Remind me: Why is Trump the bad guy?

Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
O.K. I see democrats in the last 10 months trying to kick TRUMP's ass every which way they could....lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK, then the Democrats try to destroy our culture with this media driven "White racism/Cops are bad" Bullshit. Um What? despite the fact that black on black violence is 90% of the problem? And NOW, simultaneously, we are destroying our economy over a virus deadly as the flu...Seems like coordinated attempt to destroy our society...
The problem is totally misinformed Republicans like you and the orange clown it appears. Unbelievable. Everything he does is a disgrace kissing ass of dictators and messing with our allies and spewing Fox Rush Limbaugh garbage hateful propaganda and basing everything on it. OMG all of his achievements are imaginary b******* for the base. What happened to Hong kong? What about the Kurds. He has shaken democracy in the world and he's not done yet Period neither are you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
Oh my goodness where are the tissues? Someone needs to blow their nose!
And you brain washed functional morons have no arguments when confronted with reality . Change the channel, dupe of Rupert Murdoch unbelievable.
Lets see here, comparison: Liberals burn down cities. Trump says stuff on twitter. So, remind me WHO is the bad guy here?

If that's your idea of a rational point, clearly you are.
I give, trumps bad because you didn't actualy havea point
...Nice fairytale.
Pure fact, son...

Your boy beat Shrillary by 3 million popular votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange Baboon-God by nearly 6 million... doubling your boy's score.

Your boy beat Shrillary by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange POS by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

No fairytale, old sod...

Pure fact.
Hillary got three million more votes than Trump.
But they weren't citizens.
Funny, back in the Obama admin, in the peoples republic of Colorado, I had a rather scary experince on Democratic diversity and inclusiveness. It boils down to a recent incompetent African immigrant given a job he was so unfit for, this boils down to a comedy sketch. But he could have killed people and damaged the system for nothing more than virtue signaling by our illustrious mayor, Hicekenlooper. Diversity TRUMPS experince, safety or practicality. This is the world of stupid brought to you by DEMOCRATS.

This is what democrats DO.
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
O.K. I see democrats in the last 10 months trying to kick TRUMP's ass every which way they could....lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK, then the Democrats try to destroy our culture with this media driven "White racism/Cops are bad" Bullshit. Um What? despite the fact that black on black violence is 90% of the problem? And NOW, simultaneously, we are destroying our economy over a virus deadly as the flu...Seems like coordinated attempt to destroy our society...
The problem is totally misinformed Republicans like you and the orange clown it appears. Unbelievable. Everything he does is a disgrace kissing ass of dictators and messing with our allies and spewing Fox Rush Limbaugh garbage hateful propaganda and basing everything on it. OMG all of his achievements are imaginary b******* for the base. What happened to Hong kong? What about the Kurds. He has shaken democracy in the world and he's not done yet Period neither are you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
Oh my goodness where are the tissues? Someone needs to blow their nose!
And you brain washed functional morons have no arguments when confronted with reality . Change the channel, dupe of Rupert Murdoch unbelievable.
I want to be nice to Trump. I am going to be nice...Trump should never have been on the 2016 ballot. But, that's apple and oranges. Neither should Biden, he's a perverted old demented old fart, so?
Trump, he's small potatoes compared to Democrats and their supporters. (I used to be one until 2008. Democrats.) Its become painfully obvious that they have become the party of highest bidder. Open checkbook politics. Trump was trumped by Soros and the Chinese. Lets be honest here. Democrats won because THEY are they are the ones that sold out. Please, the phony impeachment, the even more phony corona19 lockdown, the media and dem supported race riots...A literate informed populace does not "vote" for a group of people pushing a hegemony, because they know it didn't work in Germany in 1933, and it won't work NOW.
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My guess would be that he is under qualified for the job he holds.

So why did he accomplish so many things other Presidents promised, but didn't do? Like actually moving our embassy to Jerusalem, for one. Obama promised that but never delivered.

Or defeating ISIS and al Queda, or pulling our troops out of shithole countries in the Middle East., record stock market, record black and Hispanic employment levels, and the fact that we are now an energy-independent net exporter of gas and oil.

I could list a full page of his historic achievements that no other President managed to accomplish. Don't tell me you're not aware of these things.
All factual, all meaningless to the left. They will just hurl personal insults at him.
It’s as if they dated him and are bitter ex’s.

Well maybe they did date him. He sure gave them a proper four-year fucking, didn't he?

Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
Your question demonstrates that you have made absolutely NO effort whatsoever to search out and truly understand the experiences, priorities and perspectives of others. In FOUR YEARS.

It is amazing that a person could go that long and absorb so little.

If you really don't know by now, that's on you.
The DC swamp is freaking out.

True dat. Trump is going, and he was the ultimate manifestation of the DC swamp, its lord and protector. He took DC corruption to heights never seen before, he took more bribes than ever seen before, and he filled the swamp with more putrid slime than it ever held before, so much that the slime was spilling out all over America.

And now that's ending, so the Trump cult swamp denizens are freaking out big time. Without Trump's swamp slime, how will they survive?
The DC swamp is freaking out.

True dat. Trump is going, and he was the ultimate manifestation of the DC swamp, its lord and protector. He took DC corruption to heights never seen before, he took more bribes than ever seen before, and he filled the swamp with more putrid slime than it ever held before, so much that the slime was spilling out all over America.

And now that's ending, so the Trump cult swamp denizens are freaking out big time. Without Trump's swamp slime, how will they survive?
Well said

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