Rep. Nunes; " I feel very confident that Durham is doing the job that we expect him to do. "

The Dems have probably already lawyered up. They know what they did and they fear indictments from Barr and Durham.
There will be no indictments.

Yes there will be. At least for the dude who falsified evidence, Kevin Clinesmith. He's toast.
Then its up the chain to get a lighter sentence, and up and up.
The Mueller Plan but on the "Crossfire Hurricane" crowd, not the Trump crowd.
There will be no convictions. Because there was no coup. Just like there has been no unmasking.

There was no "coup" but there were many coup attempts.
1. The FBI's Operation Crossfire Hurricane was Strzok's "insurance policy" against Trump
2. Don't forget the 25th Amendment attempt where Rosenstein offered to wear a "wire"
3. Then there was the Mueller Investigation that started as investigating Russia's "interference" in the 2016 election, but quickly morphed into investigating "Trump's collusion" with Russia. That was another coup attempt by the deep state and Hillary donors.
4. The MSM by constantly lying about Trump in "fake news" articles, and 95% negative coverage of Trump, is also trying to do a soft coup against Trump.

Illegal unmasking by the Obama admin happened.
There was no coup and there were no attempts at a coup. Unmasking is legal. Using your logic trump has committed over 18,000 illegal acts during his presidency. The Mueller investigation never morphed into anything and no one is lying about trump in the media. There was no insurance policy, everything you say here is bs.
Indictments are coming 'any day now'. Lawyer up James and Peter.

Rep. Nunes on Susan Rice email: ‘Why was this classified to begin with?’

As much as I would like to see the Obama crowd held legally accountable for their actions, I will believe it when I see it. A GOP administration pulls the same stunts as BO, the left would be screaming 24/7. But demrats can do most anything they want.

The problem with you is that there is nothing to this. It is a trump diversion.
Many in the media immediately sputtered that the FBI was certainly justified because Trump campaign third-stringer George Papadopoulos told an Australian official, in a bar, that the Russians had email dirt on Hillary Clinton.

The media may wish that Papadopoulos’s comment is sufficient justification to investigate a candidate for president, but it is not. An experienced Russia counterintelligence FBI agent would have recognized immediately that the Australian’s assertion, while moderately interesting for existing investigations of Russians, was not nearly enough to open an invasive investigation of American citizens.

The biased, overeager Comey and McCabe, however, opened an unprecedented full-blown investigation into a presidential campaign. Worse, Durham possibly will show that the Comey team started involving itself in questionable intelligence community activities that improperly ran confidential sources against Papadopoulos well before they officially opened a case — a potentially big no-no that, if proven, will not go well for all involved.


I saw this poster and I thought it was terrible slander.
No way a member of Congress would ever say something like that. they take all kinds of oaths to the constitution and swear to God.
So then I went and looked it up. And then I just felt bad for America that a member of Congress would say something like that.
View attachment 339554

I saw this poster and I thought it was terrible slander.
No way a member of Congress would ever say something like that. they take all kinds of oaths to the constitution and swear to God.
So then I went and looked it up. And then I just felt bad for America that a member of Congress would say something like that.
And you guys talk about Russian propaganda on social media. Really ?
View attachment 339554

I saw this poster and I thought it was terrible slander.
No way a member of Congress would ever say something like that. they take all kinds of oaths to the constitution and swear to God.
So then I went and looked it up. And then I just felt bad for America that a member of Congress would say something like that.
And you guys talk about Russian propaganda on social media. Really ?
I know, I hate Russian propaganda. Did you know that the Russians opened up a radio broadcast network in Kansas called sputnik? It’s all Russian propaganda.

and I was shocked they would claim Donald Trump was a Russian agent. And even broadcast it in Russia over the airwaves so the entire world could hear it. Not only that, Russia has said they keep an apartment available for Donald Trump in case he has to escape from the United States. What a thing to say.


---Durham’s focused on indictments...Yesterday, we wondered whether Laura Ingraham’s teaser from her interview with Attorney General William Barr might have left out some context. It actually might have undersold Barr’s comments on Operation Crossfire Hurricane and US Attorney John Durham’s probe into the FBI and intelligence agencies. The Fox News host asked Barr when we could expect to see Durham’s report, and Barr replied that he’s not sure there will be a report.---


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