what they say. Never have, never will.

Ironically, it us that are tolerant of them and quite frankly we shouldn't be.

Thing is we're naturally less bitchy. Not always, just in general.

Today's Liberals should not be allowed to call themselves Liberals. There is nothing Liberal about the way they conduct themselves, or how they treat other people. They more closely resemble Fascists.

Pretty much goes without saying anymore. Matter of fact PROG-think rarely even mentions liberals, at least not like they once did. By many measures today's conservatives are more liberal than "liberals". Only thing liberal about today's "liberals" is they're all over the map on the way they think. Conservatives are far more consistent, which is natural.
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I try to be tolerant. I try hard not to judge others. But dammit all, I have no tolerance for the intolerant. None.

So, if a middle-aged man wants to have a sexual relationship with a 5-year-old child, and I am unwilling to tolerate that, you would not tolerate my intolerance? For now, most of society still recognizes pedophilia as something that is not to be tolerated, though if current trends continue, that could change.
But dammit all, I have no tolerance for the intolerant.

The "intolerant" are those whom have kept the American value system in tact, whom keep American traditions in tact, whom keep the high expectation of Americans in tact, whom keep standards to be met in tact...Is their anything/any behavior you aren't tolerant of....are you anything goes type?
Liberals were never “ tolerant”. They just wanted everyone else to be tolerant.

More to the point, they wanted to engage in, promote, and defend behavior that no sane society should tolerate; and it is for that behavior that they have always demanded “tolerance”. And when they get one set of behavior to be accepted and tolerated by society, then they go lower, and find something even more depraved for which to demand “tolerance”.
Sure you remember, that was Obama years, good times. Of course they didn't practice what they preached often, but that's expected right. Like all things they adopt in training, they sure lost touch with that since the Orange Man was elected, wouldn't you agree? Let's take a look:

Statues, monuments and history are to be destroyed. Doesn't matter who or what they are, or what they stand for, if it's in the USA they deserve to be destroyed. The left condones this and you know it.

Conservatives aren't allowed to speak in PROG locations, or I should say, the more PROG the location (e.g. Universities) the less likely they're allowed to share their views.

Web censorship. Matter of fact, if PROGS were truly tolerant as make-believe, wouldn't PROG-media provide a story on a few of Trump accomplishments on occasion? You know, something positive?

Physical Assault: How come the alt-left harms and murders those who aren't members, which goes unchecked by PROG-news & PROG-leadership?

White: What's the deal with the assault on whites? If white areas are so bad, why are you in this country when Mexico is a short trip? What non-white countries would you recommend?

Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

Products: Products like Big Bens is emotionally harmful huh? That's some serious tolerance right there.

Black-list and Alienation: Cross PROG-think they'll ruin you emotionally and economically.

Somewhere not too far back in the spent sands of time liberals who voted democrat seemed to embrace an unnamed philosophy of open-mindedness with regards to all peoples, cultures, religions, philosophies and pseudo sciences. Some of their mantras were "Live and let live" and "Make love, not war". However, a hard center of these same liberal peaceniks and flower children and their children were never too far out of touch with Marxism, a severe misunderstanding of past Marxist revolutions, militant feminism, anti-white patriarchy, and militant environmentalism. Some of these same scions of liberal tolerance were radicalized on campuses across America and went on to form pseudo-communistic revolutionary terror cells such as The Weather Underground . But by and large, the more actionable militant revolutionary arms of American liberalism were shunned by democrat politicians and the mainstream media and newspapers of yesteryear.

And then came the unification of American leftwing militant groups and their radical ideologies under the umbrella of French postmodernism, from which hailed such shiny, happy people as Pol Pot. Postmodernism was imported to US university social sciences departments by American professors whom through many a published thesis and other academic papers spread the fire of militant feminism, anti-patriarchal rule, abortion on demand, the proselytizing of gay rights, and moral relativism—a sub-philosophical discipline which was and is militant atheism hiding behind a less threatening mask.

Historical revisionism as curricula in public schools and many universities followed, as a vital part of the postmodernist meta-narrative of America as an inherently evil and racist empire. Traditional liberal tolerance and open-mindedness self-radicalized into a real, actionable movement to topple American and Western civilization, with a two pronged multi-decade campaign of misinformation as fact, and cultural war against all tradition.

What happened next is what we're witnessing today. An open, now turning violent war against every aspect and traditional tenet of our American civilization. From Christianity to the Flag, from our Founding Fathers to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ himself—the once "tolerant" American left will now stop at nothing to end our nation as it was founded and as we've heretofore know it, lived it.

The bitterest of ironies surrounding the efforts of the radical left to destroy America? These kids marching and looting through our streets truly believe they are committing acts of violence to liberate Black Americans; to tear down an oppressive empire to its rotten foundations and to then build some shining new utopian paradise in its place. The reality, however, is they are fighting for the same malevolent, anti-human political ideology or cultism as le Marquis de Sade, Maximilien Robespierre, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and other historical gleeful butchers of men, women and children.

So in the end, friends . . . that "liberal tolerance" will embrace you much like the shrapnel cloud of a hand grenade.
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Nah, liberals of old had some great qualities. Possibly the best music. Women's rights. They stood for civil rights, made some very important changes that were long overdue, which was primarily MLK's doing. He was a special man, we were lucky to have him.

Blacks need someone similar. Bet your ass if you read off a list to MLK with no distinctions he'd know the left was no where to go. The party of slavery has only changed tactics.
Sure you remember, that was Obama years, good times. Of course they didn't practice what they preached often, but that's expected right. Like all things they adopt in training, they sure lost touch with that since the Orange Man was elected, wouldn't you agree? Let's take a look:

Statues, monuments and history are to be destroyed. Doesn't matter who or what they are, or what they stand for, if it's in the USA they deserve to be destroyed. The left condones this and you know it.

Conservatives aren't allowed to speak in PROG locations, or I should say, the more PROG the location (e.g. Universities) the less likely they're allowed to share their views.

Web censorship. Matter of fact, if PROGS were truly tolerant as make-believe, wouldn't PROG-media provide a story on a few of Trump accomplishments on occasion? You know, something positive?

Physical Assault: How come the alt-left harms and murders those who aren't members, which goes unchecked by PROG-news & PROG-leadership?

White: What's the deal with the assault on whites? If white areas are so bad, why are you in this country when Mexico is a short trip? What non-white countries would you recommend?

Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

Products: Products like Big Bens is emotionally harmful huh? That's some serious tolerance right there.

Black-list and Alienation: Cross PROG-think they'll ruin you emotionally and economically.

Somewhere not too far back in the spent sands of time liberals who voted democrat seemed to embrace an unnamed philosophy of open-mindedness with regards to all peoples, cultures, religions, philosophies and pseudo sciences. Some of their mantras were "Live and let live" and "Make love, not war". However, a hard center of these same liberal peaceniks and flower children and their children were never too far out of touch with Marxism, a severe misunderstanding of past Marxist revolutions, militant feminism, anti-white patriarchy, and militant environmentalism. Some of these same scions of liberal tolerance were radicalized on campuses across America and went on to form pseudo-communistic revolutionary terror cells such as The Weather Underground . But by and large, the more actionable militant revolutionary arms of American liberalism were shunned by democrat politicians and the mainstream media and newspapers of yesteryear.

And then came the unification of American leftwing militant groups and their radical ideologies under the umbrella of French postmodernism, from which hailed such shiny, happy people as Pol Pot. Postmodernism was imported to US university social sciences departments by American professors whom through many a published thesis and other academic papers spread the fire of militant feminism, anti-patriarchal rule, abortion on demand, the proselytizing of gay rights, and moral relativism—a sub-philosophical discipline which was and is militant atheism hiding behind a less threatening mask.

Historical revisionism as curricula in public schools and many universities followed, as a vital part of the postmodernist meta-narrative of America as an inherently evil and racist empire. Traditional liberal tolerance and open-mindedness self-radicalized into a real, actionable movement to topple American and Western civilization, with a two pronged multi-decade campaign of misinformation as fact, and cultural war against all tradition.

What happened next is what we're witnessing today. An open, now turning violent war against every aspect and traditional tenet of our American civilization. From Christ to the Flag, from our Founding Fathers to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ himself—the once "tolerant" American left will now stop at nothing to end our nation as it was founded and as we've heretofore know it, lived it.

The bitterest of ironies surrounding the efforts of the radical left to destroy America? These kids marching and looting through our streets truly believe they are committing acts of violence to liberate Black Americans; to tear down an oppressive empire to its rotten foundations and to then build some shining new utopian paradise in its place. The reality, however, is they are fighting for the same malevolent, anti-human political ideology or cultism as le Marquis de Sade, Maximilien Robespierre, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and other historical gleeful butchers of men, women and children.

So in the end, friends . . . that "liberal tolerance" will embrace you much like the shrapnel cloud of a hand grenade.

Say, you know how PROGS protest and riot cuz police under PROG-rule fuck up on occasion? Here's a fucking twist and show of tolerance, and this was clearly PROG-planned:

Must have thought Roger Stone was Scarface right? Guilty because the orange man was elected.

Something is very wrong PROGS, how come everything you say the opponent is your people actually do?

Say, you know how PROGS protest and riot cuz police under PROG-rule fuck up on occasion? Here's a fucking twist and show of tolerance, and this was clearly PROG-planned:

Must have thought Roger Stone was Scarface right? Guilty because the orange man was elected.

Something is very wrong PROGS, how come everything you say the opponent is your people actually do?

Factual relativism, which is the variable or fluid truth of facts, which is a philosophy the radical left worships and practices as religion. That, and they were trying to send a clear message to our President that even his closest friends are not safe from their grasp.
Factual relativism, which is the variable or fluid truth of facts,g
Who started Alternative Facts, Fake News, and the "Deep State" conspiracy theories? (Hint: it was not the left)
Factual relativism is:
The claim that the world itself, or the facts about the world, are different for different individuals, or groups, or cultures.
To me that is all about perspective, which common sense tells us is true, but the problem is when one side or the other denies that the facts beneath it happened at all. All "Fake News" is, is a repudiation of the facts when the opinion presented with them is unpalatable. It seems to me that teaching as many perspectives or viewpoints on an issue as possible is a path to more understanding and less misery. However, we need to hold on to the actual facts as they happened. The left does not have a patent on "factual relativism."
Sure you remember, that was Obama years, good times. Of course they didn't practice what they preached often, but that's expected right. Like all things they adopt in training, they sure lost touch with that since the Orange Man was elected, wouldn't you agree? Let's take a look:

Statues, monuments and history are to be destroyed. Doesn't matter who or what they are, or what they stand for, if it's in the USA they deserve to be destroyed. The left condones this and you know it.

Conservatives aren't allowed to speak in PROG locations, or I should say, the more PROG the location (e.g. Universities) the less likely they're allowed to share their views.

Web censorship. Matter of fact, if PROGS were truly tolerant as make-believe, wouldn't PROG-media provide a story on a few of Trump accomplishments on occasion? You know, something positive?

Physical Assault: How come the alt-left harms and murders those who aren't members, which goes unchecked by PROG-news & PROG-leadership?

White: What's the deal with the assault on whites? If white areas are so bad, why are you in this country when Mexico is a short trip? What non-white countries would you recommend?

Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

Products: Products like Big Bens is emotionally harmful huh? That's some serious tolerance right there.

Black-list and Alienation: Cross PROG-think they'll ruin you emotionally and economically.

liberal tolerance is why rush limbaugh was allowed to spend 30 years demonizing liberals as the "INTOLERANT ENEMIES"

it went like this;

limbaugh "liberals are the enemy of America"
conservative "he is right! we must kill liberals"
liberal number 1 " golly that sounds like dangerous speech"
liberal number 2 "limbaugh has free speech! if you don't like what he says, don't listen"


liberal tolerance has allowed right wing murderers to grow and strengthen

I love it when conservatives accuse liberals of INtolerance;

lets make a list;

things liberals are TOLERANT of;

interracial relationships
pot smokers
single parents

and things conservatives are TOLERANT of;

christians (but only right wing evengelical christians)
whites (but only conservative christian whites)
heteros (but only conservative christian right wing hereros)


see the difference in the size of the lists?

CONS who are INTOLERANT of EVERYBODY who isn't one of them and then accuse LIBERALS of being INTOLERANT are deranged.

basically you are saying;
"I refuse to tolerate liberals AND I want to complain about liberals NOT tolerating me!"

did you start those 2 different topics;



"LIBERALS are rotten jerks who REFUSE to be FRIENDS WITH ME!"


did you?

or was that some OTHER conservative moron?
Since we're supposed to be fair and colored blind, how come the protests and riots when a black man is
Sure you remember, that was Obama years, good times. Of course they didn't practice what they preached often, but that's expected right. Like all things they adopt in training, they sure lost touch with that since the Orange Man was elected, wouldn't you agree? Let's take a look:

Statues, monuments and history are to be destroyed. Doesn't matter who or what they are, or what they stand for, if it's in the USA they deserve to be destroyed. The left condones this and you know it.

Conservatives aren't allowed to speak in PROG locations, or I should say, the more PROG the location (e.g. Universities) the less likely they're allowed to share their views.

Web censorship. Matter of fact, if PROGS were truly tolerant as make-believe, wouldn't PROG-media provide a story on a few of Trump accomplishments on occasion? You know, something positive?

Physical Assault: How come the alt-left harms and murders those who aren't members, which goes unchecked by PROG-news & PROG-leadership?

White: What's the deal with the assault on whites? If white areas are so bad, why are you in this country when Mexico is a short trip? What non-white countries would you recommend?

Cops: A very few incidences alienates cops huh? The first guys you call when you need help, right?

Products: Products like Big Bens is emotionally harmful huh? That's some serious tolerance right there.

Black-list and Alienation: Cross PROG-think they'll ruin you emotionally and economically.

liberal tolerance is why rush limbaugh was allowed to spend 30 years demonizing liberals as the "INTOLERANT ENEMIES"

it went like this;

limbaugh "liberals are the enemy of America"
conservative "he is right! we must kill liberals"
liberal number 1 " golly that sounds like dangerous speech"
liberal number 2 "limbaugh has free speech! if you don't like what he says, don't listen"


liberal tolerance has allowed right wing murderers to grow and strengthen

I love it when conservatives accuse liberals of INtolerance;

lets make a list;

things liberals are TOLERANT of;

interracial relationships
pot smokers
single parents

and things conservatives are TOLERANT of;

christians (but only right wing evengelical christians)
whites (but only conservative christian whites)
heteros (but only conservative christian right wing hereros)


see the difference in the size of the lists?

CONS who are INTOLERANT of EVERYBODY who isn't one of them and then accuse LIBERALS of being INTOLERANT are deranged.

basically you are saying;
"I refuse to tolerate liberals AND I want to complain about liberals NOT tolerating me!"

did you start those 2 different topics;



"LIBERALS are rotten jerks who REFUSE to be FRIENDS WITH ME!"


did you?

or was that some OTHER conservative moron?

Why do PROGS lie?

Because they cannot defend themselves and lack the spines and/or wisdom to change.

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