Remind me: Why is Trump the bad guy?

He didnt start a war and he wants to bring the troops home from the Middle East.

That’s why they hate him indeed,same reason the cia controlled media hates carter to this day and sadly,the sheep of America bought into their propaganda hook,line,and sinker that he was the worst president ever.clueless to the fact he cleaned up cia corruption and also Did not start wars for them so they made sure he was a one term president same as they are trying to do with trump for the same reason.
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
He attempts a fascist coup? Did he learn it during his first 4 years of office, with all the bullshit lies that the progs masters of the left fed you slaves? As for boggling a mind, there mantooth, you have to have a mind to boggle, you dimwitted slave...
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

He talks really really bad, its ssooooooooooo embarrasing the way he talks.... he doesnt even like..... deseerrvvee to be President. Everything he says is soooo racistttt and homeo phobic, and so Nepotizzz that He's a threat to world wide democracy! just nevermind the Middle east thing, and standing up to Putin on the Ukrainian front, and trying to draw down troops, and bringing jobs back to the U.S. (pre covid). He's just sooo Un presidential! why couldnt he just be like George Bush and know when to cower to the news media and public opinion.

Plus Orange doesnt go with anything.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Trump is NOT the bad guy, on the contrary he is the best President ever, the best thing that happened to America! :up:

Whoever told you he is the bad guy you should not listen to, because if that's what you are listening to you are getting your information from the wrong sources.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
He is standing in the way of The Satanic End Times 666 Cashless Economy.

Did you see how The GOP lead Senate blocked the confirmation of a Fed Chair who wants to see us back on the Gold Standard?

You think it’s a joke?
The Great Reset is starting in Davos January 2021.

When it comes and Jesus removes His Church from The Earth to spare it from 7 Years of Horrific never before seen Wrath from Heaven, many will still shake their fist at God instead of repent and fall on His mercies.

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Excuse me, what has Trump DONE that is so bad? Democrat Biden supporters bail out rioters. Democrats stand by BLM... (ANTI white ant cop communist agitprops). Excuse me, WHAT has Trump done ?
Mary, as you know Liberals are dishonest.
Trump has done an excellent job.
It is not really about policy, its about power.
It is also about culture.
The Left regards educated mainstream middle class people to be their road block to their Socialist Utopia.
Cancel Culture and open borders is about their "demographic change".
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

He talks really really bad, its ssooooooooooo embarrasing the way he talks.... he doesnt even like..... deseerrvvee to be President. Everything he says is soooo racistttt and homeo phobic, and so Nepotizzz that He's a threat to world wide democracy! just nevermind the Middle east thing, and standing up to Putin on the Ukrainian front, and trying to draw down troops, and bringing jobs back to the U.S. (pre covid). He's just sooo Un presidential! why couldnt he just be like George Bush and know when to cower to the news media and public opinion.

Plus Orange doesnt go with anything.

It sort of rhymes with "syringe".

Which in this case is kinda poetic since the Loser Cult sure is hopelessly, and of late haplessly, addicted.
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
O.K. I see democrats in the last 10 months trying to kick TRUMP's ass every which way they could....lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK, then the Democrats try to destroy our culture with this media driven "White racism/Cops are bad" Bullshit. Um What? despite the fact that black on black violence is 90% of the problem? And NOW, simultaneously, we are destroying our economy over a virus deadly as the flu...Seems like coordinated attempt to destroy our society...


He didnt start a war and he wants to bring the troops home from the Middle East.

That’s why they hate him indeed,same reason the cia controlled media hates carter to this day and sadly,the sheep of America bought into their propaganda hook,line,and sinker that he was the worst president ever.clueless to the fact he cleaned up cia corruption and also Did not start wars for them so they made sure he was a one term president same as they are trying to do with trump for the same reason.

I never saw the CIA make so many public statements than over the last few years. It was mostly all about Trump and they were obviously joined at the hip with the liberal media corps hosting them, CNN in particular. Youd think they'd be more slick than that. Trump pulled those globalist scumbags right out of the woodwork! They must have been desperate to have stepped out of their secret secure offices and into the light. I'm surprised they didnt turn into salt and crumble.
Incidentally, there was a video of a CIA meeting and seminar posted on You Tube where Trump was criticized a few times...and the speaker was obviously a sick fuck. He kept making crazy faces that only Hillary Ckinton could top. The dude was really out there! It was like he had Tourettes or something...demonic facial contortions...but I think it was really supposed to have some kind of hypnotic and captivating effect, likely calculated for some point of mass psychology that only they know the true meaning of.

I'm going to try to find that and post it. Anyone who thinks that guy was normal and didnt have some kind of serious issues needs to have their own head examined. It fuckin reminded me of the remake of The Fly, where Brundlefly starts feverishly licking things with his proboscis. That's how seriously fucked up it looked.
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Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.

fascist coup??

He's objecting using legal channels, that is not a fascist coup.
Everything else you have to say is just a bunch of opinionated drivel.
He's failed? how did he end up being president of the United States then?
Here's a life fact for you. many people fail several times in life.... but your not a loser until you give up.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Made fun of handicapped people
Insinuated women moderating a debate were on their period
Called Mexicans rapist
Banned people from entering the nation based on their religion
Lied on average 12 times a day
Obstructed Justice
Abused his power
Wanted to date his daughter
Paid a porn star for sex
Ran up 8 Trillion in debt in 4 years
Served cheeseburgers and McNuggets to NCAA Champions


What else...

Gassed demonstrators for a photo op in front of a church
While still suffering from Covid 19, forced Secret Service staff to ride around in an enclosed car with him for photo op
Forced his cabinet to praise him on camera
Fired people to get even with them when they offered their opinion
Called fellow lawmakers names.
Dereliction of duty of the office of the President
Failed to lead during national crises
Actively decried mask wearing in spite of what his CDC recommended
Damaging the nation by not accepting defeat.
He didnt start a war ...

What's not really correct. You could also say he declared war on the rest of the world with his unipolar politics of sanctions.

Oh by the way - we (=Germany) still thinks about the total economic destruction of Ted Cruze (Texas), Tom Cotton (Arkansas) and Ron Jonson (Wisconsin), because they had threatened a German harbor with the total economic destruction. Our harbors are under German laws and have to do what our laws tell them and not what aggressive imperialistic US-American pseudo-laws about "the energy security of Europe" seem to say. What this three senators did do was without any doubt a declaration of war against Germany. The question is only whether this was their own private declaration of war, a declaration of war from Texas, Arkansas and Wisconsin - or a declaration of war from the USA. Oh by the way: Do not forget to withdraw all of your soldiers from Germany and not only some of your soldiers and your operating head quarter for Europe and some other regions of the world.

Oh - not to forget the question here after I wrote not any line about Donald Trump. Yes - this man is bad - for Germany as well as for the USA. And he will always be mad ... ah sorry: "bad". Always this damned strange foreign Germanic languages.

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Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
The Media sure did a number on you.
Yes, the mediais "doing" a number on all of us. Lets see here, NOW the modern MSM downplays riots, focus on minor incidents involving race to drive further divisiveness, ignore their onus to deliver unbiased information. Just coinciding with the fact the Chinese have huge ownership in American media outlets. Even FOX. And you twits don't notice?
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Made fun of handicapped people
Insinuated women moderating a debate were on their period
Called Mexicans rapist
Banned people from entering the nation based on their religion
Lied on average 12 times a day
Obstructed Justice
Abused his power
Wanted to date his daughter
Paid a porn star for sex
Ran up 8 Trillion in debt in 4 years
Served cheeseburgers and McNuggets to NCAA Champions

View attachment 417836

What else...

Gassed demonstrators for a photo op in front of a church
While still suffering from Covid 19, forced Secret Service staff to ride around in an enclosed car with him for photo op
Forced his cabinet to praise him on camera
Fired people to get even with them when they offered their opinion
Called fellow lawmakers names.
Dereliction of duty of the office of the President
Failed to lead during national crises
Actively decried mask wearing in spite of what his CDC recommended
Damaging the nation by not accepting defeat.
I seriously underestimated just how stupid the average American voter IS. This should end the democrats: They passively or actively supported race riots! That did countless $ damage and lives where lost over exagerated or phony claims of ...ahemm: "systemic police racism" just to disrupt our society. And that expensive and fruitless waste of time and money JUST for a petty vendetta called "impeachment". Disrupting our political system. Democrats actually DID some seriously questionable immoral stuff this year, in broad daylight. But Trump is "bad"? PT Barnum would be proud of the Democrats.
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Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Made fun of handicapped people
Insinuated women moderating a debate were on their period
Called Mexicans rapist
Banned people from entering the nation based on their religion
Lied on average 12 times a day
Obstructed Justice
Abused his power
Wanted to date his daughter
Paid a porn star for sex
Ran up 8 Trillion in debt in 4 years
Served cheeseburgers and McNuggets to NCAA Champions

View attachment 417836

What else...

Gassed demonstrators for a photo op in front of a church
While still suffering from Covid 19, forced Secret Service staff to ride around in an enclosed car with him for photo op
Forced his cabinet to praise him on camera
Fired people to get even with them when they offered their opinion
Called fellow lawmakers names.
Dereliction of duty of the office of the President
Failed to lead during national crises
Actively decried mask wearing in spite of what his CDC recommended
Damaging the nation by not accepting defeat.
I seriously underestimated just how stupid the average American voter IS.

We all did. And we found that out jarringly four years ago.

This should end the democrats: They passively or actively supported race riots! That did countless $ damage and lives where lost over exagerated or phony claims of ...ahemm: "systemic police racism". PT Barnum would be proud of the Democrats.

Interesting you should bring up PT Barnum. That's exactly what Rump's own sister calls him.

Oh and before you go tell us where these "race riots" were.
My guess would be that he is under qualified for the job he holds.

So why did he accomplish so many things other Presidents promised, but didn't do? Like actually moving our embassy to Jerusalem, for one. Obama promised that but never delivered.

Or defeating ISIS and al Queda, or pulling our troops out of shithole countries in the Middle East., record stock market, record black and Hispanic employment levels, and the fact that we are now an energy-independent net exporter of gas and oil.

I could list a full page of his historic achievements that no other President managed to accomplish. Don't tell me you're not aware of these things.
All factual, all meaningless to the left. They will just hurl personal insults at him.
It’s as if they dated him and are bitter ex’s.
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.

fascist coup??

He's objecting using legal channels, that is not a fascist coup.

Correct, that isn't.
Exhorting violence in the streets, including getting brownshirt wannabees to storm state capitals with guns and plot to kidnap and execute them, however, very much is.

Everything else you have to say is just a bunch of opinionated drivel.
He's failed? how did he end up being president of the United States then?
Here's a life fact for you. many people fail several times in life.... but your not a loser until you give up.

Or more accurately until you LOSE an election and don't have the stones to accept it.

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