Repair Shop owner Knows Of Multiple Attempts To Insert Questionable Material Into Hunter Bidens Laptop


That is definitely, unquestionably, Hunter Biden in those pictures

And no one could plant DoD encryption keys on the disk.

I call BS.
What they mean is that there are a shitload of rumors about kiddie porn pictures on the laptop even though nobody with access to the hard drive has ever insinuated that.

What is on there is a message between Quid Pro Joe and Hunter in which Hunter expresses his sexual desire for his 14 year old niece.

The case numbers suggests this is not a child porn investigation, it's a tax fraud and/or money laundering investigation. Financial crimes.

The most damning is an email in which Burisma asks Hunter to use his "influence" to get rid of Prosecutor General Shokin. And I don't think it's a coincidence that it was sent the same day as the failed assassination attempt against Shokin.

Quite obviously plan A was to kill Shokin and plan B was to get Joe Biden to pressure the Ukranian government into firing Shokin.

And Demento Joe is on video bragging/confessing that he got Ukraine to fire Shokin and have him replaced with a corrupt politician who had recently got out of prison by threatening to cut off a $1 billion US Treasury loan guarantee.

Quid Pro Joe should be in prison.
The computer repair shop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's alleged laptop to the FBI now says that many reports about photographs on the device are "misinformation."

As the laptop turns.

What an imaginative fairy tale.
The thread title is a lie...the OP is a well known liar...and Raw Story should be renamed Raw Sewage.

The truth...

“I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year and a half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in not physically, but passing it off as misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop,” he added. “And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive.”

Link to NOT Raw Story.

Water's wet, the sky is blue and liberals lie through their fucking teeth...all exactly as it is expected to be.

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