Remind me: Why is Trump the bad guy?

Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Made fun of handicapped people
Insinuated women moderating a debate were on their period
Called Mexicans rapist
Banned people from entering the nation based on their religion
Lied on average 12 times a day
Obstructed Justice
Abused his power
Wanted to date his daughter
Paid a porn star for sex
Ran up 8 Trillion in debt in 4 years
Served cheeseburgers and McNuggets to NCAA Champions

View attachment 417836

What else...

Gassed demonstrators for a photo op in front of a church
While still suffering from Covid 19, forced Secret Service staff to ride around in an enclosed car with him for photo op
Forced his cabinet to praise him on camera
Fired people to get even with them when they offered their opinion
Called fellow lawmakers names.
Dereliction of duty of the office of the President
Failed to lead during national crises
Actively decried mask wearing in spite of what his CDC recommended
Damaging the nation by not accepting defeat.
And worse than all that...ripped families apart and left over 600 children as permanent orphans
.lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK

Leveraging foreign aid to have an ally announce a phony investigation into your political opponent is not against the laws because nobody thought a President would be so corrupt as to try it. Much less have his party accept that type of corruption. But they did.

Not only is Trump bad, so are his enablers.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Made fun of handicapped people
Insinuated women moderating a debate were on their period
Called Mexicans rapist
Banned people from entering the nation based on their religion
Lied on average 12 times a day
Obstructed Justice
Abused his power
Wanted to date his daughter
Paid a porn star for sex
Ran up 8 Trillion in debt in 4 years
Served cheeseburgers and McNuggets to NCAA Champions

View attachment 417836

What else...

Gassed demonstrators for a photo op in front of a church
While still suffering from Covid 19, forced Secret Service staff to ride around in an enclosed car with him for photo op
Forced his cabinet to praise him on camera
Fired people to get even with them when they offered their opinion
Called fellow lawmakers names.
Dereliction of duty of the office of the President
Failed to lead during national crises
Actively decried mask wearing in spite of what his CDC recommended
Damaging the nation by not accepting defeat.
And worse than all that...ripped families apart and left over 600 children as permanent orphans

I forgot that one. True.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

Made fun of handicapped people
Insinuated women moderating a debate were on their period
Called Mexicans rapist
Banned people from entering the nation based on their religion
Lied on average 12 times a day
Obstructed Justice
Abused his power
Wanted to date his daughter
Paid a porn star for sex
Ran up 8 Trillion in debt in 4 years
Served cheeseburgers and McNuggets to NCAA Champions

View attachment 417836

What else...

Gassed demonstrators for a photo op in front of a church
While still suffering from Covid 19, forced Secret Service staff to ride around in an enclosed car with him for photo op
Forced his cabinet to praise him on camera
Fired people to get even with them when they offered their opinion
Called fellow lawmakers names.
Dereliction of duty of the office of the President
Failed to lead during national crises
Actively decried mask wearing in spite of what his CDC recommended
Damaging the nation by not accepting defeat.
I seriously underestimated just how stupid the average American voter IS. This should end the democrats: They passively or actively supported race riots! That did countless $ damage and lives where lost over exagerated or phony claims of ...ahemm: "systemic police racism" just to disrupt our society. And that expensive and fruitless waste of time and money JUST for a petty vendetta called "impeachment". Disrupting our political system. Democrats actually DID some seriously questionable immoral stuff this year, in broad daylight. But Trump is "bad"? PT Barnum would be proud of the Democrats.

You asked, I answered.
You retorted...I laughed.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
He threatens the existence of the lifer politicians and Washington DC gang that make their riches off the very people they are supposed to support. In both parties. So the motivation to get rid of him is very high, hence a 50 year lifer like Sleepy being elected who has been running since 1988 and never makes it in the top 5 of his party.
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not
not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

He's not part of the political class, thus, not worthy of power.

I've watch the West slide the last 30 years, none further than Canada. I can attest that the political class and their enablers have, for the most part, certainly in Canada, not done a great job, but what do I know?
He never did learn the rules of the game. Oui
Your Crown Prince? :auiqs.jpg:
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?

He said grab a pussy.
...and never makes it in the top 5 of his party.
Don't look now, but not only has he "made it", but he kicked your Orange Baboon-God's a$$ convincingly, as well. Close enough.
You should be so proud you have elected just the puppet your socialists wanted you to. Now back to your basement and put on your facediaper we will tell you when you can come out.
Excuse me, what has Trump DONE that is so bad? Democrat Biden supporters bail out rioters. Democrats stand by BLM... (ANTI white ant cop communist agitprops). Excuse me, WHAT has Trump done ?
Yes there is a movement to keep people out of prison while waiting for trial even if they're poor. Horrors!!
...Nice fairytale.
Pure fact, son...

Your boy beat Shrillary beat your boy by 3 million popular votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange Baboon-God by nearly 6 million... doubling your boy's Shrillary's score.

Your boy beat Shrillary by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange POS by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

No fairytale, old sod...

Pure fact.
Last edited:
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
O.K. I see democrats in the last 10 months trying to kick TRUMP's ass every which way they could....lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK, then the Democrats try to destroy our culture with this media driven "White racism/Cops are bad" Bullshit. Um What? despite the fact that black on black violence is 90% of the problem? And NOW, simultaneously, we are destroying our economy over a virus deadly as the flu...Seems like coordinated attempt to destroy our society...
The problem is totally misinformed Republicans like you and the orange clown it appears. Unbelievable. Everything he does is a disgrace kissing ass of dictators and messing with our allies and spewing Fox Rush Limbaugh garbage hateful propaganda and basing everything on it. OMG all of his achievements are imaginary b******* for the base. What happened to Hong kong? What about the Kurds. He has shaken democracy in the world and he's not done yet Period neither are you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
...Nice fairytale.
Pure fact, son...

Your boy beat Shrillary by 3 million popular votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange Baboon-God by nearly 6 million... doubling your boy's score.

Your boy beat Shrillary by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange POS by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

No fairytale, old sod...

Pure fact.
Hillary got three million more votes than Trump.
Why is Trump bad?

Currently, because he's a sore loser pushing fraud as he attempts a fascist coup. Normal people think that's bad.

He's failed at everything he's done in life, turning a large fortune into a small fortune. Other than being a reality TV star, his only skill was ripping off everyone around him. He's pathologically dishonest, a disgusting bully, and a self-admitted serial sexual assaulter.

Plus, he's the whiniest little bitch to ever exist on the planet earth, a trait that all of his followers now try to emulate.

Why do all Trump cultists think that bitchdom is something to emulate? Why are they all in a competition to be an even bigger wuss than their master? It just boggles the mind.
O.K. I see democrats in the last 10 months trying to kick TRUMP's ass every which way they could....lets see, the impeachment actually verifiable facts Trump did anything...OK, then the Democrats try to destroy our culture with this media driven "White racism/Cops are bad" Bullshit. Um What? despite the fact that black on black violence is 90% of the problem? And NOW, simultaneously, we are destroying our economy over a virus deadly as the flu...Seems like coordinated attempt to destroy our society...
The problem is totally misinformed Republicans like you and the orange clown it appears. Unbelievable. Everything he does is a disgrace kissing ass of dictators and messing with our allies and spewing Fox Rush Limbaugh garbage hateful propaganda and basing everything on it. OMG all of his achievements are imaginary b******* for the base. What happened to Hong kong? What about the Kurds. He has shaken democracy in the world and he's not done yet Period neither are you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes....
Oh my goodness where are the tissues? Someone needs to blow their nose!
Why is Trump bad? What has he done actually? Peace accords between the UAE an Israel. Um, in the last few months, the liberal democrats are literally sanctioning race riots and civil unrest...Um, this is the Democrats doing this. Not to mention an impeachment procedure without proving laws were broken. Riddle me this, riddle me that...What has Trump done?
Trump is the bad guy because he put more African Americans to work then any President before him, and because Little Wayne voted for him
...Nice fairytale.
Pure fact, son...

Your boy beat Shrillary by 3 million popular votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange Baboon-God by nearly 6 million... doubling your boy's score.

Your boy beat Shrillary by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange POS by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

No fairytale, old sod...

Pure fact.
Hillary got three million more votes than Trump.
But they weren't citizens.
...You should be so proud you have elected just the puppet your socialists wanted you to. Now back to your basement and put on your facediaper we will tell you when you can come out.
I am proud that America has rejected a budding tyrant in favor of a sane, responsible, honorable public servant who puts Country before Self.

Your obvious case of Severe Teenage Angst should subside sometime soon after January 20, 2021.
...Nice fairytale.
Pure fact, son...

Your boy beat Shrillary by 3 million popular votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange Baboon-God by nearly 6 million... doubling your boy's score.

Your boy beat Shrillary by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe beat your Orange POS by acquiring 306 Electoral College votes...

No fairytale, old sod...

Pure fact.
Hillary got three million more votes than Trump.
But they weren't citizens.
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind. Our election process is the envy of the world and so are our our election officials. You people are disgrace with your phony scandals pure crap. You're basically treasonous. In the entire world only Fox and Rush etc agree with your crap Rupert Murdoch is a pure scumbag.

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