Renew Detroit Through Diversity & Multiculturalism


Jun 21, 2013
How can Detroit be saved? The city is billions in debt, about the most violent, most murderous city in America. Good industrial jobs in the auto industry are all but gone along with the tax revenues they once provided to keep the city running. Detroit is bankrupt, and although some of the worst city officials have been replaced by state managers, just taking control of the money is not enough to bring the city back to its former glory.

The people of Detroit are the ones who need change. The city used to be 99% White 100 years ago, and is now 89% Black. Almost all the American Whites left years ago, almost certainly because they were racists. Of course the Blacks can't really be blamed for all the crime, corruption and mismanagement in the city. One can only blame the history of slavery and discrimination for all the ills of Blacks---whether they are in Detroit or anywhere else in the world. Slavery has been gone only 150 years, and Jim Crow only 50. We must expect to wait another 50 to 150 years before Blacks can recover. In the mean time, the progressive ideals of diversity and multiculturalism can bring about a newer, and better Detroit.

"Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population and from its commitment to equal opportunity for all. We are at our best when we draw on the talents of all parts...and our greatest accomplishments are achieved when diverse perspectives are brought to bear to overcome our greatest challenges."
---Barak Obama

So what are the multiculturalists saying? It appears there probably needs to be at least three good cultures in Detroit to overcome the problems there. Multiculturalists say having one supreme Black ethnic group is bad for the city. With a culture of violent crime, gang banging, welfare dependency and corruption, there aren't may positive things about it. Their rap music is also terrible. Here some suggestions for cultural replacements that will allow urban renewal in Detroit.

Good: Hindus

The Hindu people in India would be an nice upgrade for Detroit. Hindus are already used to living near Muslim radicals. Hindus in America have had some success in taking over convenience stores and hotels, but more are needed elsewhere. Since so many have lived in dirty and run-down areas of India, the dilapidated and abandoned homes around Detroit would usually provide an instant upgrade. Hindus are more productive than Blacks, and would allow a low-wage, non-unionized workforce to rebuild the auto industry, and the city. Murders per 100,000 in India are only 3.5, whereas it is 48.2 in Detroit. Much nicer people.
(Moving forward)

Better: South Koreans

South Koreans live next to the most corrupt, abusive and warlike nation on earth, North Korea. They use razor wire fences and military vehicles to keep them safe---probably a good idea for any Koreans living in Detroit. Murder rates for the Koreans are even lower, at 2.6/100K. More industrialized than India, South Koreans could use their success to rebuild the city's auto industry, without need of the UAW or government bail-outs.
$korean model.jpg
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Best: Icelanders

The people of Iceland live in a cold, inhospitable wasteland, an environment not unlike Detroit. They enjoy about the highest standard of living, best quality of life and lowest crime rate in the world, at .3/100K. About the only time they have any violence there is when they bring in Black immigrants like Israel Duranona and Chigozie Anoruo who turned on the Icelanders and attempted to murder them for reasons unknown. Gov. Snyder would face a challenge convincing Icelanders to re populate Detroit. Taking a page from HUD, allowances could be given for them to live in fortified housing developments, with their own charter schools. High city taxes should be reduced ---as most in Detroit don't currently pay them anyway. Complimentary firearms and body amour would also be provided to them until criminal threats can be driven out of the city. Once Detroit's Blacks are at safe levels, around 1%, can the city regain its former glory.
(More like this, please)
Judge: Detroit Bankruptcy Can Go Ahead...
Judge rules he has sole jurisdiction in Detroit bankruptcy, freezes lawsuits against city, Snyder, EM
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes on Wednesday froze all lawsuits against the city challenging the legality of Detroit’s bankruptcy filing, clearing a path for the city to begin to prove its insolvency warrants protection from creditors. Ruling from the bench in the first hearing in Detroit’s week-old bankruptcy petition, Rhodes emphasized he has not decided whether Detroit is eligible for bankruptcy, whether the city’s efforts to shed pension debts would violate the state constitution or if Gov. Rick Snyder’s bankruptcy authorization was legal. “The court will rule on them in due course with adequate opportunity to be heard,” Rhodes told a courtroom packed with 100 lawyers, journalists and union members.

Labor leaders neither conceded defeat Wednesday nor revealed their strategy as the bankruptcy proceedings move forward, with the city making a case why it should be given court protection to restructure $11.5 billion in unsecured debt. “The bankruptcy judge was very careful to make it perfectly clear that he’s keeping open the issue with regard to whether or not the filing of this bankruptcy case violates the Michigan Constitution in regards to pension (benefits),” said Sharon Levine, attorney for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 25 labor union. The federal bankruptcyjudge’s order effectively suspends all state and federal lawsuits challenging the legality of Detroit’s petition; Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr’s appointment in March, and the constitutionality of the emergency manager law itself.

Orr spokesman Bill Nowling said the judge’s ruling will help speed along the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. “The important thing today is the judge established one forum for handling the disputes so that everyone has one place to come to argue their case before one judge and have a very fast prosecution of the law so they know what to do and they can move forward,” Nowling said. Rhodes rejected arguments by attorneys for labor unions and the city’s pension boards that lawsuits challenging the legality of the Chapter 9 filing should be allowed to play out in the state court system.

The veteran bankruptcy judge said it’s “within this court’s exclusive jurisdiction” to take control of litigation that’s created road blocks for Orr and Snyder in their effort to rein in the city’s escalating debt. “Clearly, addressing these issues both in the state court and this bankruptcy court is costly, expensive and inefficient and really causes prejudice not only to the debtor but the other parties as well,” Rhodes said. The judge added: “My orders enhance the likelihood of a Chapter 9 reorganization, speeds the bankruptcy case and cuts costs to taxpayers.” Orr attended the two-hour morning hearing, but did not speak. The emergency manager was not in the courtroom for Rhodes’ mid-afternoon ruling. “This clears the way so we can proceed in an orderly fashion with bankruptcy proceedings and restructuring Detroit,” Nowling said after the hearing. “One thing that was clear was that Judge Rhodes ... wanted an efficient and speedy process, and we think that’s essential for turning the city around.”

More From The Detroit News: Judge rules he has sole jurisdiction in Detroit bankruptcy, freezes lawsuits against city, Snyder, EM | The Detroit News

See also:

Analysis: Detroit filing sends benefits warning to other cities
Sat Jul 20, 2013 - Many U.S. cities have a much better economic outlook than struggling Detroit, but the Motor City's bankruptcy filing on Thursday should still set off alarm bells elsewhere as the cost of paying retirement benefits swells.
In recent decades, many municipalities have provided their workers with generous retirement benefits, both pensions and health coverage, often in lieu of pay increases. But this has created an unsustainable future burden for budgets that has only been exacerbated by the loss of real estate and other tax revenue in the financial crisis. In particular, cities like Chicago and Santa Fe, New Mexico, have worryingly high pension liabilities compared to revenue, investors and analysts say. Detroit's bankruptcy was years in the making, a result of severe financial mismanagement and a unique decline in Detroit's population triggered by job losses in the auto and other manufacturing industries, and the exodus of many residents to neighboring areas as the crime rate soared.

The ranks of retirees outnumber the city's active workers by more than a 2-1 ratio. With so many retirees receiving pension benefits as the population shrinks, the city is caught in a perpetual knot, one that other cities with high retiree costs relative to revenues - such as Chicago - might have to face in coming years as well. "This could be kind of a precedent for other municipalities. Anyone concerned about some other cities like Chicago, cities in California, what this could do is accelerate a trend where states begin to withdraw their support for cities," said Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at BMO Private Bank in Chicago. "We could potentially see more filings, not on the same scale of Detroit, but certainly some other ones coming out of the woodwork," he said.

Michigan's reluctance to provide a financial lifeline to Detroit may be establishing a new pattern. "Detroit getting into trouble? Not a surprise. State of Michigan not coming to help? It is a big surprise, and I think I am not the only one to say that," said Richard Larkin, director of credit analysis at HJ Sims. Municipal bankruptcies in the past have been mostly the result of problems unique to a particular locale - expensive public works projects that fail to deliver on promised revenues, ill-conceived derivatives agreements with Wall Street firms - but pension debt is one that affects cities nationwide as the population ages.

Public worker contracts are often protected by law against attempts to cut costs. That's a common link between Detroit, the California cities of Stockton and San Bernardino which filed for bankruptcy in 2012, and other local governments across the United States. Chicago, for example, has to comply with a state law that requires the city to set aside more funding for pension obligations, a key reason for a recent downgrade by Moody's Investors Service, but it cannot cut retiree benefits. Among U.S. cities with high pension costs, Moody's notes that Santa Fe, New Mexico, has net pension liabilities equal to six times its operating revenue, worse than any other city. The city of Virginia in Minnesota follows at a ratio of 5.9. Las Vegas also in New Mexico at 5.5 ranks third, while Chicago occupies the fourth spot with 5.4.

Detroit needs a Great Chicago Fire (1871)...

Burn that $hithole down to the ground and start again...

But that takes money...

Which Detroit (and, presumably, the State of Michigan) doesn't have...

That would mean that rebuilding would come largely from Federal funds...


Never mind... screw that... bad idea... not with MY money you don't... let 'em rot...
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Detroit could be a great experiment. Gut the city bureaucracy. Limit zoning to health and safety issues only. Give 10 years of tax relief for buying abandoned properties. Suspend the requirements for business licenses, or modify them to make them simple, cheap and easy to get.
And can those idiots on the city council. Seriously.
Did anyone really think that the country Judge could stop a federal bankruptcy? Seriously? She would appeal to obama and he would rule with mercy.

Detroit should be treated much like we treated Afghanistan. It needs to come under military occupation. Put down the gangs first, otherwise no one will go there. Shrink the city. Bulldoze the abandoned areas and relocate the very few people still clinging on. Let parts of the city return to its natural state. The retirees pensions will be restructured. The elderly who retired will receive more than those who retired at 45 or 50. That's just the way it has to be.
White racism toward others is a horse that's been beaten to death. Whites are as much the target of racism as any other race. MAYBE, all our various races or ethic groups would be much happier if they WERE voluntarily segregated into their own neighborhoods. Building ethnic neighborhoods that cater to all the good things of any particular group might generate an incentive to work for themselves, their culture and keeping up their own neighborhoods. Various groups understand their own customs and their own visions. That's not at all to say that there should not be cultural celebrations, parades, etc. to which ALL ethnic groups can be welcomed. People are naturally curious about other ethnic groups.

Who's going to have the best Chinese food? Chinese cooks?
Who's going to have the best Soul Food? Blacks?
Who's going to have the best Italian, Thai, French and other foods? People of those ethnic groups?
Where are others going to go for the best of anything? To the best restaurants in town?

And who doesn't like to shop for things that are associated with a particular ethnic group - just because they happen to like that clothing, decor, or whatever?

Would that generate business for all groups?

For decades we have had forced integration in the name of equality in housing, education, understanding, and every other equal whatever - and all it has generated is one big shitty sewer system of poor education, unequal housing, anger and hostility.
How can Detroit be saved? The city is billions in debt, about the most violent, most murderous city in America. Good industrial jobs in the auto industry are all but gone along with the tax revenues they once provided to keep the city running. Detroit is bankrupt, and although some of the worst city officials have been replaced by state managers, just taking control of the money is not enough to bring the city back to its former glory.

The people of Detroit are the ones who need change. The city used to be 99% White 100 years ago, and is now 89% Black. Almost all the American Whites left years ago, almost certainly because they were racists. Of course the Blacks can't really be blamed for all the crime, corruption and mismanagement in the city. One can only blame the history of slavery and discrimination for all the ills of Blacks---whether they are in Detroit or anywhere else in the world. Slavery has been gone only 150 years, and Jim Crow only 50. We must expect to wait another 50 to 150 years before Blacks can recover. In the mean time, the progressive ideals of diversity and multiculturalism can bring about a newer, and better Detroit.

"Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population and from its commitment to equal opportunity for all. We are at our best when we draw on the talents of all parts...and our greatest accomplishments are achieved when diverse perspectives are brought to bear to overcome our greatest challenges."
---Barak Obama

So what are the multiculturalists saying? It appears there probably needs to be at least three good cultures in Detroit to overcome the problems there. Multiculturalists say having one supreme Black ethnic group is bad for the city. With a culture of violent crime, gang banging, welfare dependency and corruption, there aren't may positive things about it. Their rap music is also terrible. Here some suggestions for cultural replacements that will allow urban renewal in Detroit.

Good: Hindus

The Hindu people in India would be an nice upgrade for Detroit. Hindus are already used to living near Muslim radicals. Hindus in America have had some success in taking over convenience stores and hotels, but more are needed elsewhere. Since so many have lived in dirty and run-down areas of India, the dilapidated and abandoned homes around Detroit would usually provide an instant upgrade. Hindus are more productive than Blacks, and would allow a low-wage, non-unionized workforce to rebuild the auto industry, and the city. Murders per 100,000 in India are only 3.5, whereas it is 48.2 in Detroit. Much nicer people.
View attachment 26919
(Moving forward)

Better: South Koreans

South Koreans live next to the most corrupt, abusive and warlike nation on earth, North Korea. They use razor wire fences and military vehicles to keep them safe---probably a good idea for any Koreans living in Detroit. Murder rates for the Koreans are even lower, at 2.6/100K. More industrialized than India, South Koreans could use their success to rebuild the city's auto industry, without need of the UAW or government bail-outs.
View attachment 26920
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Best: Icelanders

The people of Iceland live in a cold, inhospitable wasteland, an environment not unlike Detroit. They enjoy about the highest standard of living, best quality of life and lowest crime rate in the world, at .3/100K. About the only time they have any violence there is when they bring in Black immigrants like Israel Duranona and Chigozie Anoruo who turned on the Icelanders and attempted to murder them for reasons unknown. Gov. Snyder would face a challenge convincing Icelanders to re populate Detroit. Taking a page from HUD, allowances could be given for them to live in fortified housing developments, with their own charter schools. High city taxes should be reduced ---as most in Detroit don't currently pay them anyway. Complimentary firearms and body amour would also be provided to them until criminal threats can be driven out of the city. Once Detroit's Blacks are at safe levels, around 1%, can the city regain its former glory.
View attachment 26921
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"Black American Culture" has never fully adopted western civilization. For the most part, and relative to individualist "white American culture," "black culture" is of a collectivist nature. Likewise, leftists from communists to socialists and finally progressives have exploited the opportunity presented when white Americans rejected integration. The NAACP was founded by white socialists, WEB DuBois was a socialist, communists funded legal battles for blacks, the Soviet Union courted black Hollywood, SDS, SNCC, Black Panthers etc etc etc etc ... Indeed, leftists exploited the relatively low education of blacks to bringing them up cultural leftist's, and now were paying for it in the form of nation wide financial ruin. Everything from government entitlements, crime, poverty, lack of education, out of wedlock births, unwanted pregnancies, to racism is vastly overrepresented by the black community. Thus, when whites run away and they are left to their own devises they bring a once great city to ruins. Perhaps the segregation of yesteryear had something more than just plain racism to it? Perhaps we have two cultures who have completely different values? It just so happens that one set of values has lead to destruction and the other success. Politically, from the very beginning, blacks had to seek the desperation of the politicaly non-relevant for inclusion and seeing that ideology go from non-relevant to the cornerstone of the modern Democrat Party I must conclude that this is the long term punishment for the political exclusion of blacks; Leftist ruin.
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Let it crash, let the bankruptcy proceed, pay the creditors 10 cents on the dollar and move on. Dump the UAW. The city will either recover or completely die. No amount of federal money can fix it. Same applies to California.

The people of Detroit are the ones who need change. The city used to be 99% White 100 years ago, and is now 89% Black. Almost all the American Whites left years ago, almost certainly because they were racists. [

You are dismissed spanky.
White racism toward others is a horse that's been beaten to death. Whites are as much the target of racism as any other race. MAYBE, all our various races or ethic groups would be much happier if they WERE voluntarily segregated into their own neighborhoods. Building ethnic neighborhoods that cater to all the good things of any particular group might generate an incentive to work for themselves, their culture and keeping up their own neighborhoods. Various groups understand their own customs and their own visions. That's not at all to say that there should not be cultural celebrations, parades, etc. to which ALL ethnic groups can be welcomed. People are naturally curious about other ethnic groups.

Who's going to have the best Chinese food? Chinese cooks?
Who's going to have the best Soul Food? Blacks?
Who's going to have the best Italian, Thai, French and other foods? People of those ethnic groups?
Where are others going to go for the best of anything? To the best restaurants in town?

And who doesn't like to shop for things that are associated with a particular ethnic group - just because they happen to like that clothing, decor, or whatever?

Would that generate business for all groups?

For decades we have had forced integration in the name of equality in housing, education, understanding, and every other equal whatever - and all it has generated is one big shitty sewer system of poor education, unequal housing, anger and hostility.

Detroit needs better immigrants. Current residents of Detroit could be bussed to California or Connecticut.

The people of Detroit are the ones who need change. The city used to be 99% White 100 years ago, and is now 89% Black. Almost all the American Whites left years ago, almost certainly because they were racists. [

You are dismissed spanky.

I couldn't believe the idiocy myself, but further reading demonstrates this thread was sarcasm, and pretty goddamned funny if you ask me.

Especially the Hindus living around muslim radicals.

I'm still smiling.:lol:

The people of Detroit are the ones who need change. The city used to be 99% White 100 years ago, and is now 89% Black. Almost all the American Whites left years ago, almost certainly because they were racists. [

You are dismissed spanky.

I couldn't believe the idiocy myself, but further reading demonstrates this thread was sarcasm, and pretty goddamned funny if you ask me.

Especially the Hindus living around muslim radicals.

I'm still smiling.:lol:

Yes, America's multi cultural city, NY, isn't that multi cultural. China town, little Italy, Harlem, etc etc etc.
I almost hope they stop the bankruptcy so the city can truly implode. That would be a good lesson for the country.
I almost hope they stop the bankruptcy so the city can truly implode. That would be a good lesson for the country.

Perhaps we should bail them out for nothing more than to keep all the scum in the city of Detroit. Seems like a small price to pay. Would you have them voting for losers and ruining your neighborhood?
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I don't know how to bro g Detroit back I just know its fall was not the fault of white republicans as here like to claim. On a side note did Obama mention Detroit in his marathon speech yesterday?

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