Remind Us how Obama does not want our firearms.

You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.
No one ever said any law is perfect. Obviously we are better off with such laws.

Proper Gun Control......
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.
No one ever said any law is perfect. Obviously we are better off with such laws.

How many of the firearms used weekly on the South side of Chicago do you think were attained legally?

How many criminals to you think get their guns by walking into a gun store, and passing a background check?

They don't care about background checks.

no matter how tight you make the requirements, criminals are NOT going to say, "oops, I can't pass a background check, I better turn in my guns"

They laugh at people like you.

Actually, I do as well.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Comprehensive gun control is coming. It might not happen while Obama is president, but much to my despair this country is becoming more liberal. The 2nd amendment will get challenge in our lifetime.

It has been challenged, twice in the last, what, 5 years? 10?

And it got BETTER for gun owners, not worse.

and as long as there are gun owners, on BOTH sides of the aisle in Congress, very little will change.
7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.
7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy
And 7 years without guns being seized.
Because.... he hasn't had the political power to enact his anti-gun agenda, even when the Dems held Congress..
If he had the political power to enact that agenda, there's no argument that he would not.
'there's no argument that he would not'
Despite any evidence that he wants to take your guns away from you.
The Obama openly wants to ban rifles, pistols and shotguns.
Why has he not?
He hasn't had the political power to enact his anti-gun agenda, even when the Dems held Congress..
If he had the political power to enact that agenda, there's no question in any reasonable mind that he would have.
And so, your "point" here really means nothing.
Only the Right prefers to be clueless and Causeless.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

There is no appeal to ignorance of the law.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.
No one ever said any law is perfect. Obviously we are better off with such laws.

How many of the firearms used weekly on the South side of Chicago do you think were attained legally?

How many criminals to you think get their guns by walking into a gun store, and passing a background check?

They don't care about background checks.

no matter how tight you make the requirements, criminals are NOT going to say, "oops, I can't pass a background check, I better turn in my guns"

They laugh at people like you.

Actually, I do as well.
Man you people are dense. I am well aware criminals are going to get guns no matter what. The point is that strict laws of background checks and registration make it so LESS criminals get guns. This is simple logic.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Are you a felon or someone who can not legally possess a gun under current law????

if NO - he doesn't want your gun. He just wants you to know who you are selling to -- it's called due diligence and personal responsibility.

If YES - please turn over your guns.
You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.
No one ever said any law is perfect. Obviously we are better off with such laws.

How many of the firearms used weekly on the South side of Chicago do you think were attained legally?

How many criminals to you think get their guns by walking into a gun store, and passing a background check?

They don't care about background checks.

no matter how tight you make the requirements, criminals are NOT going to say, "oops, I can't pass a background check, I better turn in my guns"

They laugh at people like you.

Actually, I do as well.
Man you people are dense. I am well aware criminals are going to get guns no matter what. The point is that strict laws of background checks and registration make it so LESS criminals get guns. This is simple logic.

The point is that strict laws of background checks and registration make it so LESS criminals get guns. This is simple logic.

There is NO logic to believing criminals are going to worry about either background checks, or registration.

Where do you people get these ideas?

Criminal breaks into a house, or a store, and steals a gun, you think they are going to waste time filling out background check paperwork?

think they are going to leave their name and address so the weapon can be registered?

What dimension do you people live in?

Carriages pulled by unicorns over rainbows?

Pink skies with lavender clouds?

there is no 'logic' in your post at all
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?
Ya sure it does thats why the last couple shooters all passed their background checks right?
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Why would a self described paranoid be allowed to own firearms in the first place, that is the question
Well it is called the law. You see in order to strip me of my rights you need to take me before a Judge and prove I am incompetent or a danger. Good luck with that my shrink and my therapist will tell you I am neither.
Then don't bitch when people are killed by fire arms...
Post a link to me complaining?
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

You may want to tell that to Rusty Houser who's application for a CWP was denied. Is that really so effective?
Folks, you have to understand the liberal "mind" in order to understand why they claim the stupid things they do. For instance, on guns, they can't think past this moment right now. You see, if obama isn't knocking on our door right now, that means he isn't going to. They can't think about next year or hell even next month or tomorrow for that matter. We know that disarming Americans is the goal of the left, they can't think past this very minute. They just aren't very smart.

Said a paranoid schizophrenic.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of the stupidity I was talking about.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.
No one ever said any law is perfect. Obviously we are better off with such laws.

How many of the firearms used weekly on the South side of Chicago do you think were attained legally?

How many criminals to you think get their guns by walking into a gun store, and passing a background check?

They don't care about background checks.

no matter how tight you make the requirements, criminals are NOT going to say, "oops, I can't pass a background check, I better turn in my guns"

They laugh at people like you.

Actually, I do as well.
Man you people are dense. I am well aware criminals are going to get guns no matter what. The point is that strict laws of background checks and registration make it so LESS criminals get guns. This is simple logic.

The point is that strict laws of background checks and registration make it so LESS criminals get guns. This is simple logic.

There is NO logic to believing criminals are going to worry about either background checks, or registration.

Where do you people get these ideas?

Criminal breaks into a house, or a store, and steals a gun, you think they are going to waste time filling out background check paperwork?

think they are going to leave their name and address so the weapon can be registered?

What dimension do you people live in?

Carriages pulled by unicorns over rainbows?

Pink skies with lavender clouds?

there is no 'logic' in your post at all
Try to think about this realistically will you? If ANYONE can get a gun without background checks, they wouldn't have to bother robbing a store to get one. Robbing a store means risk of failure. Obviously not every criminal is going to try and rob a place to get a gun. They run the risk of going to prison. That means LESS of them will try. LESS of them will end up getting a gun.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

You may want to tell that to Rusty Houser who's application for a CWP was denied. Is that really so effective?
If there are flaws in the system, fix them. You can blame republicans for making them worse.
Folks, you have to understand the liberal "mind" in order to understand why they claim the stupid things they do. For instance, on guns, they can't think past this moment right now. You see, if obama isn't knocking on our door right now, that means he isn't going to. They can't think about next year or hell even next month or tomorrow for that matter. We know that disarming Americans is the goal of the left, they can't think past this very minute. They just aren't very smart.

Said a paranoid schizophrenic.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of the stupidity I was talking about.

Oh yes, I'm sure Hinkley and Lanza also had bizarre views of reality and they thought it was everyone else that was loony.

Be sure to lick your gun before bed, it is feeling unloved.

Rather odd how relatives of all these massacre victims hug their families but you bungs hug your guns. Well, odd to the normals.
Folks, you have to understand the liberal "mind" in order to understand why they claim the stupid things they do. For instance, on guns, they can't think past this moment right now. You see, if obama isn't knocking on our door right now, that means he isn't going to. They can't think about next year or hell even next month or tomorrow for that matter. We know that disarming Americans is the goal of the left, they can't think past this very minute. They just aren't very smart.

Said a paranoid schizophrenic.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of the stupidity I was talking about.

Oh yes, I'm sure Hinkley and Lanza also had bizarre views of reality and they thought it was everyone else that was loony.

Be sure to lick your gun before bed, it is feeling unloved.

Rather odd how relatives of all these massacre victims hug their families but you bungs hug your guns. Well, odd to the normals.
How cute..................

Well.............hang on.........................BRB.....................

Where were we...............Oh sorry..........I had to tuck in my baby............9 mm.........all tucked in..............

Isn't that sweet newton??????????????

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