Zone1 Reparations debate


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

the lefties have shall we say not been totally accurate in their historical view.

the lefties have shall we say not been totally accurate in their historical view.
The summer royal tour of the Caribbean and the death of Queen Elizabeth have provoked debates about the participation of Britain in the transatlantic slave trade. Following the queen’s funeral on September 19, CNN host Don Lemon, in an interview with royal commentator Hilary Fordwich, suggested the United Kingdom should pay reparations for colonialism.

Fordwich soundly smacked him down: "Two thousand naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery… Britain was the first nation in the world to abolish slavery.” She added, "If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, ‘Who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages?'"

Speechless, Lemon meekly ended the interview.

In America, Democrats are trying to legislate reparations. Marxist identity politics are being pushed into every part of American economic and civil life. The slave trade is being characterized in racial terms to justify the divisive Critical Race Theory ideology that blacks are victims oppressed by whites.

Despite the inference that America cornered the market on slavery, slavery has been a worldwide institution since the beginning of civilization. According to Thomas Sowell, renowned black economist:


Of all the tragic facts about the history of slavery, the most astonishing to an American today is that, although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century. People of every race and color were enslaved -- and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed.
America was never a major world leader in the African slave trade. Of the 12.7 million Africans sold into slavery from 1501-1875, 46 percent went to Portugal, 26 percent to England, 11 percent to France, 8 percent to Spain, 4 percent to the Dutch, and only 2.4 percent to the United States.

There are currently 40 million slaves worldwide – three times the total number victimized during the 400-year history of the transatlantic African slave trade. Of the nearly 200 nations in the world, 94 -- nearly 50% -- still have not criminalized slavery or the slave trade.

Contrary to the Marxist propaganda that we are a racist nation, the United States is ranked as one of the top nations in the world for fighting slavery, the slave trade, and human trafficking.

Who should pay reparations? The descendants of white Southerners? Only the wealthy landed aristocracy owned slaves -- fewer than 10 percent of Southern whites. The vast majority of whites had little money and small farms that did not warrant slave labor. There were some black slaveowners who owned large estates. Should their descendants pay?


Implicit reparations have been and are being made in the form of welfare payments and affirmative action that has allowed blacks to enter universities and obtain employment based on preferential criteria.

One of the arguments for reparations is that slavery has hindered the economic progress of blacks. Let’s look at the facts.

Thomas Sowell, in Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality, concluded that the vast majority of whites and blacks believe there are more blacks living in poverty than there actually are. According to the U.S. Census, there are not three out of four, but rather one out of four, in poverty.

The narrative that the majority of blacks are very poor is fostered by charlatans such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who stand to gain politically and financially from having constituents who believe they are oppressed by whites.

Rather than being Critical Race Theory’s “oppressed class,” American blacks are richer than 90 percent of the people in the world, live longer than African and Caribbean blacks, and even whites in much of Eastern Europe and Latin America, have higher rates of literacy, and have achieved more postsecondary degrees than African blacks.

It was during European colonization that modern medical technology and other institutions were introduced into Africa. Even so, Africa has always lagged behind the rest of the world. Today, Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the poorest countries in the world with disease, war, famine, and military dictators.

In his book, Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, Keith Richburg concludes that descendants of slaves brought to America from Africa are far better off than the descendants of those who were left in Africa.

Many black Americans are blaming slavery for their economic plight. Yet over 800,000 -- most of whom were white -- died ending slavery during the Civil War. Jim Crow ended decades ago.

It’s time to admit that the problem with black culture is single-parent families and the adoption of Democratic Party government dependency. To compound the problem, students are spending 13 years in government Cultural Marxist education centers where they are being taught they are victims.

Americans need to take a lesson from Hilary Fordwich. Instead of white shame and pontificating over why whites should not pay reparations, America needs to place the blame at the “beginning of that supply chain” in Africa.
The summer royal tour of the Caribbean and the death of Queen Elizabeth have provoked debates about the participation of Britain in the transatlantic slave trade. Following the queen’s funeral on September 19, CNN host Don Lemon, in an interview with royal commentator Hilary Fordwich, suggested the United Kingdom should pay reparations for colonialism.

Fordwich soundly smacked him down: "Two thousand naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery… Britain was the first nation in the world to abolish slavery.” She added, "If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, ‘Who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages?'"

Speechless, Lemon meekly ended the interview.

In America, Democrats are trying to legislate reparations. Marxist identity politics are being pushed into every part of American economic and civil life. The slave trade is being characterized in racial terms to justify the divisive Critical Race Theory ideology that blacks are victims oppressed by whites.

Despite the inference that America cornered the market on slavery, slavery has been a worldwide institution since the beginning of civilization. According to Thomas Sowell, renowned black economist:

America was never a major world leader in the African slave trade. Of the 12.7 million Africans sold into slavery from 1501-1875, 46 percent went to Portugal, 26 percent to England, 11 percent to France, 8 percent to Spain, 4 percent to the Dutch, and only 2.4 percent to the United States.

There are currently 40 million slaves worldwide – three times the total number victimized during the 400-year history of the transatlantic African slave trade. Of the nearly 200 nations in the world, 94 -- nearly 50% -- still have not criminalized slavery or the slave trade.

Contrary to the Marxist propaganda that we are a racist nation, the United States is ranked as one of the top nations in the world for fighting slavery, the slave trade, and human trafficking.

Who should pay reparations? The descendants of white Southerners? Only the wealthy landed aristocracy owned slaves -- fewer than 10 percent of Southern whites. The vast majority of whites had little money and small farms that did not warrant slave labor. There were some black slaveowners who owned large estates. Should their descendants pay?


Implicit reparations have been and are being made in the form of welfare payments and affirmative action that has allowed blacks to enter universities and obtain employment based on preferential criteria.

One of the arguments for reparations is that slavery has hindered the economic progress of blacks. Let’s look at the facts.

Thomas Sowell, in Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality, concluded that the vast majority of whites and blacks believe there are more blacks living in poverty than there actually are. According to the U.S. Census, there are not three out of four, but rather one out of four, in poverty.

The narrative that the majority of blacks are very poor is fostered by charlatans such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who stand to gain politically and financially from having constituents who believe they are oppressed by whites.

Rather than being Critical Race Theory’s “oppressed class,” American blacks are richer than 90 percent of the people in the world, live longer than African and Caribbean blacks, and even whites in much of Eastern Europe and Latin America, have higher rates of literacy, and have achieved more postsecondary degrees than African blacks.

It was during European colonization that modern medical technology and other institutions were introduced into Africa. Even so, Africa has always lagged behind the rest of the world. Today, Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the poorest countries in the world with disease, war, famine, and military dictators.

In his book, Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, Keith Richburg concludes that descendants of slaves brought to America from Africa are far better off than the descendants of those who were left in Africa.

Many black Americans are blaming slavery for their economic plight. Yet over 800,000 -- most of whom were white -- died ending slavery during the Civil War. Jim Crow ended decades ago.

It’s time to admit that the problem with black culture is single-parent families and the adoption of Democratic Party government dependency. To compound the problem, students are spending 13 years in government Cultural Marxist education centers where they are being taught they are victims.

Americans need to take a lesson from Hilary Fordwich. Instead of white shame and pontificating over why whites should not pay reparations, America needs to place the blame at the “beginning of that supply chain” in Africa.
It's usually only the poorly educated & inner city low-IQ thugs that even consider reparations.
The rest of the black people want to be left alone to live & raise a family. They want nothing to do with the race grifters & the reparation beggars.
They are smart enough to know those are the ones holding their race back
It's usually only the poorly educated & inner city low-IQ thugs that even consider reparations.
The rest of the black people want to be left alone to live & raise a family. They want nothing to do with the race grifters & the reparation beggars.
They are smart enough to know those are the ones holding their race back
Incorrect. MLK spoke of reparations.
There were about 400,000 Africans shipped to America. By 1860 there were 4 million. 3.6 million blacks were enslaved and Africa had nothing to do with it. Now this is the thousandth thread by some right wing white dolt who wants to issue their opinion. What happened to blacks here was dues to laws made at every level of government and the laws were altered and modified after slavery. The case for reparations is against the governments of this nation and if you are not a member of a governing body or agency, then you really have nothing to say because you will not be making the decision.
Incorrect. MLK spoke of reparations.
Go stick your hand out on a corner, beggar.
At least then you would be honest about your begging for others to give you cash.
Beggars are at the mercy of whether individuals want to make a donation to you beggars so take a cup to an intersection
with a sign that says "I demand reparations because my great, great, great grandparents may have been slaves at one point 160 years ago".

See how that works out for you beggar because I won't give you anything but scorn
Blacks in the United States have a higher standard of living and better health on the average than blacks in any black run country in the United States. American Negroes benefit from living in a civilization incomparably superior to anything they have created anywhere in the world at any time in history. They benefit from our tutelage. We do not benefit from their presence. If there were virtually no Negroes in the United States the crime rate would be much lower. The cost of our criminal system and our welfare system would be much lower. The downtown areas of our cities would not be black ghettos characterized by crime and moral degeneracy. They would be centers of civilization. We owe those people nothing. They owe us plenty.
There were about 400,000 Africans shipped to America. By 1860 there were 4 million. 3.6 million blacks were enslaved and Africa had nothing to do with it. Now this is the thousandth thread by some right wing white dolt who wants to issue their opinion. What happened to blacks here was dues to laws made at every level of government and the laws were altered and modified after slavery. The case for reparations is against the governments of this nation and if you are not a member of a governing body or agency, then you really have nothing to say because you will not be making the decision.
The Encyclopedia was written in France by Diderot, d'Alembert, and others during the eighteenth century. The authors of the Encyclopedia opposed slavery, but they did not exonerate blacks of complicity. This is taken from their entry on "Negroes:"

"There are Negroes who ambush each other while the European vessels are lying at anchor, and they bring those whom they have captured to the vessels to sell them and have them loaded on board against their wills. Thus one sees sons selling their fathers, fathers their children. Still more frequently one sees Negroes who are not linked by family ties put a price of a few bottles of brandy or bars of iron on each other's freedom."

This passage domes from Encyclopedia, The Library of Liberal Arts, page 261.

the lefties have shall we say not been totally accurate in their historical view.

Bankrupt the treasury and give everybody an equal share and tell everybody to find their own country with their new wealth. Let the Saudis, the Chinese, Mexico, or Canada have our land.
There were about 400,000 Africans shipped to America. By 1860 there were 4 million. 3.6 million blacks were enslaved and Africa had nothing to do with it. Now this is the thousandth thread by some right wing white dolt who wants to issue their opinion. What happened to blacks here was dues to laws made at every level of government and the laws were altered and modified after slavery. The case for reparations is against the governments of this nation and if you are not a member of a governing body or agency, then you really have nothing to say because you will not be making the decision.
Neither will you. Reparations are DOA
Bankrupt the treasury and give everybody an equal share and tell everybody to find their own country with their new wealth. Let the Saudis, the Chinese, Mexico, or Canada have our land.
The treasury won't be bankrupted.
The Encyclopedia was written in France by Diderot, d'Alembert, and others during the eighteenth century. The authors of the Encyclopedia opposed slavery, but they did not exonerate blacks of complicity. This is taken from their entry on "Negroes:"

"There are Negroes who ambush each other while the European vessels are lying at anchor, and they bring those whom they have captured to the vessels to sell them and have them loaded on board against their wills. Thus one sees sons selling their fathers, fathers their children. Still more frequently one sees Negroes who are not linked by family ties put a price of a few bottles of brandy or bars of iron on each other's freedom."

This passage domes from Encyclopedia, The Library of Liberal Arts, page 261.
Europeans were fighting each other at the same time.

So your post is dumb.
How much reparations would the average person get? Would I get any? What if they do the calculations and it comes out to be $11.40 per person? Wouldn’t that just make matters worse?
Don't ask stupid questions.
Watch it happen.
Reparations would be transfer payments from every race other than Negro to the Negroes. I have never known an Oriental or a Hispanic who liked blacks. Immigrant often live in or near black neighborhoods for economic reasons. They work with blacks. They do not like what they see, and they do not feel guilty about it.
How much reparations would the average person get? Would I get any? What if they do the calculations and it comes out to be $11.40 per person? Wouldn’t that just make matters worse?
What ever the amount, blacks would spend it on bling, and demand more.
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