Reparations for Black Farmers will be approved today.

More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
What laws criminalized behavior by black people but was not a crime when conducted by whites?
This is certainly not all of them but hopefully it's enough for you to get where I'm coming from. Let's start with the Black Codes:
"Black Codes" in the antebellum South strongly regulated the activities and behavior of blacks, especially free Blacks, who were not considered citizens. Chattel slaves basically lived under the complete control of their owners, so there was little need for extensive legislation. "All Southern states imposed at least minimal limits on slave punishment, for example, by making murder or life-threatening injury of slaves a crime, and a few states allowed slaves a limited right of self-defense. [note: to protect the owner's "property"] "[8] As slaves could not use the courts or sheriff, or give testimony against a white man, in practice these meant little.
North Carolina restricted slaves from leaving their plantation; if a male slave tried to court (date) a female slave on another property, he needed a pass in order to pursue this relationship. Without one he risked severe punishment at the hands of the patrollers.[9]
Free blacks presented a challenge to the boundaries of white-dominated society.[10] In many Southern states, particularly after Nat Turner's insurrection of 1831, they were denied the rights of citizens to assemble in groups, bear arms, learn to read and write, exercise free speech, or testify against white people in Court.[11][12][13][8] After 1810, states made manumissions of slaves more difficult to obtain, in some states requiring an act of the legislature for each case of manumission. This sharply reduced the incidence of planters freeing slaves.[8]
All the slave states passed anti-miscegenation laws, banning the marriage of white and black people.
Between 1687 and 1865, Virginia enacted more than 130 slave statutes, among which were seven major slave codes, with some containing more than fifty provisions.[14]
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Lynching aka vigilante actions were illegal for all....those whites who lynched anyone and whites as well as blacks were lynched especially out west......were in violation of the law.
If he laws aren't enforced then there is no justice for the victims, even if they are on the books. How else can you explain a mob of 3,000 whites torching an entire black neighborhood, killing at a minimum several dozen and the only people arrested were the victims of the mob, over a hundred black people. Oh and the sheriff, who wouldn't turn over to the mob, a black teenage boy they showed up to lynch.
Tulsa Race Massacre
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
What laws criminalized behavior by black people but was not a crime when conducted by whites?
This is certainly not all of them but hopefully it's enough for you to get where I'm coming from. Let's start with the Black Codes:
"Black Codes" in the antebellum South strongly regulated the activities and behavior of blacks, especially free Blacks, who were not considered citizens. Chattel slaves basically lived under the complete control of their owners, so there was little need for extensive legislation. "All Southern states imposed at least minimal limits on slave punishment, for example, by making murder or life-threatening injury of slaves a crime, and a few states allowed slaves a limited right of self-defense. [note: to protect the owner's "property"] "[8] As slaves could not use the courts or sheriff, or give testimony against a white man, in practice these meant little.
North Carolina restricted slaves from leaving their plantation; if a male slave tried to court (date) a female slave on another property, he needed a pass in order to pursue this relationship. Without one he risked severe punishment at the hands of the patrollers.[9]
Free blacks presented a challenge to the boundaries of white-dominated society.[10] In many Southern states, particularly after Nat Turner's insurrection of 1831, they were denied the rights of citizens to assemble in groups, bear arms, learn to read and write, exercise free speech, or testify against white people in Court.[11][12][13][8] After 1810, states made manumissions of slaves more difficult to obtain, in some states requiring an act of the legislature for each case of manumission. This sharply reduced the incidence of planters freeing slaves.[8]
All the slave states passed anti-miscegenation laws, banning the marriage of white and black people.
Between 1687 and 1865, Virginia enacted more than 130 slave statutes, among which were seven major slave codes, with some containing more than fifty provisions.[14]
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Lynching aka vigilante actions were illegal for all....those whites who lynched anyone and whites as well as blacks were lynched especially out west......were in violation of the law.
If he laws aren't enforced then there is no justice for the victims, even if they are on the books. How else can you explain a mob of 3,000 whites torching an entire black neighborhood, killing at a minimum several dozen and the only people arrested were the victims of the mob, over a hundred black people. Oh and the sheriff, who wouldn't turn over to the mob, a black teenage boy they showed up to lynch.
Tulsa Race Massacre
Wag that dog, baby! You have an agenda.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now. You’d better do something about that before you try to blame any contemporaries for something that happened long before our time.
What’s more, most blacks were not unhappy living in segregation. They had their world, their entertainment, their schools, etc., all of which were infinitely better than if they’d still lived in Africa. That’s from the mouth of a mentor who lived in that era.
The dramatization of lynchings and beatings is exaggerated.
Where did your mentor grow up and the word of one person doesn't makes anything true.

As far as your allegation of "Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now" you mean carried out by people like her using the BLM protests as cover for her arson? Can you not tell she's not a "protestor" and for the record that's a Seattle Police Department vehicle she's torching.


Want to talk about January 6th 2021?
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now. You’d better do something about that before you try to blame any contemporaries for something that happened long before our time.
What’s more, most blacks were not unhappy living in segregation. They had their world, their entertainment, their schools, etc., all of which were infinitely better than if they’d still lived in Africa. That’s from the mouth of a mentor who lived in that era.
The dramatization of lynchings and beatings is exaggerated.
Where did your mentor grow up and the word of one person doesn't makes anything true.

As far as your allegation of "Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now" you mean carried out by people like her using the BLM protests as cover for her arson? Can you not tell she's not a "protestor" and for the record that's a Seattle Police Department vehicle she's torching.

View attachment 466398

Want to talk about January 6th 2021?
Jan 6 is a propagated bullshit democrat straw man.
Lots of soft core white supremacists involved in BLM destruction. They’re just playing the same sanctimonious game you are.
As for that mentor, she actually turned my wife onto Rush Limbaugh back in the late 80’s.
It wasn’t as bad as you make it out to be. You’re pushing the propaganda.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
What laws criminalized behavior by black people but was not a crime when conducted by whites?
This is certainly not all of them but hopefully it's enough for you to get where I'm coming from. Let's start with the Black Codes:
"Black Codes" in the antebellum South strongly regulated the activities and behavior of blacks, especially free Blacks, who were not considered citizens. Chattel slaves basically lived under the complete control of their owners, so there was little need for extensive legislation. "All Southern states imposed at least minimal limits on slave punishment, for example, by making murder or life-threatening injury of slaves a crime, and a few states allowed slaves a limited right of self-defense. [note: to protect the owner's "property"] "[8] As slaves could not use the courts or sheriff, or give testimony against a white man, in practice these meant little.
North Carolina restricted slaves from leaving their plantation; if a male slave tried to court (date) a female slave on another property, he needed a pass in order to pursue this relationship. Without one he risked severe punishment at the hands of the patrollers.[9]
Free blacks presented a challenge to the boundaries of white-dominated society.[10] In many Southern states, particularly after Nat Turner's insurrection of 1831, they were denied the rights of citizens to assemble in groups, bear arms, learn to read and write, exercise free speech, or testify against white people in Court.[11][12][13][8] After 1810, states made manumissions of slaves more difficult to obtain, in some states requiring an act of the legislature for each case of manumission. This sharply reduced the incidence of planters freeing slaves.[8]
All the slave states passed anti-miscegenation laws, banning the marriage of white and black people.
Between 1687 and 1865, Virginia enacted more than 130 slave statutes, among which were seven major slave codes, with some containing more than fifty provisions.[14]
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Lynching aka vigilante actions were illegal for all....those whites who lynched anyone and whites as well as blacks were lynched especially out west......were in violation of the law.
If he laws aren't enforced then there is no justice for the victims, even if they are on the books. How else can you explain a mob of 3,000 whites torching an entire black neighborhood, killing at a minimum several dozen and the only people arrested were the victims of the mob, over a hundred black people. Oh and the sheriff, who wouldn't turn over to the mob, a black teenage boy they showed up to lynch.
Tulsa Race Massacre
Wag that dog, baby! You have an agenda.
And pray tell, what would that agenda be?
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
What laws criminalized behavior by black people but was not a crime when conducted by whites?
This is certainly not all of them but hopefully it's enough for you to get where I'm coming from. Let's start with the Black Codes:
"Black Codes" in the antebellum South strongly regulated the activities and behavior of blacks, especially free Blacks, who were not considered citizens. Chattel slaves basically lived under the complete control of their owners, so there was little need for extensive legislation. "All Southern states imposed at least minimal limits on slave punishment, for example, by making murder or life-threatening injury of slaves a crime, and a few states allowed slaves a limited right of self-defense. [note: to protect the owner's "property"] "[8] As slaves could not use the courts or sheriff, or give testimony against a white man, in practice these meant little.
North Carolina restricted slaves from leaving their plantation; if a male slave tried to court (date) a female slave on another property, he needed a pass in order to pursue this relationship. Without one he risked severe punishment at the hands of the patrollers.[9]
Free blacks presented a challenge to the boundaries of white-dominated society.[10] In many Southern states, particularly after Nat Turner's insurrection of 1831, they were denied the rights of citizens to assemble in groups, bear arms, learn to read and write, exercise free speech, or testify against white people in Court.[11][12][13][8] After 1810, states made manumissions of slaves more difficult to obtain, in some states requiring an act of the legislature for each case of manumission. This sharply reduced the incidence of planters freeing slaves.[8]
All the slave states passed anti-miscegenation laws, banning the marriage of white and black people.
Between 1687 and 1865, Virginia enacted more than 130 slave statutes, among which were seven major slave codes, with some containing more than fifty provisions.[14]
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Lynching aka vigilante actions were illegal for all....those whites who lynched anyone and whites as well as blacks were lynched especially out west......were in violation of the law.
If he laws aren't enforced then there is no justice for the victims, even if they are on the books. How else can you explain a mob of 3,000 whites torching an entire black neighborhood, killing at a minimum several dozen and the only people arrested were the victims of the mob, over a hundred black people. Oh and the sheriff, who wouldn't turn over to the mob, a black teenage boy they showed up to lynch.
Tulsa Race Massacre
Wag that dog, baby! You have an agenda.
And pray tell, what would that agenda be?
What do you think? Neosegregationist demmunist victimhood.
Marxist duping.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now. You’d better do something about that before you try to blame any contemporaries for something that happened long before our time.
What’s more, most blacks were not unhappy living in segregation. They had their world, their entertainment, their schools, etc., all of which were infinitely better than if they’d still lived in Africa. That’s from the mouth of a mentor who lived in that era.
The dramatization of lynchings and beatings is exaggerated.
Where did your mentor grow up and the word of one person doesn't makes anything true.

As far as your allegation of "Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now" you mean carried out by people like her using the BLM protests as cover for her arson? Can you not tell she's not a "protestor" and for the record that's a Seattle Police Department vehicle she's torching.

View attachment 466398

Want to talk about January 6th 2021?
As crime rises in Seattle...the city is trying to reverse the trend by legalizing more and more crime while defunding the police.
Oh and releasing more prisoners into the streets.
What could possibly go wrong.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.

Hahaha nice try. Affirmative action is used to try and mitigate the effect of racism.
Affirmative Action is racist. Any policy that favors a person according to their skin color is racist.
Have you ever read the EO?
Affirmative action is racist.
Descendants of Russian Serfs, other Russian peasants, and all lower class people got Reparations in 1918 -- after the 1917 Revolution. Most working class people got living area in apartments formerly owned by nobles.

We lived in a house built in 1965.

There are 'apartments,' and there are 'apartments.'

"Communal apartments, where strangers lived as one big family, shaped many generations of Soviet and Russian citizens, and continue to exist even today.
Communal apartments are a unique Russian phenomenon. They first appeared after the revolution in 1917, when residential real estate became public property.

The authorities began to divide up the apartments of wealthy citizens into smaller units in order to solve the chronic housing shortage …. many peasants were also forced to seek shelter in cities in order to survive as collectivization robbed them of a livelihood. Securing a job at a factory or institution meant that they could get a room in a communal apartment.

An adult was eligible for about 10 square meters, and a child was eligible for five (these regulations changed later). The peasants of yesterday were the new neighbors of the pre-revolutionary intelligentsia; kitchen staff started sharing bathrooms with university professors. This lifestyle may not have been easy, but it adhered to the official ideology of Communal apartments .... residential real estate became public property. The authorities began to divide up the apartments of wealthy citizens into smaller units in order to solve the chronic housing shortage brought on by the country’s rapid industrialization, which attracted many people to big cities.

This description still holds true for many surviving kommunalki today, in which little appears to have changed in the last 30 or 40 years.

According to official data cited by Ilya Utekhin in Sketches of Communal Living, even as late as 2001, communal apartments comprised 35-38 percent of housing in central St. Petersburg and over 10 percent of the city’s total housing stock. Even today, the city has more communal apartments than any other city in Russia and it is not unusual to meet somebody who lives in akommunalka.
In it together: How communal apartments shaped the outlook of generations
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?
Pretty much, yes.

You got a link on dat? Or is that something you saw on the fake news?
Yeah, I read it, but not in Breitbart. Google it.

Lookie here moron......I will not do your homework for you claim prove it.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?

The ONLY farmers who got money under the Trump Administration were big farm corporations, many of them owned by foreigners. Few of the owners of family farms American farmers got enough money to help. Farm bankrupcies since Trump imposed tariffs on China, have reached record highs in every year since. 40% of American farm income now comes from subsidies.

Trump did more damage to family owned farms than any President in history. This is critical because more and more American farm land is now owned by foreign based corporations. These corporate owners don't live on the land and have no interest in using best land management practices, or protecting ground water. Most city dwellers don't see that as a problem. Those of us who have any knowledge of farming at all, are horrified.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?

The ONLY farmers who got money under the Trump Administration were big farm corporations, many of them owned by foreigners. Few of the owners of family farms American farmers got enough money to help. Farm bankrupcies since Trump imposed tariffs on China, have reached record highs in every year since. 40% of American farm income now comes from subsidies.

Trump did more damage to family owned farms than any President in history. This is critical because more and more American farm land is now owned by foreign based corporations. These corporate owners don't live on the land and have no interest in using best land management practices, or protecting ground water. Most city dwellers don't see that as a problem. Those of us who have any knowledge of farming at all, are horrified.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?
Pretty much, yes.

You got a link on dat? Or is that something you saw on the fake news?
Yeah, I read it, but not in Breitbart. Google it.

Lookie here moron......I will not do your homework for you claim prove it.

Lookie here FuckBoi. If you want something - GET IS YOURSELF. Google is your friend A$$hat. And learn some manners too, you ignorant jerk.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?

The ONLY farmers who got money under the Trump Administration were big farm corporations, many of them owned by foreigners. Few of the owners of family farms American farmers got enough money to help. Farm bankrupcies since Trump imposed tariffs on China, have reached record highs in every year since. 40% of American farm income now comes from subsidies.

Trump did more damage to family owned farms than any President in history. This is critical because more and more American farm land is now owned by foreign based corporations. These corporate owners don't live on the land and have no interest in using best land management practices, or protecting ground water. Most city dwellers don't see that as a problem. Those of us who have any knowledge of farming at all, are horrified.

Well there is a well reasoned response, which fully displays the length and breadth of your intellectual capabilities. It also delineanates the biggest problem facing the USA today. Ignorant assholes who ignore the facts.

Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?

The ONLY farmers who got money under the Trump Administration were big farm corporations, many of them owned by foreigners. Few of the owners of family farms American farmers got enough money to help. Farm bankrupcies since Trump imposed tariffs on China, have reached record highs in every year since. 40% of American farm income now comes from subsidies.

Trump did more damage to family owned farms than any President in history. This is critical because more and more American farm land is now owned by foreign based corporations. These corporate owners don't live on the land and have no interest in using best land management practices, or protecting ground water. Most city dwellers don't see that as a problem. Those of us who have any knowledge of farming at all, are horrified.

Well there is a well reasoned response, which fully displays the length and breadth of your intellectual capabilities. It also delineanates the biggest problem facing the USA today. Ignorant assholes who ignore the facts.

I have an marvelous economy with words. Liar.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?

The ONLY farmers who got money under the Trump Administration were big farm corporations, many of them owned by foreigners. Few of the owners of family farms American farmers got enough money to help. Farm bankrupcies since Trump imposed tariffs on China, have reached record highs in every year since. 40% of American farm income now comes from subsidies.

Trump did more damage to family owned farms than any President in history. This is critical because more and more American farm land is now owned by foreign based corporations. These corporate owners don't live on the land and have no interest in using best land management practices, or protecting ground water. Most city dwellers don't see that as a problem. Those of us who have any knowledge of farming at all, are horrified.
The farming issue has been building for many decades. We use a practice of having enough fruits and vegetables for the general population without destroying the soil. Over the years payments have been made to the farmers for not using part of their land as for it to be enriched for the next planting season. To not do this would be problematic as yields would be to uneven year after year causing shortages to market and the consumer. As the years have gone by, corporate interests have a larger share of farmland. Imported fruit and vegetables take a larger share of total production. We can not get rid of corn based ethanol in gasoline as it brings in money for the farming industry but has questionable affects on MPG in our vehicles and on them to keep running. We have layer after layer after layer of government forced rules, regulations and laws that are difficult to change because man are so intertwined it would knock down segments of any part of any issue we have and affect people. We do not have the courage to change policies and it causes the many of a system to suffer when things go bad.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.

Hahaha nice try. Affirmative action is used to try and mitigate the effect of racism.
Affirmative Action is racist. Any policy that favors a person according to their skin color is racist.
Have you ever read the EO?
Affirmative action is racist.

Nope. Here is a historical record of racism.

"We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.

That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; "


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