Remind Us how Obama does not want our firearms.

7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.
7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy
And 7 years without guns being seized.
Because.... he hasn't had the political power to enact his anti-gun agenda, even when the Dems held Congress..
If he had the political power to enact that agenda, there's no argument that he would not.

'there's no argument that he would not'

Despite any evidence that he wants to take your guns away from you.

7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.
7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy
And 7 years without guns being seized
7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.
7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy
And 7 years without guns being seized.
Because.... he hasn't had the political power to enact his anti-gun agenda, even when the Dems held Congress..
If he had the political power to enact that agenda, there's no argument that he would not.
'there's no argument that he would not'
Despite any evidence that he wants to take your guns away from you.
The Obama openly wants to ban rifles, pistols and shotguns.
Why has he not?
He hasn't had the political power to enact his anti-gun agenda, even when the Dems held Congress..
If he had the political power to enact that agenda, there's no question in any reasonable mind that he would have.
And so, your "point" here really means nothing.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

You are such a delusional....Obama is saying he is frustrated with the amount of deaths due to gun violence. He said nothing about taking your guns, which it seems are some type of macho symbol for you. I own many firearms and have no fear that someone is going to try and take them away. This shooting says mental illness and guns don't mix. Now, get a grip.
Here's a lesson for the stupid. Yeah I know, you can't fix stupid but here goes anyway. This is for those left wing Nutter idiots who say that they aren't coming for our guns.
This is how the left WILL come for our guns. Not all in one day, not today or tomorrow but it is the end game for the left:

Some crazy shoots up some place, kills a bunch of people.
The progressives get "common sense gun laws" passed.
But gun laws never stop the crazies, so.....
Some crazy shoots up some place, kills a bunch of people.
The progressives get "common sense gun laws" passed.
But gun laws never stop the crazies, so.....
Some crazy shoots up some place, kills a bunch of people.
The progressives get "common sense gun laws" passed.
But gun laws never stop the crazies, so.....

And on and on until one of a number of things happen, either they confiscate all the guns or any gun they let you keep cannot be used, or you get to keep all your gun but there is no ammo or you cannot possibly afford to buy a gun or buy ammo for it. It is essentially the same as getting them confiscated.

Whenever a progressive or any nut job gun grabber tries to say that they aren't coming for our guns well, just like EVERYTHING else they say, it's a lie.
7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.
7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy
And 7 years without guns being seized.
Because.... he hasn't had the political power to enact his anti-gun agenda, even when the Dems held Congress..
If he had the political power to enact that agenda, there's no argument that he would not.

'there's no argument that he would not'

Despite any evidence that he wants to take your guns away from you.

7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.
7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy
And 7 years without guns being seized

They are not rational. Someone keeps telling them there is a scary monster in the woods next to their village and they aren't educated enough to understand there is no monster. Their fear has become a trusted friend.
He won't give up, and he's not planning on leaving office.

Any evidence for this?
Are you somebody important or something?

Yeah. I'm a person who needs evidence of stuff in order to be able to believe something.
I gave yo evidence in Obama's own words he wants to take firearms and you deny it. Why would anyone waste time trying to prove something to someone that can not understand basic english?
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?

That's because we fight him.


A bill designed to close loopholes in the background check system.

The opposition to this bill by the NRA and its extremist supporters PROVES that the NRA does not want to prevent ineligible people from legally obtaining guns.

Are you really that stupid, if an ineligible person obtains a gun they are already breaking the law, they can't "legally obtain a gun".
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

So where can I get Child Porn?

I can't legally.

Does that mean Child Porn doesn't exist? No, but it is illegal.

So right to a gun has to have limitations too.

Now to have loopholes in background checks is the same as having no background checks.

So do the gun guys here want no background checks and if so how do you propose keeping guns out of undesirables hands.

There are people who have had their right to own firearms taken from them, if they're found with one you prosecute them, just like any other crime. No law is effective in preempting crime, if they were there would be no crime, you just deal with them when they occur.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.

But, one of your guns may pick the lock on your safe, sneak out of the house, and go on a killing spree, murdering hundreds, all by itself..

That scares them.
Folks, you have to understand the liberal "mind" in order to understand why they claim the stupid things they do. For instance, on guns, they can't think past this moment right now. You see, if obama isn't knocking on our door right now, that means he isn't going to. They can't think about next year or hell even next month or tomorrow for that matter. We know that disarming Americans is the goal of the left, they can't think past this very minute. They just aren't very smart.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?
Folks, you have to understand the liberal "mind" in order to understand why they claim the stupid things they do. For instance, on guns, they can't think past this moment right now. You see, if obama isn't knocking on our door right now, that means he isn't going to. They can't think about next year or hell even next month or tomorrow for that matter. We know that disarming Americans is the goal of the left, they can't think past this very minute. They just aren't very smart.

Said a paranoid schizophrenic.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Why would a self described paranoid be allowed to own firearms in the first place, that is the question
Well it is called the law. You see in order to strip me of my rights you need to take me before a Judge and prove I am incompetent or a danger. Good luck with that my shrink and my therapist will tell you I am neither.
Then don't bitch when people are killed by fire arms...
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.

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