Rep Ocasio Cortez Trolls Republicans After Hearing Then Proceeds To Mash Jim Jordan

So now mean tweets are cool? Will liberal hypocrisy never end? Sadly the fools just keep stepping in it. Pathetic.
Get help.
What did I say that was incorrect.

Republican representatives.

High school dropout teenage mom--yep, Lauren Boebert.

Bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist--yep, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sure, she has a degree, but I would love to see her GPA.

Butt ugly dumbshit that seeks sex with underaged girls--Matt Gaetz. Look, I don't mean to place a lot of emphasis on personal appearance, but then again, it does mean something. Boebert might be initially attractive, until she opens her mouth. Honestly, there should be some kind of minimum intelligence level to be a member of Congress. Boebert can't even run a damn diner. Used campaign money to pay off business debts. Food poisoned hundreds of patrons. But Greene, she damn screams physco, her eyes, her voice, her ranting. She is the type of person that when you see them on the grocery aisle you move along and wait till she leaves it to pick up your can of green beans. Yet she was elected to Congress. But Gaetz, my god, he exemplifies crazy. Honestly, I thought Tucker Carlson had the beadiest eyes ever, and then I saw Gaetz. He is actually scary looking. No wonder he has to turn to underaged prostitutes to get laid. A seasoned pro would avoid him like the plague.

In all the great American cities there is to-day as clearly defined a ruling class as in the most aristocratic countries of the world. Its members carry wards in their pockets, make up the slates for nominating conventions, distribute offices as they bargain together, and-though they toil not, neither do they spin-wear the best of raiment and spend money lavishly. They are men of power, whose favor the ambitious must court and whose vengeance he must avoid. Who are these men? The wise, the good, the learned men who have earned the confidence of their fellow citizens s by the purity of their lives, the splendor of their talents, their probity in public trusts, their deep study of the problems of government? No; they are gamblers, saloon keepers, pugilists, or worse, who have made a trade of controlling votes and of buying and selling offices and official acts. They stand to the government of these cities as the Pretorian Guards did to that of declining Rome. He who would wear the purple, fill the curule chair, or have the fasces carried before him, must go or send his messengers to their camps, give them donatives and make them promises. It is through these men that the rich corporations and powerful pecuniary interests can pack the Senate and the bench with their creatures. It is these men who make School Directors, Supervisors, Assessors, members of the Legislature, Congressmen. Why, there are many election districts in the United States in which a George Washington, a Beniamin Franklin or a Thomas Jefferson could no more go to the lower house of a State Legislature than under the Ancient Regime a base-born peasant could become a Marshal of France. Their very character would be an insuperable disqualification

That is Henry George, from 1879, and he speaks truth some 150 years later. Today, if Thomas Jefferson could rise from his grave and run for Congress in Georgia's 14th HE WOULD LOSE, to MTG. Look, I am not defending AOC, she is not qualified to be a member of Congress. But like I said, she is head and shoulders above several Republican representatives. A party is defined by the least qualified representatives, and I will take AOC above the three mentioned, and at least a half dozen more--Cawthorn, Goebert, Kennedy, Cruz--I mean these are some dumbass mofo's that place their own position and power above the interest of their constituents. Davy Crockett would be dumbfounded.
What did I say that was incorrect.

Republican representatives.

High school dropout teenage mom--yep, Lauren Boebert.

Bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist--yep, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Sure, she has a degree, but I would love to see her GPA.

Butt ugly dumbshit that seeks sex with underaged girls--Matt Gaetz. Look, I don't mean to place a lot of emphasis on personal appearance, but then again, it does mean something. Boebert might be initially attractive, until she opens her mouth. Honestly, there should be some kind of minimum intelligence level to be a member of Congress. Boebert can't even run a damn diner. Used campaign money to pay off business debts. Food poisoned hundreds of patrons. But Greene, she damn screams physco, her eyes, her voice, her ranting. She is the type of person that when you see them on the grocery aisle you move along and wait till she leaves it to pick up your can of green beans. Yet she was elected to Congress. But Gaetz, my god, he exemplifies crazy. Honestly, I thought Tucker Carlson had the beadiest eyes ever, and then I saw Gaetz. He is actually scary looking. No wonder he has to turn to underaged prostitutes to get laid. A seasoned pro would avoid him like the plague.

In all the great American cities there is to-day as clearly defined a ruling class as in the most aristocratic countries of the world. Its members carry wards in their pockets, make up the slates for nominating conventions, distribute offices as they bargain together, and-though they toil not, neither do they spin-wear the best of raiment and spend money lavishly. They are men of power, whose favor the ambitious must court and whose vengeance he must avoid. Who are these men? The wise, the good, the learned men who have earned the confidence of their fellow citizens s by the purity of their lives, the splendor of their talents, their probity in public trusts, their deep study of the problems of government? No; they are gamblers, saloon keepers, pugilists, or worse, who have made a trade of controlling votes and of buying and selling offices and official acts. They stand to the government of these cities as the Pretorian Guards did to that of declining Rome. He who would wear the purple, fill the curule chair, or have the fasces carried before him, must go or send his messengers to their camps, give them donatives and make them promises. It is through these men that the rich corporations and powerful pecuniary interests can pack the Senate and the bench with their creatures. It is these men who make School Directors, Supervisors, Assessors, members of the Legislature, Congressmen. Why, there are many election districts in the United States in which a George Washington, a Beniamin Franklin or a Thomas Jefferson could no more go to the lower house of a State Legislature than under the Ancient Regime a base-born peasant could become a Marshal of France. Their very character would be an insuperable disqualification

That is Henry George, from 1879, and he speaks truth some 150 years later. Today, if Thomas Jefferson could rise from his grave and run for Congress in Georgia's 14th HE WOULD LOSE, to MTG. Look, I am not defending AOC, she is not qualified to be a member of Congress. But like I said, she is head and shoulders above several Republican representatives. A party is defined by the least qualified representatives, and I will take AOC above the three mentioned, and at least a half dozen more--Cawthorn, Goebert, Kennedy, Cruz--I mean these are some dumbass mofo's that place their own position and power above the interest of their constituents. Davy Crockett would be dumbfounded.

You sure wasted a lot of time and effort for this weak ass post.
Like these Republican Party sycophants, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also good at social media. And while Ocasio-Cortez is not on the Jan. 6 committee, she is a democratically elected official, sworn to uphold the laws of our land. Doing her part, Ocasio-Cortez took to her Twitter account and began to lay waste to the hypocrites that consider themselves Republican Party leaders. Starting with a pitch perfect smack down of Florida man, and suspected sex trafficker of a minor, Rep. Matt Gaetz,Ocasio-Cortez was not playing around.

Aren’t you getting kind of tired getting embarrassed by that girl?

skews the democratic party sycophant speaks come cortez doesnt lay waste to the hypocrites that consider themselves Democrat party "leaders"?.....
You sure wasted a lot of time and effort for this weak ass post.
Well I see you don't have the balls, or the intelligence, to provide a rebuttal. No surprise, average IQ of a Trump supporter has got to be somewhere around 80.
Like these Republican Party sycophants, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also good at social media. And while Ocasio-Cortez is not on the Jan. 6 committee, she is a democratically elected official, sworn to uphold the laws of our land. Doing her part, Ocasio-Cortez took to her Twitter account and began to lay waste to the hypocrites that consider themselves Republican Party leaders. Starting with a pitch perfect smack down of Florida man, and suspected sex trafficker of a minor, Rep. Matt Gaetz,Ocasio-Cortez was not playing around.

Aren’t you getting kind of tired getting embarrassed by that girl?

Is she your bartender?
Like these Republican Party sycophants, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is also good at social media. And while Ocasio-Cortez is not on the Jan. 6 committee, she is a democratically elected official, sworn to uphold the laws of our land. Doing her part, Ocasio-Cortez took to her Twitter account and began to lay waste to the hypocrites that consider themselves Republican Party leaders. Starting with a pitch perfect smack down of Florida man, and suspected sex trafficker of a minor, Rep. Matt Gaetz,Ocasio-Cortez was not playing around.

Aren’t you getting kind of tired getting embarrassed by that girl?

AOC and the rest of the so called squad are useless windbags.
Seems to me that AOC would be rather easy to bump to the curb.

What ever happened to grassroots? It's rather nonexistent in mainstream politics.

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