Rep. Jared Moskowitz calls for Palm Beach County to tax Mar-a-Lago at the rate Trump claims it's worth

When did anyone claim Trump told the banks what his property is worth? The banks never ask the seller what they think it's worth. That makes this case even more idiotic.

Fucking moron, his bullshit numbers were among his financial statements he provided to banks and insurers, among others.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

What locality taxes real estate and the same rate as market value? Typical demafasict either never owned real estate or wants to target their political rival to be treated differently
Do you understand the difference between $18 million and $1.5 billion?

My house market value is probably $300K or so here in Kansas. The tax valuation is about 20% under that.

If we take that same 20% from tRump's estimate of $1.3 billion he only needs to pay taxes on $1.04 billion.

I'm ok with that, how about you?
Since I don't see signatures, I had no idea the forum now only shows a small top region of a signature. So I made the image smaller so it appears again. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, rambtard. Now everyone here viewing signatures can see it again. :banana:

Do you understand the difference between $18 million and $1.5 billion?

My house market value is probably $300K or so here in Kansas. The tax valuation is about 20% under that.

If we take that same 20% from tRump's estimate of $1.3 billion he only needs to pay taxes on $1.04 billion.

I'm ok with that, how about you?
I’m ok on whatever the city appraise the real estate ar

I’m ok with it being very different then what an owner of the property does

There is also a difference between a value of the company and the real estate, which the congressman apparenly doesn’t grasp
I’m ok on whatever the city appraise the real estate ar

I’m ok with it being very different then what an owner of the property does

There is also a difference between a value of the company and the real estate, which the congressman apparenly doesn’t grasp
mar a ladro is listed as a private residence.
Again, fucking moron, a gain need not be obtained. It's still fraud just for attempting it repeatedly.
For fraud to have occured, someone has to have been damaged. Whether Trump gained is irrelevant.
Sure. Odd the banks weren’t complaining and the DA didn’t file a criminal indictment though isn’t it. Also odd it wasn’t until after Trump ran for President that everyone noticed all the fraud. I know he’s only been in the NY real estate business for a couple years but still.

It matters not if banks complained or not. Again, fraud the intent to deceive for gain. It's the intent to gain, not the realization to gain. The NY law requires multiple attempts, which the prosecution provided such evidence.
People are just stupid. Led around by the Commee in the MSM.

Property Tax assement is far different from true value in many US STATES: example below.
Assessed Value = Full Cash Value multiplied by Assessment Ratio (varies per Legal Class of property per ARS Title 42, Chapter 15, Article 1. For example: 10% for class 3, residential, 20% for 1 & 2P, Commercial (adjustable by year) and 16% for class 2R vacant land)

Loons won't even use LW commee google to avoid making fools of themselves. I alread knew it. Now I will go read some more of the dead - thread.

Have you sent this info to trumps lawyers????

Under Florida Law, properties are allowed a limit on the amount the assessed value may increase each year, known as the homestead Save Our Homes (SOH) 3% cap and the non-homestead 10% cap. Overtime, these caps can reduce the amount of property taxes paid as they are calculated on assessed value.

The 10% cap became effective beginning with the 2009 tax roll. This assessment cap is only for “non-homestead” properties, that is all properties that DO NOT have a homestead exemption, such as 2nd homes, rental properties, vacation homes, vacant land or commercial property.
It matters not if banks complained or not. Again, fraud the intent to deceive for gain. It's the intent to gain, not the realization to gain. The NY law requires multiple attempts, which the prosecution provided such evidence.
Sure man. You believe what you want to believe. It’s all just a coincidence

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