Remind me: Why is Trump the bad guy?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
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Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not
not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

He's not part of the political class, thus, not worthy of power.

I've watch the West slide the last 30 years, none further than Canada. I can attest that the political class and their enablers have, for the most part, certainly in Canada, not done a great job, but what do I know?
Why is Trump bad? Not
not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not
not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
This is why Progs hate the Orange Man.. The Prog leaders have told their slaves that Orange man is bad, thus they must hate them, even though the Prog masters have lied to their slaves for four years, the slaves must hate orange man, or they will be punished by their masters....
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
He calls things as he sees them, and is blunt about it. He can't be bought by foreign or domestic interests. He calls out Fake News appropriately for being fake. Not a natural and eloquent sleaze politician.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

he inherited some money and he is not a proponent of bread and circuses politics
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Sold you a bridge.
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.

why so reticent, MOOTH? Express your REAL
Excuse me, what has Trump DONE that is so bad? Democrat Biden supporters bail out rioters. Democrats stand by BLM... (ANTI white ant cop communist agitprops). Excuse me, WHAT has Trump done ?
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
The Media sure did a number on you.
Trump beat down the hildebeast and then proceeded to make the kenyan klown look like a feckless shoeshine boy.

The marxist shitstains only peddle one thing.... fear. And they need to be taken seriously to advance their twisted agenda. Trump has made the left his personal fucktoy and has the productive half of the country laughing and pointing at them. This is deemed unforgivable.

The substandard, nonproductive half of the country need their defects validated. DJT doesn't care.... and neither do we.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
Trump is a bad person to the mentally ill.
Do not probe.
My guess would be that he is under qualified for the job he holds.

So why did he accomplish so many things other Presidents promised, but didn't do? Like actually moving our embassy to Jerusalem, for one. Obama promised that but never delivered.

Or defeating ISIS and al Queda, or pulling our troops out of shithole countries in the Middle East., record stock market, record black and Hispanic employment levels, and the fact that we are now an energy-independent net exporter of gas and oil.

I could list a full page of his historic achievements that no other President managed to accomplish. Don't tell me you're not aware of these things.
My guess would be that he is under qualified for the job he holds.

So why did he accomplish so many things other Presidents promised, but didn't do? Like actually moving our embassy to Jerusalem, for one. Obama promised that but never delivered.

Or defeating ISIS and al Queda, or pulling our troops out of shithole countries in the Middle East., record stock market, record black and Hispanic employment levels, and the fact that we are now an energy-independent net exporter of gas and oil.

I could list a full page of his historic achievements that no other President managed to accomplish. Don't tell me you're not aware of these things.
Success is anathema to Liberals; they need to either be losers or to feel sorry for losers.
My guess would be that he is under qualified for the job he holds.

So why did he accomplish so many things other Presidents promised, but didn't do? Like actually moving our embassy to Jerusalem, for one. Obama promised that but never delivered.

Or defeating ISIS and al Queda, or pulling our troops out of shithole countries in the Middle East., record stock market, record black and Hispanic employment levels, and the fact that we are now an energy-independent net exporter of gas and oil.

I could list a full page of his historic achievements that no other President managed to accomplish. Don't tell me you're not aware of these things.
Success is anathema to Liberals; they need to either be losers or to feel sorry for losers.

Oh, that's right. After four years of Obama, we were supposed to reward failure and punish success.

I forgot. :laughing0301:
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
O.K. I see democrats in the last 10 months trying to kick TRUMP's ass every which way they could....lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK, then the Democrats try to destroy our culture with this media driven "White racism/Cops are bad" Bullshit. Um What? despite the fact that black on black violence is 90% of the problem? And NOW, simultaneously, we are destroying our economy over a virus deadly as the flu...Seems like coordinated attempt to destroy our society...

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