Rep. Ratcliffe: Page Admits ‘Text Messages Mean What They Say’


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Strzok acts like a psychopath. And he is not even a good liar. He looked absolutely crazy while answering questions.

So, he was intent on stopping Trump while in charge of investigating that idiot woman who lost to Trump. And we are supposed to believe that he would do his job properly and risk exposing Hillary. And there are actually some mind-number robots out there who believe this shit.

The only way for him to stop Trump was to keep Hillary out of jail. He was in a position to do just that. So, despite Hillary clearing breaking laws regarding the emails and the server, they came up with the crap about how she risked national security and broke the law but they cited a lack of intent for failing to prosecute. Intent has never mattered before when someone deliberately and knowingly risked national security and destroyed evidence. What was her intend when she kept a private server, destroyed emails and scrubbed the server? Sorry, but there is one reason to do that and she intentionally did it. Fuck Hillary and those who abused their positions to cover her ass. She abused her position as Sec of State by forcing people to go through her foundation if they wanted to meet with her. And you can bet that meant dropping a big contribution. She "lost" billions of dollars during her stint as Sec of State. Sloppy paperwork, my ass. Time to call her on this and everyone who helped cover for her needs to face charges.

"Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) says former FBI lawyer Lisa Page was more cooperative in her closed-door testimony with lawmakers than her former colleague and lover, FBI agent Peter Strzok.

“In many cases she admits that the text messages mean exactly what they say, Rep. Ratcliffe told reporters Monday. “As opposed to Agent Strzok who thinks we misinterpreted his own words on any text message that might be negative.”

Strzok and Page drew the attention of the congressional investigation when a series of anti-Trump texts were revealed publicly.

In a text message sent on Aug. 8, 2016, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page asked Strzok if Trump would become president. “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” replied Strzok.

The duo had a long list of negative things to say about the president in the 50,000 texts they exchanged and even mentioned an “insurance policy” in the event Trump did win.

Strzok was assigned to both the high profile investigations into Clinton’s email server and into potential collusion between Trump officials and Russia."

Rep. Ratcliffe: Page Admits ‘Text Messages Mean What They Say’
In many cases she admits that the text messages mean exactly what they say.

And yet in other cases they do not.

[/stupid thread about nothing]
In many cases she admits that the text messages mean exactly what they say.

And yet in other cases they do not.

[/stupid thread about nothing]

^^Automated damage control

Look forward to publication of her testimony.

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