Rep. Clay Higgins Drops a Bomb on Newsmax: “Over 200” FBI Agents Embedded Within Crowd on J6 – FBI Agents Behind Talk of Violence in Chat Groups! (VID


That would be why we keep asking why none of these "insurrectionists" haven't been charged with "insurrection." You typically don't call someone a murderer unless they've been found guilty of murder. Or calling someone an arsonist without being found guilty of arson. But to call someone an arsonist because they were arrested for shoplifting makes no sense.
There's just too much cowardice in our government.

They should have charged every one of those bastards w/it.

Well, there's also a lot of stupid citizens who might have got them off were they on the jury, so they went w/what they knew would stick.

It was a political move.
I certainly do. It was a protest that divulged into a small riot. But it was never an "insurrection" and the proof was hundreds of people being arrested and NONE for insurrection. Even Bill Barr, who hates Trump, said they went far too wide in their net of arresting people. Some people were jailed for simply walking through an open door and looking around. That's not a crime to be jailed for.

But it had nothing to do with Trump and it had nothing to do with trying to take over the gov't. Being totally unarmed proves that. The only person shot was an unarmed white woman by a black man. Kinda sounds like Chicago on a Friday night.
So you agree it was seditious conspiracy?

Also, they were not unarmed. Some had guns and Trump knew it when he sent them to the capital.
I truly hope that some folks here can thoughtfully watch that video and maybe start to ask themselves if they have been deceived. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was a set up, at least to some degree. The "Scaffold Guy" with a bull horn urging on the crowd is even more damning evidence than all the Ray Epps evidence.
I truly hope that some folks here can thoughtfully watch that video and maybe start to ask themselves if they have been deceived. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was a set up, at least to some degree. The "Scaffold Guy" with a bull horn urging on the crowd is even more damning evidence than all the Ray Epps evidence.
What's damning about it?

Who is the scaffold guy? What is his name?
He is a man that was on top of the scaffolding with a bullhorn, egging on the crowd. Very clear photos of his face and plenty of video of his actions that day. He has never been found....and most Americans have never heard of him.
I stand corrected.... he is referred to as the"Scaffold commander". My apologies
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He is a man that was on top of the scaffolding with a bullhorn, egging on the crowd. Very clear photos of his face and plenty of video of his actions that day. He has never been found....and most Americans have never heard of him.
So you don't know who he is?

You don't know his name?
Some speculate that he may be the leftwing journalist John Nichols. In any case we have very clear photos of his face, and very clear video of him doing illegal things that day.....Yet the FBI has yet to identify him. Hmmm
Give it up. The FBI didn’t assemble a crowd, Trump did. The FBI didn’t do reconnaissance missions the week before, the proud boys did. The FBI didn’t say fight, Rudy and Trump did. The FBI didn’t charge the capital. You guys are fucking morons.
Well morons like you and Jack can now answer why Wray won’t answer the question of how many federal agents were there stirring up shit. No denial, just stating that he would not say how many were there. Trump said to PEACEFULLY protest. You are a fucking moron.
The video in the OP shows an extremely intelligent person, with impeccable credentials, that has done extensive research,... and has found very profound and disturbing evidence that this was a planned event. To dismiss this because "Orange Man Bad" would only be possible for an idiot.
The jewish space lasers herded the blobbers into the capitol...he said.
There's just too much cowardice in our government.

They should have charged every one of those bastards w/it.

Well, there's also a lot of stupid citizens who might have got them off were they on the jury, so they went w/what they knew would stick.

It was a political move.
You are unreadable with your silly ass writing style.
Some speculate that he may be the leftwing journalist John Nichols. In any case we have very clear photos of his face, and very clear video of him doing illegal things that day.....Yet the FBI has yet to identify him. Hmmm
So admittedly you are speculating.

Your narrative is based on assumptions.

Honestly nothing more needs be said.

The subject of white "ghost busses" with absolutely no markings on the exterior is a fun thing to look into.
I am sure it is.

I am also certain that is why it is available.for everyone's viewing pleasure.

Someone is making money off every click. True or not, the profit is the same. It's an unfortunate side effect of capitalism. Misinformation makes money.

Can you identify any of those buses? Who was in them? Where did they come from?

Asking those questions I mean proof, not speculation, not unanswered questions.
The video and facts surrounding the person speak for themselves.
They don't identify anyone.

Thus, your statement is false.

If you have facts or videos that identify the people...or even the buses so schedules and stops etc can be verified; I would love to hear it.

If not, you are pushing propaganda.

I await your proof.

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