Remembering Trump-The Failure of Opportunity Zones


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
White Republicans keep trying to tell me that Trump did so much for blacks. But the problem with that is that trump did nothing for blacks. He bragged about unemployment created by an economy he inherited and white Republicans ate that up. But it was a lie. Then they talk about Opportunity Zones but the problem with those zones are they failed to do what trump said. But they weren't supposed to, because Trump didn't GAD about blacks.

How Opportunity Zones Launched a ‘Gold Rush’ for Wealthy Investors​

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White Republicans keep trying to tell me that Trump did so much for blacks. But the problem with that is that trump did nothing for blacks. He bragged about unemployment created by an economy he inherited and white Republicans ate that up. But it was a lie. Then they talk about Opportunity Zones but the problem with those zones are they failed to do what trump said. But they weren't supposed to, because Trump didn't GAD about blacks.

How Opportunity Zones Launched a ‘Gold Rush’ for Wealthy Investors​

Aux Contraire:
Aux Contraire:
Opportunity zones failed. That's the way it is.
Opportunity zones failed. That's the way it is.

Let's take for example the country of Haiti: The world has thrown billions of dollars worth of aid into Haiti, yet they still remain a third-world shithole. If opportunity zones have failed, then that is the result of the black community's own failure, not those who have tried to help them

Personally, I believe you want blacks to fail. That way you can continue pushing your narrative that you're a victim and you're owed something.

That is nothing more than grifting.
Let's take for example the country of Haiti: The world has thrown billions of dollars worth of aid into Haiti, yet they still remain a third-world shithole. If opportunity zones have failed, then that is the result of the black community's own failure, not those who have tried to help them

Personally, I believe you want blacks to fail. That way you can continue pushing your narrative that you're a victim and you're owed something.

That is nothing more than grifting.
The Dominican Republic which is not rich and shares the island with Haiti has built a wall across their territory on their border with Haiti. Giving money is not good as it does not trickle down and the corruption is massive. Actually, build things for these nations like roads, water and electrical systems would do better if they do the upkeep.
Opportunity Zones.

Just look at the name of it...."opportunity."

That's always a scam.

Whenever you're looking for a job, you don't wanna come across an "opportunity."

Those tend to be the thing where "you pay us, then you get the chance to make money."

How in the hell is something called "opportunity zones" something good for Black people?

Does anyone have any testimonies of it helping any Black people, like ever?!??

The answer is no, because if that were the case, we'd all know about it.

It's pure nonsense coming straight out of the assess of corrupt rightwing Republicans.
Opportunity Zones.

Just look at the name of it...."opportunity."

That's always a scam.

Whenever you're looking for a job, you don't wanna come across an "opportunity."

Those tend to be the thing where "you pay us, then you get the chance to make money."

How in the hell is something called "opportunity zones" something good for Black people?

Does anyone have any testimonies of it helping any Black people, like ever?!??

The answer is no, because if that were the case, we'd all know about it.

It's pure nonsense coming straight out of the assess of corrupt rightwing Republicans.

Still having issues with that keyboard, I see.

You can get a new one at Walmart for about $12.

What IM2 wants is handouts.
Just look at the success of LBJ's handouts.

You nailed it. The same idiots who disparage real solutions like opportunity zones would never criticize LBJ's Great Society, which ultimately resulted in sprawling ghettos and soul-killing entitlements from cradle to grave.

IM2 like many others, are products of LBJ's ineffectual social programs. They have become members of the "gimme dat" generation, which I refer to as the "FreeShitArmy."
White Republicans keep trying to tell me that Trump did so much for blacks. But the problem with that is that trump did nothing for blacks. He bragged about unemployment created by an economy he inherited and white Republicans ate that up. But it was a lie. Then they talk about Opportunity Zones but the problem with those zones are they failed to do what trump said. But they weren't supposed to, because Trump didn't GAD about blacks.

How Opportunity Zones Launched a ‘Gold Rush’ for Wealthy Investors​

You are so absolutely terrified with Trump being ahead that you have to constantly spam the forum with anti-Trump threads. If I didn't know any better I would think you hated Trump.
You are so absolutely terrified with Trump being ahead that you have to constantly spam the forum with anti-Trump threads. If I didn't know any better I would think you hated Trump.
Trump is running. Biden is running. We see anti Biden posts and threads. So we will see anti Trump posts and treads. Had trump shut his mouth over these 4 years like every other ex president, you would not have seen so much, but he didn't. So its not going to stop until he stops. I hate trump. And I'm proud to say it. God tells us to fear the one who can send your soul to hell. trump can't do that. Loathing is not fear. What you and trump fear is the truth.
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Trump is running. Biden is running. We see anti Biden posts and threads. So we will see anti Trump posts and treads. Had trump shut his mouth over these 4 years like every other ex president, you would not have seen so much, but he didn't. So its not going to stop until he stops. I hate trump. And I'm proud to say it. God tells us to fear the one who can send your soul to hell. trump can't do that. Loathing is not fear. What you and trump fear is the truth.

You're a very disturbed individual. Please seek help.
He bragged about unemployment created by an economy he inherited. . . .
Oh no, no, no, no. Trump inherited an economy that had produced a net loss in manufacturing jobs, that produced an overall decrease in median household income, and that never got above a Dow Jones average of 18,000. Before Covid hit, the Trump recovery gave us a huge net increase in manufacturing jobs, gave us a record-setting increase in median household income (from $68K to $78K in just two years), and pushed the Dow Jones up to over 35,000. Do your homework.
Oh no, no, no, no. Trump inherited an economy that had produced a net loss in manufacturing jobs, that produced an overall decrease in median household income, and that never got above a Dow Jones average of 18,000. Before Covid hit, the Trump recovery gave us a huge net increase in manufacturing jobs, gave us a record-setting increase in median household income (from $68K to $78K in just two years), and pushed the Dow Jones up to over 35,000. Do your homework.
Wrong. Trump inherited an economy that produced 77 months of job growth. That 77 months eventually turned into a decade. I've done my homework. Your stuff about Trump is bs.


President Barack Obama first took office on Jan. 20, 2009. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had been in a bit of a slump since the 2008 economic recession and credit crisis. The DJIA stood at a paltry 7,949.09, which made the lowest inaugural performance since the Dow was created in 1896. The Nasdaq and the S&P also dropped between 5.8 and 5.3 percent, on that day as well.

Bank stocks were hit as well, though those were damaged prior to his inauguration. It is safe to say that Obama took office with a bit of a problem on his hands. The American people were steel reeling from the economic downturn and were not exactly confident that their new president would be able to sort it all out.

Barack Obama faced eight difficult years in office but he accomplished much during his tenure as president. By the time he left office, he had made good on his promise to improve the U.S. economy. The DJIA had risen to 19,732 over the course of his term. That’s roughly a 150 percent increase in eight years.

The day Trump took office, the Dow closed at just over 19,827.

Obama inherited a dead economy. Trump got one that was growing. He didn't do shit but sit there and give himself credit for work he did not do.
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Wrong. Trump inherited an economy that produced 77 months of job growth. That 77 months eventually turned into a decade. I've done my homework. Your stuff about Trump is bs.

No, you are wrong. Your source ignores all negative data. Let's look:

View attachment 964500

President Barack Obama first took office on Jan. 20, 2009. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) had been in a bit of a slump since the 2008 economic recession and credit crisis. The DJIA stood at a paltry 7,949.09, which made the lowest inaugural performance since the Dow was created in 1896. The Nasdaq and the S&P also dropped between 5.8 and 5.3 percent, on that day as well.

Bank stocks were hit as well, though those were damaged prior to his inauguration. It is safe to say that Obama took office with a bit of a problem on his hands. The American people were steel reeling from the economic downturn and were not exactly confident that their new president would be able to sort it all out.

Uh, yeah, because we were in the middle of the Great Recession, a recession caused by federal interference in the housing and lending markets.

I notice you ignored the facts that I cited about the net loss in manufacturing jobs under Obama and the overall drop in median household income under Obama. The cherry-picking article you quoted ignores these facts too.

Barack Obama faced eight difficult years in office but he accomplished much during his tenure as president. By the time he left office, he had made good on his promise to improve the U.S. economy. The DJIA had risen to 19,732 over the course of his term. That’s roughly a 150 percent increase in eight years.

LOL! Look at the history of the DJIA (Dow Jones) and you'll see how weakly the DJIA grew under Obama. It had nowhere to go but up after the Great Recession. Compare DJIA growth under Obama to the growth under Trump. It's not even a close call.

The day Trump took office, the Dow closed at just over 19,827.

Obama inherited a dead economy. Trump got one that was growing. He didn't do #*$( but sit there and give himself credit for work he did not do.

Are you 16 or something? Were you a child when Trump took office? Trump did quite a bit to spark the economy: the massive 2017 tax cut bill, the USMCA, deregulation, lowering our absurd corporate income tax rate to be competitive with Europe and Asia, imposing tariffs to protect American jobs and industries. How can you not know these things?

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