CDZ reparations for slavery: will obama try to push them?

Will Pres. Obama make a push for reparations for slavery before he leaves office in January 2017?

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No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

What makes it "a ridiculous notion"?

Lots of Americans thought the idea of socialized medicine to have been "a ridiculous notion" prior to 2008, but voila — here we are in 2014, and here comes the mail carrier with a bill for those of us who don't have a health-care plan.

Again, he is a lame duck with nothing to lose anymore.

I think he will push for reparations.
He has never even suggested he in favor of such a thing, congress would never go for it, the political cost would be too high for democrats and republicans, it's probably unconstitutional, the burden of proving descent from slavery would be too great, what award for damages would be fair? I could go on and on why our government could never do it, it's ludicrous.

How could the cost be too high for Democrats???

It's not like anyone in the media is making them out to be the party of rich white men, is it?
No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

That would be more entertaining than seeing the White House lit up in multi colors. lol

I guess we can all see whose side you're on now.

Thanks for letting us know you are not an American.

Is that supposed to be an insult?
Shart is out of practice...

Uh, wrong.

The sharts have been away for awhile, and are fully poised for the attack. :thup:
How was the voyage around the world?
No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

What makes it "a ridiculous notion"?

Lots of Americans thought the idea of socialized medicine to have been "a ridiculous notion" prior to 2008, but voila — here we are in 2014, and here comes the mail carrier with a bill for those of us who don't have a health-care plan.

Again, he is a lame duck with nothing to lose anymore.

I think he will push for reparations.
He has never even suggested he in favor of such a thing, congress would never go for it, the political cost would be too high for democrats and republicans, it's probably unconstitutional, the burden of proving descent from slavery would be too great, what award for damages would be fair? I could go on and on why our government could never do it, it's ludicrous.

How could the cost be too high for Democrats???

It's not like anyone in the media is making them out to be the party of rich white men, is it?
The cost is too high because it would never happen. No one wants to fight a battle they know they will lose. It would cost the republicans because they would have to defeat it with rhetoric that would doom them. Reparations should have happened long before any of us were born. As time goes on it becomes even more unlikely.
No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

What makes it "a ridiculous notion"?

Lots of Americans thought the idea of socialized medicine to have been "a ridiculous notion" prior to 2008, but voila — here we are in 2014, and here comes the mail carrier with a bill for those of us who don't have a health-care plan.

Again, he is a lame duck with nothing to lose anymore.

I think he will push for reparations.
He has never even suggested he in favor of such a thing, congress would never go for it, the political cost would be too high for democrats and republicans, it's probably unconstitutional, the burden of proving descent from slavery would be too great, what award for damages would be fair? I could go on and on why our government could never do it, it's ludicrous.
There would be not attempt to identify the descendants, they'll just try to push some blanket reparations bill that would give all blacks tax exempt status or a monthly check (in addition to all the freebies they already get.
No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

What makes it "a ridiculous notion"?

Lots of Americans thought the idea of socialized medicine to have been "a ridiculous notion" prior to 2008, but voila — here we are in 2014, and here comes the mail carrier with a bill for those of us who don't have a health-care plan.

Again, he is a lame duck with nothing to lose anymore.

I think he will push for reparations.
He has never even suggested he in favor of such a thing, congress would never go for it, the political cost would be too high for democrats and republicans, it's probably unconstitutional, the burden of proving descent from slavery would be too great, what award for damages would be fair? I could go on and on why our government could never do it, it's ludicrous.
There would be not attempt to identify the descendants, they'll just try to push some blanket reparations bill that would give all blacks tax exempt status or a monthly check (in addition to all the freebies they already get.
Only republicans craft legislation that sloppy.
I am more than willing to pay reparations for every person I've ever enslaved.I don't think Obama will willingly leave office.
I think this last year should be fun. I think Obama should grow out a fro, plant some watermelon, and some marijuana in the White House garden....have some disco parties, and even invite Kool & The Gang! :D

I think he will try to — particularly given the current racial climate, and the fact that he's a lame duck.

What say you?

I think he won't.

Only right wing partisans are spreading that story.
The constitutionality of a legislative attempt to award slavery reparation is questionable. To pass legal muster it would have to be a super fund for people who can prove descent from slaves and would be eligible for awards after judicial due process. It would take nearly forever, the ancestors of those who file might get something eventually.
I think he will try to — particularly given the current racial climate, and the fact that he's a lame duck.

What say you?

I think he won't.

Only right wing partisans are spreading that story.
The constitutionality of a legislative attempt to award legislation is questionable. To pass legal muster it would have to be a super fund for people who can prove descent from slaves and would be eligible for awards after judicial due process. It would take nearly forever, the ancestors of those who file might get something eventually.

It is never going to happen. First of all- President Obama is not going to propose it- and secondly there will be no significant effort for reparations.
I think he will try to — particularly given the current racial climate, and the fact that he's a lame duck.

What say you?

I think he won't.

Only right wing partisans are spreading that story.
The constitutionality of a legislative attempt to award legislation is questionable. To pass legal muster it would have to be a super fund for people who can prove descent from slaves and would be eligible for awards after judicial due process. It would take nearly forever, the ancestors of those who file might get something eventually.

It is never going to happen. First of all- President Obama is not going to propose it- and secondly there will be no significant effort for reparations.
Well certainly, I was just exploring all the ways this particular phantom fear is demented and sad.
No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

What makes it "a ridiculous notion"?

Lots of Americans thought the idea of socialized medicine to have been "a ridiculous notion" prior to 2008, but voila — here we are in 2014, and here comes the mail carrier with a bill for those of us who don't have a health-care plan.

Again, he is a lame duck with nothing to lose anymore.

I think he will push for reparations.

Socialized medicine? Neither republicans or democrats think that socialized medicine is ridiculous. We don't have socialized medicine today.
No, it's a ridiculous notion. It would be funny to see the republicans crap their pants in rage but no.

What makes it "a ridiculous notion"?

Lots of Americans thought the idea of socialized medicine to have been "a ridiculous notion" prior to 2008, but voila — here we are in 2014, and here comes the mail carrier with a bill for those of us who don't have a health-care plan.

Again, he is a lame duck with nothing to lose anymore.

I think he will push for reparations.
He has never even suggested he in favor of such a thing, congress would never go for it, the political cost would be too high for democrats and republicans, it's probably unconstitutional, the burden of proving descent from slavery would be too great, what award for damages would be fair? I could go on and on why our government could never do it, it's ludicrous.

There are some serious looneys involved in politics. They really believe this stuff. They believe Obama is a Muslim Communist born in Kenya and devote their life to proving it. One of those looneys became chairman of the republican party in my county. He just had to quit the job because his convictions were so strong about making sure a republican candidate lost the primaries.

These people are serious. They really believe odd things like this. I know somebody who is convinced that Obama is trying to insight riots so that he can implement Marshall law and stay president for life.

There are some serious wackos out there. Obama is an extremely weak and ineffective president but this nut jobs think that he is orchestrating everything that has happened. They think that Obama is the devil incarnate.
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Reparations for what?

There is no one alive who was actually enslaved in the US because they are black.
Yes, but to be fair Obama would target only descendants of Slave Owners or anyone currently owning a Confederate flag.
Reparations for what?

There is no one alive who was actually enslaved in the US because they are black.
the amount given for reparations would be taken back for the cost of welfare, crime and the fact that American blacks who had slaves as ancestors are almost always in a better position than their relatives who remained in Africa. How many american blacks have died from say Ebola, mass famine or machete massacres>
It will never happen for one very important reason: He would have to admit that there were white slave too along with black owners. The whole black versus white racist crap would come unwound. He needs racism to keep people occupied while the chains are installed by the government (for our safety).
There is 0% chance of that. I mean since he has no black slave ancestry, wouldn't he owe money?

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