Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

I think we should at the very least amend it to be more in line with the concept of the militia and not just the random dude on the street.

We also need to clarify and possibly rein in what counts as "infringement" of that right. For instance there's no "infringement" of the right if we simply ask for everyone with guns to be on a central registry. There's no infringement of the right if the government knows where the guns are.

While it's not part of the 2A we could also do with eliminating concealed and open carry. There's literally no reason for a modern civilized nation to look like some Wild West Fiction where everyone is struttin' around packin' heat. That's not rational.
Both open and especially concealed carry have their places.
He had the information in his study and ignored it

You don't understand how scientific papers work. I once had a peer reviewed scientific article published and then a year or two later I was asked to peer review another article someone else wrote. In that article they noted an oversight I and my coauthors had failed to deal with in our paper.

Of course I voted to publish that paper so that my error would be known.

Errors get made. No one is hiding anything from anyone. the people who reviewed his work stated........then, when he redid the study, he continued to ignore the very thing that made the first study flawed....

No, it sounds like he disagreed with their critique of his methods.

That's perfectly acceptable.

Remember: just because YOU don't like the results does not mean that it is ipso facto flawed. That's a very important lesson to learn in life.
Bullshit. You have no science background at all.

You wouldn't take my challenge (post 20 posts with scientific descriptions/citations) that I made to you earlier and you ran away we know what YOU lack. ;)

If you take my challenge you have a say. Until then you are just a troll who can't even back up his own big talk.

Studies show that people with pools have a greater risk of drowning.

That's why I put a pool in. So that I could defend my home. I assume evil doers who wish to invade my home and harm my precious family will sneak in the back and drown in the pool.

Americans have a right to self defense....I just chose to do it with a MOAT.
You wouldn't take my challenge (post 20 posts with scientific descriptions/citations) that I made to you earlier and you ran away we know what YOU lack. ;)

If you take my challenge you have a say. Until then you are just a troll who can't even back up his own big talk.


I took your challenge and crushed you so bad you changed your name in shame.
The chances of that are slim to none.

And Slim left town.

There's a NEW sheriff in town now!
I think we should at the very least amend it to be more in line with the concept of the militia and not just the random dude on the street.
That "random dude" in the street is an American citizen that enjoys individual liberty prescribed in the Bill of Rights. The Heller ruling said that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual Liberty the same as the right to free speech and the right of religion.
At least a drunk driver has to get into a car THAT IS REGISTERED.

Wow....that registration really did.....errrr...something......Right?

We know from history that gun registration is the first and necessary step for gun confisaction...

We know the history, you likely know this too, which is why you want gun registration.
Wow....that registration really did.....errrr...something......Right?

We know from history that gun registration is the first and necessary step for gun confisaction...

We know the history, you likely know this too, which is why you want gun registration.
Wonder why he believes all vehicles on the road are registered?
You DID NOT take my challenge. If you did, then show me the post.

You aren't LYING here are you? You wouldn't LIE would you???

Yeah, I did. I asked you simple questions that any real geologist could answer in a second.

But I asked them in a way you couldn't just Google them. And you failed every time.

Simple, first year geology, encompassing physical and historical geology, and you failed every single one of them.

Because you ain't a geologist.

You are a fraud.
Yeah, I did. I asked you simple questions that any real geologist could answer in a second.

That wasn't the challenge. That's why I wrote out what the challenge was that YOU ran away from like the coward you are.

But I asked them in a way you couldn't just Google them. And you failed every time.

You didn't say ANYTHING of value about ANY technical detail. You mentioned some vague formation name.

That's how I knew immediately that you don't know geology. You think that all geologists know ALL fm names on earth.

What a joke.

Simple, first year geology, encompassing physical and historical geology, and you failed every single one of them.

Because you ain't a geologist.

You are a fraud.

I actually answered your questions. But YOU, being the giant coward you are, can't show me 20 posts you have given which contain scientific information/citations.

What a wuss! You talk so big, you simpleton troll.

Oh, then you guys would have NO PROBLEM with a gun registry then? That's FANTASTIC!


You really are stupid....

Gun registration is only desired by fascists like you because you need it before you ban and confiscate guns.....we know this from actual human history......

Besides can't explain how gun registration actually does anything against gun crime.............Canada has registered guns, and their police it didn't help them solve even one crime.....
That wasn't the challenge. That's why I wrote out what the challenge was that YOU ran away from like the coward you are.

You didn't say ANYTHING of value about ANY technical detail. You mentioned some vague formation name.

That's how I knew immediately that you don't know geology. You think that all geologists know ALL fm names on earth.

What a joke.

I actually answered your questions. But YOU, being the giant coward you are, can't show me 20 posts you have given which contain scientific information/citations.

What a wuss! You talk so big, you simpleton troll.


You failed. You couldn't answer basic first year geology questions. You are a cut and paste fraud.

Now, piss off.

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