Remembering John McCain in photos from The left from2008

Nope. The definition of hypocritical is not in question. It is a common english word and if you are confused, use a dictionary.

In this case, I described the behavior of the Left, in relation to McCain, which has been hypocritical.

THe lib media used to give McCain all kind of good press, back when he was their inside man in the GOP often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem here is that as is normal for you, you have a different definition for words depending on if you are dealing with the right or the left. It makes it hard to keep up with what you are talking about.

Bullshit. I am not the topic. Neither of us are confused about the meaning of the word hypocritical.

If you want to defend the actions of the Left, on this issue, then do so, and stop playing games.
He was a war monger, racist, and misogynist, according to the left....a mere 10 years ago.

Now they love him...they love a racist.

Doesn’t that make them racist, by their own rules?
Well he probably could be a identified as a warmonger.
Remember bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran?
Nope. The definition of hypocritical is not in question. It is a common english word and if you are confused, use a dictionary.

In this case, I described the behavior of the Left, in relation to McCain, which has been hypocritical.

THe lib media used to give McCain all kind of good press, back when he was their inside man in the GOP often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem here is that as is normal for you, you have a different definition for words depending on if you are dealing with the right or the left. It makes it hard to keep up with what you are talking about.

Bullshit. I am not the topic. Neither of us are confused about the meaning of the word hypocritical.

If you want to defend the actions of the Left, on this issue, then do so, and stop playing games.

I am not defending anything, I am laughing my ass off at the hypocritical actions of the Trump sheep who ignore Trump's full support of Ted Cruz after all that Trump said about him during the election.

In your zeal to point out the hypocritical actions of the left, you put your own on full display at the same time, which is often the case.
What should really concern those on the left is their leaders supporting a racist.

Your leaders are racist.

Chuck Schumer wants to name a building after a racist! That means Chuck is RACIST!!!
Just think… nearly all of your trump dick suckers voted for the man you’re now trashing after he died.

Oh, but the democrats are disrespecting Senator McCain….riiiight. Thanks for the laugh guys.
Didn’t the bush campaign say that McCain had a secret black baby somewhere in the deep South? was that McCain?
He was a war monger, racist, and misogynist, according to the left....a mere 10 years ago.

Now they love him...they love a racist.

Doesn’t that make them racist, by their own rules?
Well he probably could be a identified as a warmonger.
Remember bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran?
Turned out the Hussein was just as much a war monger.
What should really concern those on the left is their leaders supporting a racist.

Your leaders are racist.

Chuck Schumer wants to name a building after a racist! That means Chuck is RACIST!!!
Chuck Schumer wants to name a building after racist. Who would that be?
Must be killing Trump to see McCain on every channel and no trump.
I am surprised Ivanka and Jared had the nerve to show up.
I think they press thinks that no one remembers 10whole years ago.

We do.

Those who pretend that McCain was not slaughter by th left are simply lying.

Our wonderful resident liberals on the USMB won’t even admit what not only TRUE, BUT EASILY PROVABLE.

It's also completely irrelevant. What some chucklehead did 10 years ago has nothing to do with the complete lack of decorum shown by a supposed president acting like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum because he wasn't invited to a funeral.
Did he throw a tantrum? I don't recall him saying a word about it. Throwing tantrums is a behavior pattern most commonly associated with leftwing dipshits like you.

Here's a tantrum:

Funny that the Press whined that Trump would not accept the results of the election.

Turns out it was THEY who won’t accept the results.

Again, fucking hypocrites.
Nope. The definition of hypocritical is not in question. It is a common english word and if you are confused, use a dictionary.

In this case, I described the behavior of the Left, in relation to McCain, which has been hypocritical.

THe lib media used to give McCain all kind of good press, back when he was their inside man in the GOP often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem here is that as is normal for you, you have a different definition for words depending on if you are dealing with the right or the left. It makes it hard to keep up with what you are talking about.

Bullshit. I am not the topic. Neither of us are confused about the meaning of the word hypocritical.

If you want to defend the actions of the Left, on this issue, then do so, and stop playing games.

I am not defending anything, I am laughing my ass off at the hypocritical actions of the Trump sheep who ignore Trump's full support of Ted Cruz after all that Trump said about him during the election.

In your zeal to point out the hypocritical actions of the left, you put your own on full display at the same time, which is often the case.

Making up, after an internal fight, is hardly the same as the vile games the media has played.
It’s funny the left can’t just admit they are playing politics.

Just say that most Americans don’t even remember the campaign from 2008, so it’s easy for the left to lie and play politics with McCains memory.
Nope. The definition of hypocritical is not in question. It is a common english word and if you are confused, use a dictionary.

In this case, I described the behavior of the Left, in relation to McCain, which has been hypocritical.

THe lib media used to give McCain all kind of good press, back when he was their inside man in the GOP often snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The problem here is that as is normal for you, you have a different definition for words depending on if you are dealing with the right or the left. It makes it hard to keep up with what you are talking about.

Bullshit. I am not the topic. Neither of us are confused about the meaning of the word hypocritical.

If you want to defend the actions of the Left, on this issue, then do so, and stop playing games.

I am not defending anything, I am laughing my ass off at the hypocritical actions of the Trump sheep who ignore Trump's full support of Ted Cruz after all that Trump said about him during the election.

In your zeal to point out the hypocritical actions of the left, you put your own on full display at the same time, which is often the case.

Making up, after an internal fight, is hardly the same as the vile games the media has played.


You are a master level justifier! I am damn impressed. It is always different when it is someone on the right, they are impervious to wrong doing or ill thoughts.

And people wonder why this country is going down the shitter!
It’s funny the left can’t just admit they are playing politics.

Just say that most Americans don’t even remember the campaign from 2008, so it’s easy for the left to lie and play politics with McCains memory.

Of course they are playing politics! Everyone fucking knows that, just like Trump making personal attacks against Ted Cruz and now giving Ted his full unwavering support.

Its funny that you on the right cannot bring yourself to admit that both sides do it all the time
What does that have to do with the left now canonizing a racist?

He is a racist, they said it themselves, and now they are honoring a racist.

Who said that, exactly? Frankly, what I saw inn 2008 was McCain was treated with a lot of respect, especially since he was promoting a lot of stupid ideas, like going to war with Iran.
Look at the dumb fuck trying to make this about Trump. Pathetic

10 years ago the left demonized McCain and suddenly he's their new poster child. You loons fool nobody

I'm still waiting for actual proof that there was all that much demonization. What i saw was McCain was treated with a lot of respect, and he acted in a pretty decent way.

He just had the bad luck of being on the wrong side of history.
Just think… nearly all of your trump dick suckers voted for the man you’re now trashing after he died.

Oh, but the democrats are disrespecting Senator McCain….riiiight. Thanks for the laugh guys.

And this is the problem with the GOP. They hate McCain because he lost. To Obama. Of course, between the war and the economy he was in an impossible position politically. But at the end of the day he lost.

They love Trump because he won. They ignore the corruption, the collusion with Russia, the near daily degrading of the office of the presidency and institutions of the country. He won.

So you could show them film of him sucking Putin's dick, and they'd scream "Fake News!!!"
Were they THEN respectful of this man they call a war hero NOW?





Jill Greenberg is a photographer. She recently took the picture below of Weathervane McCain for an Atlantic Monthly cover:

Ms. Greenberg also asked to take some photos for her personal use. McSame’s handlers agreed…

Evidently his handlers aren’t astute enough to realize that these types of shots are not…well…appealing nor do they put your boy in a good light..Below is what Ms. Greenberg did with her personal shots of McSame:

Alternet has these up on their site with a question:

Was it immoral and unprofessional for her to make unflattering pictures? Or was it her right to create images as political commentary about a man who has no qualms broadcasting mendacious advertisements and then defending them as truth?

What do you think, readers?

I think they are just fine…but thats just me.
Ms. Greenberg however is getting major shit over her images which are obviously photoshopped. Her response: “Some of my artwork has been pretty anti-Bush, so maybe it was somewhat irresponsible for them [The Atlantic] to hire me.”

If you are someone that saw NO problem with the Obama New Yorker cover, then you can not have a problem with these images in my humble yet vocal opinion. That would be hypocritical at best. And for th record…I had NO problem with the New Yorker cover.

BTW, I left the most heinous one out..check out the Alternet article to see that one.

Vampire Diaries: John McCain needs to go

They HATED him before they loved him. Proof once again that when a Leftie talks about how bad or evil Trump or anyone is, it is like so much smoke blown up their own ass. They are the only ones who mainly believe all their own crap.
Bush just gave McCain a fantastic eulogy and now Obama is talking.

Such a classy people.

We totally understand why McCain wouldn’t want a clown like Trump at his funeral. Could you imagine. The things Trump would say. It would be all about Trump and how fantastic he is .

Trump at McCain‘s funeral would’ve been just another embarrassment for the country.

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