Rep. Ilhan Omar Pushes Anti-Israel Resolution

Should Ilhan Omar's Anti-Israel Resolution come to pass in Congress?

  • Yes, because the Democrats are in command in Congress and should make their anti-Antisemitism known.

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • No, because boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union nearly led to genocide of the Jewish race.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
Why are you speaking in vague cryptologies?

Speak plainly.

Spit it out son.

I don't take bait and I don't get dragged into pointless call-outs.

If you just let an anti-Semite talk they will eventually call themselves out.

Funny. After all these claims of racism, it turns out that the only real racist here is Omar herself! :auiqs.jpg:
Got nothing to do with RAAAAYYYYCISM... it's got everything to do with religion.

Omar is a muslim. Muslims hate jews.

Why is there any more conversation needed about this?

Ahhhhh, sorry, but the Israelis aren't a religion. The Jews are a race. Muslims might hate Jews because of their own religious bias but the Jewish race they hate they don't hate because of their religion, it is because they hate THEM.
What kind of twisted cockamamie BS is that?

Why Middle East Muslims are taught to hate Jews

And exactly what is this "religious bias" you accuse Jews of having?
That one's a birther. He doesn't know up from down. :cuckoo:
why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

Which raises a follow up question ... why do so many of the Left hate Israel so vehemently?

Have you noticed, the same people show up whenever there are discussions concerning Jews and Israel?

The hatred of Jews and black hatred of whites has much in common.

Worthless individuals with absolutely nothing going for them look for a target to blame for the fact that they are nothing but a piece of excrement. Successful blacks with healthy self esteem do not hate whites. Successful people of all stripes with healthy self esteem do not hate Jews.
Of course. What do you expect from someone who said she gets a "calming feeling" when she thinks about the Holocaust?
Omar didn't say that, ya dumbfuck.

why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

Which raises a follow up question ... why do so many of the Left hate Israel so vehemently?

Have you noticed, the same people show up whenever there are discussions concerning Jews and Israel?

The hatred of Jews and black hatred of whites has much in common.

Worthless individuals with absolutely nothing going for them look for a target to blame for the fact that they are nothing but a piece of excrement. Successful blacks with healthy self esteem do not hate whites. Successful people of all stripes with healthy self esteem do not hate Jews.

Hmm, and yet I can't think of anybody who's causing more problems for White Americans than the Kosher people, they run Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, Facebook, Google, Youtube, the New York Times, and they also contribute 1/2 of Democrat funding.

They have been the main force who founded American Liberalism, they molded the Democrats from a Right-Wing party, into the uber Liberal mush of today.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

You haven't read of Haym Salomon, have you. *yawn* Okay, young man your reading assignment for today is: Haym Salomon - Wikipedia You need to know who your lightweight creepsister's targets (the Jews) helped establish in this nation. When you understand the kind of people who were huge outta-the-park investors of General Washington's military needs who gave and gave and gave till he was totally bankrupt to the cause of the Revolutionary War. But it didn't stop when his money was all gone. General Washington petitioned him for his last round that won America its Independence from King George III, Haym went on a roundup of all his Jewish friends and came up with the amount General Washington needed to purchase necessities of war to free his country for once and for all. Haym died a pauper's death, as he was never reimbursed for his loan.

When Ill Hand speaks, America smells poop. She's pooping on American Jews, who gave away all they had to make America the first self-governing republic in the world, which over the years just got better due to early Congressional watchdogs who ensured the Constitution would be of by and for the people of the United States. Her arrogance and betrayal of American brothers and sisters who happen to be Jewish will be her evil legacy and a shame against the Democrat Political Party which will decline as a consequence, while President Trump continues his quest to make America the best place that it can be.

I don't understand people who think they are patriots putting up with such nasty people as Ill Hand Omar and the supporters of her snubbery, lies, and downright hatefilled diatribe against not only Jewish Americans, but President Trump who knows in spades what the Holocaust Jews who fled to America went through. I hope this treachery gets shown for what it is and receives the humiliation and a public kick from Congress of the evil weevils and anti-American activists that the 4 creepsisters show that is increasing prescriptions and over-the-counter antacids of better Americans they do not deserve the honor of serving, considering who they're trying to poop on, but are ending up with all the stench they've built with one false narrative after another against the American Patriots the Jewish Community has always been. I'm glad our President defends them so well. He's just the best, imho.

Wow, anybody who believes this garbage must be painfully ignorant.

To tell you the truth, Blacks & Muslims are probably a lot more smart than you White Hick Protestants down South, who adore the Kosher attempts to destroy you.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Democrats are not pro-Muslim. They're just not anti-Muslim like so many on the right.
why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

Which raises a follow up question ... why do so many of the Left hate Israel so vehemently?

Have you noticed, the same people show up whenever there are discussions concerning Jews and Israel?

The hatred of Jews and black hatred of whites has much in common.

Worthless individuals with absolutely nothing going for them look for a target to blame for the fact that they are nothing but a piece of excrement. Successful blacks with healthy self esteem do not hate whites. Successful people of all stripes with healthy self esteem do not hate Jews.

Hmm, and yet I can't think of anybody who's causing more problems for White Americans than the Kosher people, they run Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, Facebook, Google, Youtube, the New York Times, and they also contribute 1/2 of Democrat funding.

They have been the main force who founded American Liberalism, they molded the Democrats from a Right-Wing party, into the uber Liberal mush of today.

Yes. A perfect example of that of which I spoke.

Thank you, my unsuccessful slack jawed friend.
US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a resolution this week supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the boycott of the Jewish state to boycotts of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Omar’s resolution seeks to push back against US laws banning the boycott of Israel and affirms the right of Americans to organize boycotts of foreign countries if they wish.

While the resolution doesn’t explicitly name Israel or the pro-Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, she told media outlets that the resolution concerns the Jewish state.“We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our First Amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” Omar (D-Minn.) “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement,” she added.

The other side to the history of the struggle to make anti-Semitism illegal is discussed here (and I spent half an hour coming to the conclusion that so far, no one can come to the conclusion to change Free Speech as it now is to limit or leave alone Free Speech (Bill of Rights #1) The startling thing about this decades-long debate is that the largest smiters of killing off anti-Semitic speech are Jewish lawyers for reasons that will confuse or bewilder you until you read it here: An Abandoned Weapon in the Fight Against Hate Speech

I'm not expecting a lucid answer from you, but why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

To me I see both sides loving and hating Israel. However the Republicans in general seem to fall into pro-Israel and Democrats are generally anti-Israel. I don’t think it has anything to do with policies. We tend to be pro-Britain yet they have universal healthcare an so on.

Democrats tend to be more pro-Muslim which are anti-gay, treat women as lesser humans, their countries tend to limit freedom and so on.

Again the extremes seem to have no real logic.

Democrats are not pro-Muslim. They're just not anti-Muslim like so many on the right.

Okay, I can accept that. People call me pro-Trump, because I’m not anti-Trump.
why is the right obsessed with loving Israel? They have universal health care, not only is abortion legal, the government often pays for it, they have social security and welfare, the government subsidizes higher education.

Which raises a follow up question ... why do so many of the Left hate Israel so vehemently?

Have you noticed, the same people show up whenever there are discussions concerning Jews and Israel?

The hatred of Jews and black hatred of whites has much in common.

Worthless individuals with absolutely nothing going for them look for a target to blame for the fact that they are nothing but a piece of excrement. Successful blacks with healthy self esteem do not hate whites. Successful people of all stripes with healthy self esteem do not hate Jews.

Hmm, and yet I can't think of anybody who's causing more problems for White Americans than the Kosher people, they run Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, Facebook, Google, Youtube, the New York Times, and they also contribute 1/2 of Democrat funding.

They have been the main force who founded American Liberalism, they molded the Democrats from a Right-Wing party, into the uber Liberal mush of today.

Yes. A perfect example of that of which I spoke.

Thank you, my unsuccessful slack jawed friend.

You can't even figure out the Synagogue of Satan's attempts to destroy you.

Says much about your minimal intellect.
If you have a problem with Jews, you have a problem with me. Those people know who they are.
Why are you speaking in vague cryptologies?

Speak plainly.

Spit it out son.

I don't take bait and I don't get dragged into pointless call-outs.

If you just let an anti-Semite talk they will eventually call themselves out.

Funny. After all these claims of racism, it turns out that the only real racist here is Omar herself! :auiqs.jpg:

uh-huh. these rallies were filmed b4 trump's installation... since then, his basket dwellers have gotten emboldened with their hatred & racism.

so when you can cough up a valid retort - then your silly post will be reCONsidered.

How pathetic that you take a few idiots at a rally and use that to blanket smear 66 million supporters. I'm much more concerned about the hundreds of racists and haters running my House of Representatives and their thousands of followers in places like California than I am 2 or 3 fanatics spurred on by and filmed at some rally somewhere because of a tee shirt they wore. Those idiots pale in comparison to the hundreds and thousands of violent loons spurred on to looting, burning and destroying entire cities in places like Baltimore by the likes of Obumma and his little sidekick, Eric Holder.

a few? :auiqs.jpg: there were a shit load of 'em from several rallies.... deny it all you want, but facts be facts. i gotsta give you credit for doing exactly what donny wants you to do....


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