Reparations for Black Farmers will be approved today.

More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Seeing as how that practice ended in the early 70s....what's your damage?
No more slavery....Jim Crow.....and stuff.
WTF is the problem now???
Well actually you've pointed out what the problem is. While the laws were changed, the practices didn't immediately cease because attitudes, beliefs and opinions didn't change for a very long time thereafter.

Also, the main thing that the change of law did was provide statutory damages for proof of violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Prior to the passage of that law, racial discrimination, segregation, etc. was not unlawful so now there was at least a law on the books prohibiting it but they built in a rather steep threshold for proving one's case.

The fact that these cases are still being processed, investigated, settled and tried is testament to the fact that the passage of the law, just like all of our other laws, does nothing to prevent these acts.
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Descendants of Russian Serfs, other Russian peasants, and all lower class people got Reparations in 1918 -- after the 1917 Revolution. Most working class people got living area in apartments formerly owned by nobles.

We lived in a house built in 1965.
"Affirmative action" is and always has been a racist policy. Anytime you give one race preference over others it is racism and that is what you do when you demand quotas by race. It also gave people cause to believe that some were hired because of their race rather than their ability whether that was true or not which in turn was not helpful to racial relations.
Wait so everyone but whites get this?

That's not reperations that's just discrimination against whites lol
More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.

What laws criminalized behavior by black people but was not a crime when conducted by whites?

Lynching aka vigilante actions were illegal for all....those whites who lynched anyone and whites as well as blacks were lynched especially out west......were in violation of the law.

Though at that time it was over-looked in many if not most cases. Vigilante action was simply not viewed so egregiously back then as it is reason for that was law enforcement was much weaker back then.

Not even to mention those lynched were in many if not most cases rapists, murderers or guilty of other violent crimes....most of those lynched were already in jail....but due to the nature of the crime the towns people would get so incensed by the nature of the crime they would march down to the jail and pull the criminal out of jail and lynch him because they did not want to wait for the legal process to play out......they wanted immediate justice.

Yet even though vigilante action was by law was rarely ever prosecuted because the populace would not react well to that and politicians and officials of the justice system were not going to punish those whose political support was needed.

I do not think cross burnings were illegal but I also do not think blacks ever burned any crosses.

Very few whites ever raped a black woman...a very rare thing ....yet there were and still are now ......rapes of white women by fact it is much worse now.

Arson and bombings were of course illegal for everyone....but still it occurred--usually as a means of whites resisting the federal authorities efforts to desegregate Southern Society.

One must remember that during that era of re-construction and afterwards for a long while up through the so called Jim Crow era.... Southerners were still reeling from the effects of the war and the discrimination practiced by the Yankee authorities who came down South to administer the defeated South.....thus most Southerners lumped the Negroes into the same category of being an enemy as they did the yankees, the carpetbaggers etc.

It was a time of violence and injustice for many ....both black and white. But it has been overplayed.....most negroes were left alone and not bothered unless they got involved in crimes or anything that was considered a violation of social norms at that time.

Most Negroes knew what the social norms were down South and steered clear of doing anything that would stir up white hatred.....a common problem though were Northern Blacks coming down South to visit and beng not familiar with what the result could be if they violated any of the Southern Social Norms such as flirting with a white woman or making disparaging remarks about a white woman.

The original KKK was founded at the end of the War Between The States because elements of the black community....mostly young blacks (and they are still a problem today...committing over half of all violent crime in America even though they only compose 2.5 percent of the total pop.)were getting too brazen with their crimes....robbing, raping etc. Thus the founding of kkk as a vigilante force to subdue black criminality....similar to The Jewish Defense League that was founded in N.Y. and other similar organizations founded to fight street crime which the police were failing to curtail and they still are not doing a good job of that....hence as most know is not safe to walk around in any of our big cities if you are alone and especially at really is outrageous but that is the way it is due in large part to political correctness which prevents the police from doing their job in an effective manner.

Now we see Asians being singled out by black thugs as well as Jews not even to mention all the elderly victims we constantly hear about.

There are always two sides to every story and the truth is rarely told.

The liberal narrative now is that blacks are innocent victims and the white poleece are the problem etc.

Also now that the biden regime is in power they are focusing on domestic terrorism and zeroing in on White Supremacists whilst ignoring those who committ over half of all violent crime in America....the blacks...even though they are only aprox. 13% of the total pop.

I do agree though that innocent people suffer on both sides....yet instead of trying to unite the Nation and solve our racial problems which I contend are worse now than ever....this biden regime seems to be intentionally trying to divide the nation even more than it is already divided.

Their intention I as well as many others contend is to institute a one party system for America aka totalitarianism....and the push.....the big push to confiscate private firearms is about to begin which will produce a huge backlash.

Almost unbelievable but it seems the democratic leadership wants to weaken this nation.....allowing in thousands and thousands of diseased illegals etc.

What is the real goal of the democratic party leadership? Other than a obsession for totalitarianism? In one word.....Globalism....and eventually one world government.

What they are too naive to understand is that if they continue to weaken America.....we may very well have a world run by one government but it will not be America running this point the smart money is on China but it could be some sort of European confederation.
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More waste of our tax dollars.
Look up the definition of preferential treatment to one race over another.
Sure, like when the United States was first founded and for the next 187 years thereafter. But that wasn't bad right?
Most of that time was a different era with different understanding and standards.
But you want to apply today’s standards to those other eras. That’s nefarious. You’re the evil person.
If you would be outraged if any of the things that were lawfully done to black people in our country were ever done to you or any or your loved ones, then that's all you need to know. If it's wrong when it's done to you or yours, then it's wrong when done to anyone else.

What's evil is creating laws that criminalize behavior when conducted by black people that is not a crime when conducted by whites, including crimes of violence, like lynching, rapes, cross burnings, arsons, bombings, etc.

It speaks volumes about you that you believe that something you erroneously believe me to think, is more evil than acts of violence actually committed.
Violence, lynchings, arsons, cross-burnings, etc., are being carried out by BLM right now. You’d better do something about that before you try to blame any contemporaries for something that happened long before our time.
What’s more, most blacks were not unhappy living in segregation. They had their world, their entertainment, their schools, etc., all of which were infinitely better than if they’d still lived in Africa. That’s from the mouth of a mentor who lived in that era.
The dramatization of lynchings and beatings is exaggerated.
Well, the chickens have come home to roost.......if this does not really create a lot of outrage amongst the electorate nothing will.

Well, the outrage ought to be that everyone could see this coming except one group--- THE ONE GROUP THAT MATTERED ---the Old Guard GOP that spent all of the past four years far more concerned that a president was in the White House who actually wanted to protect guns, religion, Christmas, wanted to empower people and business while shrinking the role of government including pulling us out of wars.
Well, the chickens have come home to roost.......if this does not really create a lot of outrage amongst the electorate nothing will.

This will happen under the chinese virus relief package......when this becomes known it will be interesting to see the reaction.

So what? Farmers are farmers. They all seem to need all the help they can get unless they're one of those megafarming outfits. We wouldn't get very far without farmers. I don't care what color they are.

When T**** began his tariff war with China, he had sympathy for soybean farmers, gave them big handouts, but not to our fishermen, who take the harvest from the sea. They got hit hard, too. If the government were to make that right now for fisherman who got shortchanged, would you be all ruffled about it? Or is it something about the farmers' color that is making people so upset?
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?
Pretty much, yes.
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?
Pretty much, yes.

You got a link on dat? Or is that something you saw on the fake news?
Donald Trump, during his administration, gave out $28 billion to farmers, and when asked how many black farmers in South Carolina benefited. He (Lindsey) was as quiet as a church mouse.

Why wouldnt the black farmers receive money along with white farmers?
Are you insinuating they told black farmers sorry no money for you because you're black?
Pretty much, yes.

You got a link on dat? Or is that something you saw on the fake news?
Yeah, I read it, but not in Breitbart. Google it.

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