Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) Says Women ‘Have Every Right to be Angry and Upset and Mad and to Curse

More muslim taqiyya LIES! I have studied the Pisslam disease for years and women have ZERO human rights under Islam, let alone any right to be angry. Muslim whores have all the rights of zoo animals and considering these whores' behavior, that might not be such a bad idea. Muslim womanoids are evil, malicious, lying FILTH of the female gender. These trashy whores deserve to be hanged with their own fallopian tubes.
People have a right to be vulgar and hateful and divisive and make a bad situation even worse by getting down in the mud with those they hate.

Long live freedom of expression.

Let's just not pretend they're trying to heal divisions.
Sure, a female Muslim elected to Congress has the right to have a vulgar meltdown, but my point is for what?
People have a right to be vulgar and hateful and divisive and make a bad situation even worse by getting down in the mud with those they hate.

Long live freedom of expression.

Let's just not pretend they're trying to heal divisions.
Sure, a female Muslim elected to Congress has the right to have a vulgar meltdown, but my point is for what?
To fire up "the base".

That's all that matters nowadays.

She forgot about the right to dance on the pole

Motherfucker has pissed off so many motherfucking people with his fucking bullshit that the normal fucking rules of decorum have gone out the motherfucking window.
Motherfucker has pissed off so many motherfucking people with his fucking bullshit that the normal fucking rules of decorum have gone out the motherfucking window.
So what your saying is that she would talk the same in the middle east! True courage and character is by being a shield against the worst ways. Not by spouting views in massive protection where the wheels being greased. Who is she against? Trump is her protector but she is to stupid to realize it. And I am not the best either. This woman knows the reality. And her own will eliminate her or stifle her someday over here as they gain more power ....p.s...kill Crippled Ken and I might believe.
Rep. Rashid Taliban received 27,803 votes, or 31.2% in the democrat primary. And faced no opposing party in November 2018. Folks this is tyranny. A sick, ugly, unqualified, Whitey-hating POS now has power at the federal level because of 27,803 mostly welfare scum probably. Laws need to be set up to insure individuals are not "appointed" but are elected in a competitive, fair process. Sure a lot of Republican do not bother trying in Darkie areas nowadays because Darkies only vote for Darkies often because the Darkie running claims the Republican is their oppressor, a White devil, etc., but still. This POS should be cleaning toilets at Walmart not in the Peoples' House voting on things she cannot even begin to comprehend!
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