Reopening in words only

Patriotic old and vulnerable Americans should be happy and willing to sacrifice for the young and healthy.

Who will pay for American good times and fun if the old and vulnerable will not sacrifice? How will Americans party this summer if we stay on lockdown?
There are politicians and others who are mostly Progs who have suggested things like this. It will probably be slowly introduced and even shaming may occur.
Wait, this is tea bagger trumpoholic ideology. Aren't they the ones fighting for ending the lockdown?

That is the Narrative that you will push.........but low and behold people are protesting in VERY LIBERAL PLACES.......Like LOS

You provide a Narrative to use for elections and body bag counts for politics.........

Pretty shitty what you do here.
There are some insightful comments, to wit:

adults are self-governing. Children need government.
National behavior depends on national character.

Firstly, Sweden chose to leave its economy open. Secondly, it didn’t impose an idiotic lockdown.

For treating its people like intelligent citizens who can make their own decisions, unlike the US’ handling of the matter, Sweden deserves commendation.

And for those who always say "look at Sweden"

You are making an excellent case, Dr. Roberts, for lifting virtually all the Coronavirus-related lockdown measures that have closed countless businesses, schools, government services, and leisure activities around the country. It’s time.
The rational decisions made by the people of Sweden have proven this. Their prudent conduct occurred without any government coercion. Can’t Americans do the same?
Please lead the way in advocating for the elimination of unnecessary Coronavirus-related decrees that millions of adult US citizens are now blaming on politicians, media do-gooders, and safety advocates–many of whom are either on the public payroll or free from acute economic hardship.
With Sweden as our model, let’s allow free people to make rational choices for themselves. It’s that simple. The time has arrived.
Liberty. Free choice. Self-determination.
Always popular. Never out of style.
Let freedom ring!
Sweden doesn't have child-like American conservatives to contend with.
No business can stay open with 70% of its customers gone.
Then it is citizens and customers making the decision- not an elected empty suit with NO skin in the game- except he/she till get their tax payer funded pay checks which I assure you is more than 1200 bucks-they, the empty suits are the MOST NON-essentials in society considered, by a few, to be free.

Denying businesses due process is unconstitutional no matter how you slice it or dice it- so, not only is it unconstituional it's immoral, which is not a big surprise when it comes to elected empty suits. But, it is quite indicative of where "we the people" stand- at the bottom apparently.
In this country they were crowding the beaches and subways, and would have gone to all the basketball playoffs (if the teams weren't worried about their expensive players) and would not have reacted to lower the numbers congregating possibly making it even worse. Kind of like kids playing in the rain even if there is lightning in the air.
I am not unhappy because they finally moved to shut down and distance. Hate it trump turned down tests from WHO and S. Korea that could have been used earlier, especially in the nursing home in Washington State, instead of letting those people be locked in, healthy with the sick to die. Cuomo did a $shitty job also, sending the recovering from hospitals to avoid over capacity to state nursing homes that did not already have the virus, to kill many more.
We're opened back up here, where I live. Governors and Mayors need to make the call individually based on health department numbers with an eye to avoid creating a second wave, instead of a free for all approach, spreading disease like releasing a few million typhoid Marys to finish of the over 60 crowd. I don't call the shots. They will do what they want to do and I will go along and try to live with it, but you won't see me flying to vacation or renting getaway homes this year as we usually do, and I'm pretty sure I can watch new movies on pay for view and not feel "out of it" as far as keeping up on the American scene. Good luck to you and yours and all across the country.
possibly making it even worse.
How do you know? Each person takes the virus differently. A dope smoker, drug addict, liberal fat ass, drunk, vapor inhaler, cig smoker, diabetic have the worst chance with the Virus from China, those that are healthy, need to have it, so then they can get over it in 3 to 4 days and then get back to work. But those damn liberals, tried Russian Collusion, didnt work, tried Stormy Daniels, didnt work, tried Brett Kavanaugh, didnt work, tried Ukraine bullshit, didnt work, now we have a Wuhan Virus, let out by China(with the backing of Dems like Joe Biden the groper) in attempting to destroy this economy so the President wont get re elected. See how many Blue states go Red when the liberal governors overreach their authority and keep free people locked in their houses....
Oh! You are one of the conspiracy theorists that think covid-19 was an attempt to get rid of trump. I try to avoid deep conversations with crazy people. Have a nice day.
Don't shoot me I'm just posting the message-

The “reopenings” underway in 30 states in the US might be in words only just as the ballyhooed “open” Swedish economy is not open in fact and has been closed by non-participation. The Swedish Riksbank reports that attendance at cinema, events, and sports is off 90%. Business at restaurants and cafes is down 70%, and the hotel occupancy rate is a meager 10%. The overall Swedish economy has declined 11%—more than the current estimate for the US—and consumer confidence surveys have plunged more in Sweden than in Europe as a whole.
If that is the case, the closing of businesses just happened second instead of first. No business can stay open with 70% of its customers gone. How do you pay your help with no income? It was happening here even before the governor issued an Order. My local diner had stayed open, but so few people were coming in that they were going to have to close anyway. My favorite gas/convenience store, same thing.

I figure as we reopen there will be a lot of hesitation, not to mention one of our major employers, the schools and the local college, are shut for the duration. That cuts way back on traffic into town. And I imagine people will be holding onto their pennies for awhile, too. Cut hours or unemployment are the norm at the moment. The fishermen can go out, but their markets have tanked. No one to sell to. So there goes their seasonal crew. The hospital just laid off close to 40 people--not enough business.

Things are really going to be rough for awhile, I think, for a lot of businesses, even after they get "permission" to reopen.
I agree..we have opened 90% of all businesses as of the 1st of May in Idaho...thus far...not many takers. People are creatures of habit..and some new habits have formed...might even be good for the individuals..but for the service-based economy..not so much! Instead of the the much-feared shortages of food..prices are dropping..and supply is outstripping demand.

Just one area..and I'm sure it's different elsewhere...but..people are NOT buying cars..are NOT buying houses...are not going out..even after it is becoming legal to do so.

The narrative that people are chomping at the bit....just ain't least not here. Most people i know bemoan the lack of barbers and bars--which are both still closed..LOL!
Patriotic old and vulnerable Americans should be happy and willing to sacrifice for the young and healthy.

Who will pay for American good times and fun if the old and vulnerable will not sacrifice? How will Americans party this summer if we stay on lockdown?
Ever hear of "Respect for Elders?" You wouldn't be here without them. That was their sacrifice.
National behavior depends on national character.
that makes me wonder.....
For treating its people like intelligent citizens who can make their own decisions, unlike the US’ handling of the matter, Sweden deserves commendation.
Liberty. Free choice. Self-determination.
Always popular. Never out of style.
Let freedom ring!

what can i say Gdjjr?

do we really still have those things ?

i;d like to think so....

No business can stay open with 70% of its customers gone.
Then it is citizens and customers making the decision- not an elected empty suit with NO skin in the game- except he/she till get their tax payer funded pay checks which I assure you is more than 1200 bucks-they, the empty suits are the MOST NON-essentials in society considered, by a few, to be free.

Denying businesses due process is unconstitutional no matter how you slice it or dice it- so, not only is it unconstituional it's immoral, which is not a big surprise when it comes to elected empty suits. But, it is quite indicative of where "we the people" stand- at the bottom apparently.
In this country they were crowding the beaches and subways, and would have gone to all the basketball playoffs (if the teams weren't worried about their expensive players) and would not have reacted to lower the numbers congregating possibly making it even worse. Kind of like kids playing in the rain even if there is lightning in the air.
I am not unhappy because they finally moved to shut down and distance. Hate it trump turned down tests from WHO and S. Korea that could have been used earlier, especially in the nursing home in Washington State, instead of letting those people be locked in, healthy with the sick to die. Cuomo did a $shitty job also, sending the recovering from hospitals to avoid over capacity to state nursing homes that did not already have the virus, to kill many more.
We're opened back up here, where I live. Governors and Mayors need to make the call individually based on health department numbers with an eye to avoid creating a second wave, instead of a free for all approach, spreading disease like releasing a few million typhoid Marys to finish of the over 60 crowd. I don't call the shots. They will do what they want to do and I will go along and try to live with it, but you won't see me flying to vacation or renting getaway homes this year as we usually do, and I'm pretty sure I can watch new movies on pay for view and not feel "out of it" as far as keeping up on the American scene. Good luck to you and yours and all across the country.
possibly making it even worse.
How do you know? Each person takes the virus differently. A dope smoker, drug addict, liberal fat ass, drunk, vapor inhaler, cig smoker, diabetic have the worst chance with the Virus from China, those that are healthy, need to have it, so then they can get over it in 3 to 4 days and then get back to work. But those damn liberals, tried Russian Collusion, didnt work, tried Stormy Daniels, didnt work, tried Brett Kavanaugh, didnt work, tried Ukraine bullshit, didnt work, now we have a Wuhan Virus, let out by China(with the backing of Dems like Joe Biden the groper) in attempting to destroy this economy so the President wont get re elected. See how many Blue states go Red when the liberal governors overreach their authority and keep free people locked in their houses....
Oh! You are one of the conspiracy theorists that think covid-19 was an attempt to get rid of trump. I try to avoid deep conversations with crazy people. Have a nice day.
I always think outside the box, every point i made , you didnt refute because all of it is true. Truth to a liberal is like garlic to a vampire. Fuck off and die....
i;d like to think so....
Nope- but that doesn't mean I'll give up sowing seeds of Liberty at every opportunity presented and maybe make an opportunity if I notice a cracked open door.
Is Life Worth Living After 75? One Doctor Says No. - InsideHook

One size doesn't fit all- like Willie Nelson said; "there's more old drunks than there are old Dr's"

I'm a "liberal", in the classical sense- in today's vernacular "libertarian"- and I refuse to let others redefine to suit an agenda- words mean things and they all count or none count.
Don't shoot me I'm just posting the message-

The “reopenings” underway in 30 states in the US might be in words only just as the ballyhooed “open” Swedish economy is not open in fact and has been closed by non-participation. The Swedish Riksbank reports that attendance at cinema, events, and sports is off 90%. Business at restaurants and cafes is down 70%, and the hotel occupancy rate is a meager 10%. The overall Swedish economy has declined 11%—more than the current estimate for the US—and consumer confidence surveys have plunged more in Sweden than in Europe as a whole.
interesting info on Sweden, but I am still proud of how they responded.and jealous

why? because I am actually pro-choice, if people want to shelter at home to be safe, I have no problem with that
just as they should have no problem if I want to work and feed my kids

to my progresive friends, see how that works?

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