Rep. Joe Wilson Vindicated: Obama Repeatedly Lied to the American Public on Obamacare

Christ, are there no Republican heros anymore?

Are there any Democrats left who tell the truth? Obama has done nothing but lie since he began campaigning for president and the Obamabot drones like yourself do nothing but defend his dishonesty in the name of hyper partisanship. You care more about your party than you do about your country, which you are flushing straight down the shitter.
He's not "vindicated" at all.

He called a United States President, a liar, during a Presidential address to congress.

That's never ever been done before in this country. It is a breach of protocol and best practices.

And's set a Precedent that no Republican or conservative can ever get mad about if used against one of their own.

oh my, it's NEVER been done before in this history of this country...:lol::eusa_boohoo:
I stupidly followed the link. It's just a blog that re-states the original anti-ObamaCare talking points without citing any proof.

You have to wonder if the OP is a direct foot soldier of a Republican Dirty Tricks operation or if he/she is being fooled by the vast bullshit machine. Clearly this particular post indicates a very slow news day for Republican Propaganda.

What's more interesting is the sheer size of the Republican Smear Machine - it rivals the Trotskyites. Moreover, they have a leadership which feeds talking points to pundits, websites and a vast army of stupid morons who bring this unsubstantiated garbage to public forums and clog the debate.

FOX News recently got caught lying about ObamaCare.

"The other day Sean Hannity featured some Real Americans telling tales of how they have been hurt by Obamacare. So Eric Stern, who used to work for Brian Schweitzer, had a bright idea: he actually called Hannity’s guests, to get the details.

Sure enough, the businessman who claimed that Obamacare was driving up his costs, forcing him to lay off workers, only has four employees — meaning that Obamacare has no effect whatsoever on his business. The two families complaining about soaring premiums haven’t actually checked out what’s on offer, and Stern estimates that they would in fact see major savings.

You have to wonder about the mindset of people who go on national TV to complain about how they’re suffering from a program based on nothing but what they think they heard somewhere. You might also wonder about what kind of alleged news show features such people without any check on their bona fides. But then again, consider the network."

and I stupidly read this spew of have to wonder if you are an Obama and Democrat sheep/stooge..
now move along
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Christ, are there no Republican heros anymore?

we don't need heros, just elected Representatives who care more for the people and speak up about the abuse, lies and tricks being played on the people in country

You shallow people who voted Democrat saw a HERO in Obama and look what we have for it

We do need heroic measures to bring this country back from the brink which is where Republicans take us every chance they get. Bush/Cheney bringing us nearly to the brink of Depression during their last term and now Cruz/Boehner bringing us to the brink of default just a couple of weeks ago.

These people don't mind showing thier asses to the rest of the world. We need an adult, someone we can look up to. Someone who can run things in crisis mode because that is where Repubs always end up taking us in their incompetence.

Instead of an "adult", we got Barack Obama...a rather petulant, thin skinned and generally incompetent ideologue prone to blaming others for his own shortcomings. How's that working out so far, Sarah?
You can debate whether Wilson was right or wrong for shouting out what he did during Barack Obama's speech but as ObamaCare rolls out it's becoming more and more obvious that Obama was indeed lying to the American people when he made the claims that he did.

When you tell's hard to hide behind a barrier of "etiquette" to stifle those who point out that you are lying. One could ask which is call out "You lie!" during someone's speech...or to tell what you know is a lie to a speech to the Congress and the American people in the first place.
correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Joe Wilson's comment directed at Obama's saying "no illegals" will get obama care?

now that the dems are pushing to legalize all of the illegals, won't they then qualify?

so whose the liar?

very good questions and second post here

welcome to you...Now get ready to be flamed by some here...just a warning dear;)
Sucks to have such a boy-who-cried-wolf problem, eh ODS kooks?

You earned it by spending so many year making crap up. Now, most people simply assume you're lying about whatever your latest feigned outrage is, so they just ignore you.

It took you years of such lying to destroy your own reputation. It's going to take years of penance to restore it. I suggest you get started now. Or not. No skin off our backs. The crazier you get, the more votes Democrats pick up.
You can debate whether Wilson was right or wrong for shouting out what he did during Barack Obama's speech but as ObamaCare rolls out it's becoming more and more obvious that Obama was indeed lying to the American people when he made the claims that he did.

When you tell's hard to hide behind a barrier of "etiquette" to stifle those who point out that you are lying. One could ask which is call out "You lie!" during someone's speech...or to tell what you know is a lie to a speech to the Congress and the American people in the first place.

[ame=]George W. Bush 16 Words Lie: Iraq and Uranium Yellowcake from Niger - YouTube[/ame]

That was a blatant lie.
Let's See ObamaCare lies and Fails, IRS, NSA, the next SOTU should look like the midnight Rocky Horror crowd
we don't need heros, just elected Representatives who care more for the people and speak up about the abuse, lies and tricks being played on the people in country

You shallow people who voted Democrat saw a HERO in Obama and look what we have for it

We do need heroic measures to bring this country back from the brink which is where Republicans take us every chance they get. Bush/Cheney bringing us nearly to the brink of Depression during their last term and now Cruz/Boehner bringing us to the brink of default just a couple of weeks ago.

These people don't mind showing thier asses to the rest of the world. We need an adult, someone we can look up to. Someone who can run things in crisis mode because that is where Repubs always end up taking us in their incompetence.

Instead of an "adult", we got Barack Obama...a rather petulant, thin skinned and generally incompetent ideologue prone to blaming others for his own shortcomings. How's that working out so far, Sarah?

That rather one sided analysis may work ok for you but he is always the intelligent one in the room.
Remember folks, you can't say Obama lied at an SOU, But the whole Democrat party can stand and cheer their obstruction and warning's from President Bush...and they don't classify that as, disrespect and accusing him of, LYING...

their double standards are something to behold...but if they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't any standards...sad

[ame=]Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube[/ame]
Uploaded on May 4, 2006

At President Bush's State of the Union address, Congressional Democrats wildly cheer their own intransigence, obstruction, and reverence for the broken status quo. Showing their love for America's biggest government boondoggle, Democrats prove, once again, why they cannot be trusted with power.
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He's not "vindicated" at all.

He called a United States President, a liar, during a Presidential address to congress.

That's never ever been done before in this country. It is a breach of protocol and best practices.

And's set a Precedent that no Republican or conservative can ever get mad about if used against one of their own.

oh my, it's NEVER been done before in this history of this country...:lol::eusa_boohoo:

Link that other incident Steph....I would love to see it.
He's not "vindicated" at all.

He called a United States President, a liar, during a Presidential address to congress.

That's never ever been done before in this country. It is a breach of protocol and best practices.

And's set a Precedent that no Republican or conservative can ever get mad about if used against one of their own.

oh my, it's NEVER been done before in this history of this country...:lol::eusa_boohoo:

Link that other incident Steph....I would love to see it.

I just did, see my post above dispute and spin like you all will
Remember folks, you can't say Obama lied at an SOU, But the whole Democrat party can stand and cheer their obstruction and warning's from President Bush...and they don't classify that as, disrespect...

their double standards are something to behold...but if they have double standards they wouldn't any standards...sad

Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube
Uploaded on May 4, 2006

At President Bush's State of the Union address, Congressional Democrats wildly cheer their own intransigence, obstruction, and reverence for the broken status quo. Showing their love for America's biggest government boondoggle, Democrats prove, once again, why they cannot be trusted with power.

I think what they laughed at and booed was privatizing social security. You must admit, some of the schemes from the Bush/Republican congress era was pretty goofy.
Why do folks automatically ASSUME someone is a democrat when they show disgust and disappointment in this administration and its president with all the lies and coverups and spyings done since they/he have been in office? A LOT of people voted those assholes in. A LOT of people wish they hadn't and if hindsight was 20 20, those that did wouldn' follow the same path they WERE on.

Enough already. Stop the damn assuming.
Wilson's outburst was inappropriate and regrettable, and demonstrated a lack of civility.
Obama is a Habitual Liar.........

He simply doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants............

And the obamabots continue to worship him, along with the Media...............

The problem with a Lie............It takes 10 more lies to justify the first one............

Truth eventually wins out, because the Lies implode.

We now have the LIAR N CHIEF...............

he is absolutely no different than all of them - leftards ALWAYS LIE.

otherwise they won't ever get elected - if the people would know their real agenda, they would lynch them.

Therefore leftards 1) always lie 2) dumb down people by indoctrination and lies, plus lower the standards of basic school education 3) put as much people as possible on government dependency - to guarantee that people will vote for their 150$ in foodstamps
He's not "vindicated" at all.

He called a United States President, a liar, during a Presidential address to congress.

That's never ever been done before in this country. It is a breach of protocol and best practices.

And's set a Precedent that no Republican or conservative can ever get mad about if used against one of their own.

Since you are bringing up setting precedent, which I agree with your point, I hope you will join me in being consistent. Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi defied the policy of the President from the other party in going to meet with Syria. That is the type of precedent that Republicans ought to be following: Defiance.

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