Remember, you are all racists.


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
Everyone should remember, that in a time of horror, and pain, and tragedy..... We all need to come together, and nothing rallies people together more, than accusing everyone you hate of being racists. You are all racist. All of you.

Everyone should remember, that in a time of horror, and pain, and tragedy..... We all need to come together, and nothing rallies people together more, than accusing everyone you hate of being racists. You are all racist. All of you.

I guess I COULD be considered to be racist. I do NOT like BLACK coffee. I have to put SOMETHING in it to sweeten it up.....
Everyone should remember, that in a time of horror, and pain, and tragedy..... We all need to come together, and nothing rallies people together more, than accusing everyone you hate of being racists. You are all racist. All of you.

I guess I COULD be considered to be racist. I do NOT like BLACK coffee. I have to put SOMETHING in it to sweeten it up.....

Leftist tears?
I am NOT a racist. I am a member of the original inhabitants and an honorary member of the the oldest Border Patrol in this nation....

Since 1492 | Etsy

Everyone should remember, that in a time of horror, and pain, and tragedy..... We all need to come together, and nothing rallies people together more, than accusing everyone you hate of being racists. You are all racist. All of you.

Thirty percent of you are racists.
That was one of Kevin Phillip's conclusions in his prophetic book published just a few years after LBJ buried Goldwater in 1964


"Nearly 500 pages long and filled with facts, figures, and maps, The Emerging Republican Majority contended that the GOP needed to move beyond its traditional base in the Northeast and reach out to white voters in the South and Southwest—a region Phillips dubbed the 'Sun Belt'—and in suburbs across the nation with polarizing appeals on racial and social issues.

"The book attracted significant attention, appearing in bookstore windows nationwide. Newsweek christened it 'the political Bible of the Nixon Era,' while National Review called it the most important political book in the generation..."

How the Republican Majority Emerged

Conservatives have always had an instinct for knowing "who hates who." Coupled with their veneration of traditions, including the divine right of kings and white supremacy, and their disdain for critical thinking, it's only natural they come together around lordly bigots like Nixon and Trump.

"Phillips’s projection was grounded in his assessment of recent Republican strategies.

"At the same time, he asserted that his analysis offered the best hope for the party’s future: pitting racial and ethnic groups against one another and capitalizing politically on the competitions and resentments that followed. 'The whole secret of politics,' he told the journalist Garry Wills during the 1968 presidential campaign, is 'knowing who hates who.'"
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