Remember When Smartest President Ever Said We Can’t Drill Our Way Out of Energy Shortages?v

US Just Became Net Oil Exporter for First Time in 75 Years


And the Interior Department just announced a discovery in the Texas area show enough oil and natural gas is there to provide for all energy consumption in the USA for the next 7 years. Trillions of barrels.

The shale revolution has transformed oil wildcatters into billionaires and the U.S. into the world’s largest petroleum producer, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. The power of OPEC has been diminished, undercutting one of the major geopolitical forces of the last half century. The cartel and its allies are meeting in Vienna this week, trying to make a tough choice to cut output and support prices, risking the loss of more market share to the U.S.

The U.S. sold overseas last week a net 211,000 barrels a day of crude and refined products such as gasoline and diesel, compared to net imports of about 3 million barrels a day on average so far in 2018, and an annual peak of more than 12 million barrels a day in 2005, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

More @ US Just Became Net Oil Exporter for First Time in 75 Years

U.S. oil drillers cut most rigs since May 2016 @ U.S. oil drillers cut most rigs since May 2016: Baker Hughes | One America News Network


Largest Oil and Gas Reserves Ever Assessed Found in West Texas @ Largest Oil and Gas Reserves Ever Assessed Found in West Texas
Left = Right = Prep-School Classmates

There is as much oil left underground as there is salt water in the oceans. We have the hydrocarbon energy equivalent to what would be produced if everything growing on earth burned continuously for 1,000 years. The Peak Oil scam was produced by false-flag Conservationists to trick us into paying higher prices. We have the best science and the best fake Anti-Establishmentarians that money can buy.
Left = Right = Prep-School Classmates

There is as much oil left underground as there is salt water in the oceans. We have the hydrocarbon energy equivalent to what would be produced if everything growing on earth burned continuously for 1,000 years. The Peak Oil scam was produced by false-flag Conservationists to trick us into paying higher prices. We have the best science and the best fake Anti-Establishmentarians that money can buy.
Is that why the only ones crying panic we are running out of oil are Leftards?

Is that why the community organizer said it was useless to try to obtain more oil to meet demands?
Left = Right = Prep-School Classmates

There is as much oil left underground as there is salt water in the oceans. We have the hydrocarbon energy equivalent to what would be produced if everything growing on earth burned continuously for 1,000 years. The Peak Oil scam was produced by false-flag Conservationists to trick us into paying higher prices. We have the best science and the best fake Anti-Establishmentarians that money can buy.
Is that why the only ones crying panic we are running out of oil are Leftards?

Is that why the community organizer said it was useless to try to obtain more oil to meet demands?

Not being a smart ass but reread your link. The secretary mentioned another oil field on federal land that is just as good as the Permian basin, then there is Santa Barbara when CA goes into default and the Marcellus field when NY goes into default. Add in that Canada ships its oil to the US and we could be looking at a two hundred year supply.
What I would like to know is how they pushed the commodity traders in the bucket.

It doesn't matter how much oil you drill.

What matters is whether you can push supplies low enough, to be just equal to demand, never higher, so that the lightest glitch in production gives you a super profitable price spike.

Where are those people? They ruled oil forever, since Nixon, through Carter, bush, Clinton, Obama and all. Why not now during trump?
Left = Right = Prep-School Classmates

There is as much oil left underground as there is salt water in the oceans. We have the hydrocarbon energy equivalent to what would be produced if everything growing on earth burned continuously for 1,000 years. The Peak Oil scam was produced by false-flag Conservationists to trick us into paying higher prices. We have the best science and the best fake Anti-Establishmentarians that money can buy.
Is that why the only ones crying panic we are running out of oil are Leftards?

Is that why the community organizer said it was useless to try to obtain more oil to meet demands?
The Preppy Republic

Despite massive brainwashing, an intelligent and independent mind should be able to figure out that the whole specious spectrum was invented by and is led by the same hereditary class, which has no right to exist in a democracy. As for Barbie Wussein Obambi, he's just a lawn jockey from the aristocracy's gated community.
WOW! $1.00 per gallon fuel is on the way! :5_1_12024:
Hinckley Is the Son of an Oil-Company CEO

As it was under Reagan, because OPEC was afraid he would occupy and seize their oilfields if they didn't quit price-gouging. Clinton lowered the price of oil by letting Saddam violate the sanctioned quotas and flood the market with black-market oil. Pathetic Chickenhawklovers yap that Saddam used that money to fund 9/11. A combat veteran like myself could see that nothing the Bushes do is ever patriotic.
Left = Right = Prep-School Classmates

There is as much oil left underground as there is salt water in the oceans. We have the hydrocarbon energy equivalent to what would be produced if everything growing on earth burned continuously for 1,000 years. The Peak Oil scam was produced by false-flag Conservationists to trick us into paying higher prices. We have the best science and the best fake Anti-Establishmentarians that money can buy.
Is that why the only ones crying panic we are running out of oil are Leftards?

Is that why the community organizer said it was useless to try to obtain more oil to meet demands?
Politics Is a Pillow Fight at a Prep School

Rightards get richer when oil prices are inflated because of artificial scarcity. The fake-Leftists' rehearsed performances in front of the Daddy-owned media are a real-life Matrix.

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