Reperations are not owed by the U.S.A.

And that's a huge fail. As I have said: my ancestors never owned slaves and in fact fought for the North in the Civil War. And that's why your reparations are a massive pipe dream. It's too entangled since the same US gov't went to war to END slavery.

So there it is, "black man"

Wait a minute, I thought you guys said the civil war wasn't about slavery, which is why we should keep up statues of old dead racists!

Even those who didn't own slaves still benefited from slavery. From the infrastructure they built (Up until 1860, 1/3 of the US Economy was based on slave-industries), from the advantages they got from laws like Jim Crow.

I'm not sure reparations are the answer, but hey, a National Apology would be a good thing.

Reparations are necessary to close the wealth gap created by 4 centuries of racism.
I am black and I know better what blacks have been than your white ass. Slavery did not end in 1865.

After emancipation, Blacks were arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to prison for crimes such as vagrancy, cussing in front of whites, jaywalking and other minor or non offenses for whites. Because of this, they could be returned to slavery and were. This free labor was called convict leasing. There has been no amendment to change this part of the 13th Amendment meaning that in reality slavery could still exist in America today. After slavery ended:

Employment was required of all freedmen; violators faced vagrancy charges

•Freedmen could not assemble without the presence of a white person

•Freedmen were assumed to be agricultural workers and their duties and hours were tightly regulated

•Freedmen were not to be taught to read or write

•Public facilities were segregated

•Violators of these laws were subject to being whipped or branded.

And sent back into slavery. For people like Bill O’Rielly, convict leasing would be a great thing, because blacks got “free” meals and a place to live. The major problem with such an assessment is that free means you get something for nothing, not hours of hard labor. Convict leasing was a cruel and inhumane system rife with abuse. Using the laws of the state, blacks were sent to prison and their labor contracted out or leased to individuals or companies. This was free labor no different from slavery. It is an example of how whites have played wth the law in order to maintain a system of white racial preference.

Far too many people want to argue about things said without an understanding of the depth and length of things that have and continue to occur. “For example, among the county convicts working in the Pratt Mines of Birmingham, Alabama in 1890:

•24 men were incarcerated for using “obscene language,”

•Another 24 for “false pretense” — a statute used to punish black men who changed employers before the end of the farming season, and

•Seven for vagrancy, another ill-defined charge that left any unemployed black person vulnerable to arrest.

In Alabama, the convict-leasing system remained on the books until 1928.”

Well crap I'm a woman. We had to march for the right to vote and a bunch of women were arrested too for shady reasons.

Where's my money at

Well white woman, you might have had a decent argument had you not supported slavery or inherited your husbands slaves to go with your own after he died.

And that's a huge fail. As I have said: my ancestors never owned slaves and in fact fought for the North in the Civil War. And that's why your reparations are a massive pipe dream. It's too entangled since the same US gov't went to war to END slavery.

So there it is, "black man"

No fail. The US government did not go to war to end slavery and reparations are not just for slavery. White women participated in slavery and apartheid. Descendants of CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS got reparations for a war they were not there to fight and their ancestors fought against the US until 2017. Now if they can figure out a way to do that, there are no entanglements. You sad ass conservatives are just trying to find every excuse you can.

And I am a black man. So there it is white woman, your argument has no legs.

You know one more thing. I will continue to stand up to Odium who has foul views that are racist, and I will stand up to you as well, because you have foul views that are racist.

Racism sucks. Odium's racism sucks. And so does yours.


I've said nothing racist, nor am I a racist.

More white fragility exposed.
You sound like an idiot. The CSA didnt institute slavery. It wasnt even formed until a little before the Civil War you moron. Of course the US owes reparations and there are precedents to the claim. You personally are a citizen of the government that owes the reparations. Thats how youre on the hook.

Denounce INTRA-Racial Discrimination,Dr. Thomas Sowell.jpg

Hello. Asclepias. How are you, my friend?

A, in your opinion is America's huge population of HATEFUL PRO BLACK practicing SINGLE or married women who more than one dozen Pres. Obama friends and WH guests DENIGRATE as BITCHES, HOES, THOTS or RATCHET FEMALES...

*The Late Illogical Thinking "Pro Black" minded Ms. Korryn Gaines- An Emotionally Ill American Grievously Harmed by America’s Culture of African American Child Abuse & Neglect*

...on the HOOK, owing TRILLIONS of dollars in REPARATIONS to their peaceful, well adjusted American neighbors for raising a HUGE population of perfectly HEALTHY American newborns maturing into apparent emotionally ill, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult DOMESTIC AMERICAN TERRORISTS intentionally causing widespread community FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing black or African American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

Homicidal Suicidal Man Walking Daughter Threatened With Violence By Rival Gang Member

Asclepias, I look forward to reading your INTELLIGENT reply, with hopes of civilly discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!​

"Can You Remind Me Why We Killing Each Other"

Can You Remind Me Why We Killing Each Other



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24 men were incarcerated for using “obscene language,”

•Another 24 for “false pretense” — a statute used to punish black men who changed employers before the end of the farming season, and

•Seven for vagrancy, another ill-defined charge that left any unemployed black person vulnerable to arrest.
Well, good thing for Africans that’s not the case anymore

If we deducted what Africans owe white taxpayers
for floating them all these years, Africans would be in the red
and owe white people money...fucking slugs
24 men were incarcerated for using “obscene language,”

•Another 24 for “false pretense” — a statute used to punish black men who changed employers before the end of the farming season, and

•Seven for vagrancy, another ill-defined charge that left any unemployed black person vulnerable to arrest.
Well, good thing for Africans that’s not the case anymore

If we deducted what Africans owe white taxpayers
for floating them all these years, Africans would be in the red
and owe white people money...fucking slugs

We floated you euros. That's why you owe.

Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War

And that's a huge fail. As I have said: my ancestors never owned slaves and in fact fought for the North in the Civil War. And that's why your reparations are a massive pipe dream. It's too entangled since the same US gov't went to war to END slavery.

So there it is, "black man"

Wait a minute, I thought you guys said the civil war wasn't about slavery, which is why we should keep up statues of old dead racists!

Even those who didn't own slaves still benefited from slavery. From the infrastructure they built (Up until 1860, 1/3 of the US Economy was based on slave-industries), from the advantages they got from laws like Jim Crow.

I'm not sure reparations are the answer, but hey, a National Apology would be a good thing.

Reparations are necessary to close the wealth gap created by 4 centuries of racism.

Hi, IM2. In your opinion does America's large emotionally troubled, HATE embracing, VIOLENCE loving INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION practicing PRO BLACK community DESERVE REPARATIONS for INTENTIONALLY raising, nurturing and socializing PERFECTLY HEALTH AMERICAN NEWBORNS, maturing into apparent emotionally ill, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teen and adult DOMESTIC AMERICAN TERRORISTS intentionally causing widespread community FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing black or African American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

I'm referring to EMOTIONALLY DAMAGED citizen the late integration minded social activist Ms. Sandra Bland passionately speaks about in this FB broadcast to her friends, neighbors and the ENTIRE WORLD.

Sandra Bland - Let's go to WAR #SandySpeaks

_sandra bland, ramiya tyshawn ayanna.jpg

IM2, I look forward to reading your INTELLIGENT reply, with hopes of civilly discussing SOLUTIONS for PREVENTING large numbers of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets from experiencing, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, a traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

Replying to another member, PRO BLACK American IM2 published this incredibly LAME, disingenuous comment:

"I've said nothing racist, nor am I a racist.

More white fragility exposed."

IM2, will you dispute the FACT that up until recently you IGNORANTLY believed I was a black American citizen....and during the extended period you IGNORANTLY believed I was a black citizen, several times you DENIGRATED me as a "boot licking lawn jockey?"

IM2, my friend, I'm curious to learn what HATEFUL terms you would use to describe these American men:

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" Published on Nov 20, 2018 by It's Kyou - 107,584 views

In the following broadcast Life Coach Lenon Honor, an apparent caring, sensible, RESPONSIBLE American citizen, speaks about what he calls "The White Supremacy Promotion Hustle" ~Lenon Honor

"3 LESSONS LEARNED FROM PHIL OF THE ADVISE SHOW" Streamed live on Oct 2, 2018 by Lenon Honor

Kids Recognizing Denounce Intra-Racial discrimination.jpg

Replying to another member, PRO BLACK American IM2 published this incredibly LAME, disingenuous comment:

"I've said nothing racist, nor am I a racist.

More white fragility exposed."

IM2, will you dispute the FACT that up until recently you IGNORANTLY believed I was a black American citizen....and during the extended period you IGNORANTLY believed I was a black citizen, several times you DENIGRATED me as a "boot licking lawn jockey?"

IM2, my friend, I'm curious to learn what HATEFUL terms you would use to describe these American men:

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" Published on Nov 20, 2018 by It's Kyou - 107,584 views

In the following broadcast Life Coach Lenon Honor, an apparent caring, sensible, RESPONSIBLE American citizen, speaks about what he calls "The White Supremacy Promotion Hustle" ~Lenon Honor

"3 LESSONS LEARNED FROM PHIL OF THE ADVISE SHOW" Streamed live on Oct 2, 2018 by Lenon Honor


Yes, it appears that if you won't swallow the race hustle and all it involves, than you have "white fragility", see.

I don't buy race hate from white people and I don't buy it from black people. I reject it utterly. From all sides.
24 men were incarcerated for using “obscene language,”

•Another 24 for “false pretense” — a statute used to punish black men who changed employers before the end of the farming season, and

•Seven for vagrancy, another ill-defined charge that left any unemployed black person vulnerable to arrest.
Well, good thing for Africans that’s not the case anymore

If we deducted what Africans owe white taxpayers
for floating them all these years, Africans would be in the red
and owe white people money...fucking slugs

We floated you euros. That's why you owe.

Hey white racists, Please stop asking for reparations for the Civil War

You were afforded a life you wouldn’t have had otherwise
Yes, it appears that if you won't swallow the race hustle and all it involves, than you have "white fragility", see.

I don't buy race hate from white people and I don't buy it from black people. I reject it utterly. From all sides.

Yet you support Trump

Yet you're an actual racist which we already know, Joe. Most Leftists are actually that which they accuse conservatives, and you only have to scratch a tiny bit and oh, there it is.

You don't even hide it well, Joe. You actually suck at this, like Jackboots Penelope
Yet you're an actual racist which we already know, Joe. Most Leftists are actually that which they accuse conservatives, and you only have to scratch a tiny bit and oh, there it is.

You don't even hide it well, Joe. You actually suck at this, like Jackboots Penelope

I thought you had me on ignore, you Islamophobic Twat..

You guys are the ones supporting white supremacy, when your dumb white trash asses get the rich taking away everything progressive gave you after the last century.... as long as they be right with Jesus.
Ya no one but blacks were hanged beaten or mistreated right you retard?

Not to the degree black folks were, no.
LOL so now there are degrees of bad that elevate certain groups to reparations while other groups are told no thanks. Again NO ONE alive owes blacks any Reparations, no slave is alive today no slave holder is alive today. Laws were changed and Blacks have had preferential treatment for a lot of years now. This is nothing more then Democrats trying to keep the black vote on the reservation.
LOL so now there are degrees of bad that elevate certain groups to reparations while other groups are told no thanks. Again NO ONE alive owes blacks any Reparations, no slave is alive today no slave holder is alive today. Laws were changed and Blacks have had preferential treatment for a lot of years now. This is nothing more then Democrats trying to keep the black vote on the reservation.

Hey, guy, if the Democrats win and they vote them in, then that's that.

We have paid reparations in the past. Such as to Japanese Americans who were interned during WWII.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Yet you're an actual racist which we already know, Joe. Most Leftists are actually that which they accuse conservatives, and you only have to scratch a tiny bit and oh, there it is.

You don't even hide it well, Joe. You actually suck at this, like Jackboots Penelope

I thought you had me on ignore, you Islamophobic Twat..

You guys are the ones supporting white supremacy, when your dumb white trash asses get the rich taking away everything progressive gave you after the last century.... as long as they be right with Jesus.

No I took you off because it's better to expose your small minded racist misogyny.

You're ignorant Joe but like Penny, think you've covered it in Moral Purity because you've been brainwashed by the Left.
LOL so now there are degrees of bad that elevate certain groups to reparations while other groups are told no thanks. Again NO ONE alive owes blacks any Reparations, no slave is alive today no slave holder is alive today. Laws were changed and Blacks have had preferential treatment for a lot of years now. This is nothing more then Democrats trying to keep the black vote on the reservation.

Hey, guy, if the Democrats win and they vote them in, then that's that.

We have paid reparations in the past. Such as to Japanese Americans who were interned during WWII.

Some people are Japanese Americans see--those who Serve Joe's Purpose.

Political Chick is a Mail Order Bride because she disagrees with his politics. IOW, like all stupid Leftists, he can reveal his racism to HER because she doesn't count. The same way black people are often horridly racist to fellow blacks who leave the Democrats. Etc.
You guys are the ones supporting white supremacy, when your dumb white trash asses get the rich taking away everything progressive gave you after the last century.... as long as they be right with Jesus.

It's easier to root for the winning team Joe.....praise lord!.....~S~
No I took you off because it's better to expose your small minded racist misogyny.

You're ignorant Joe but like Penny, think you've covered it in Moral Purity because you've been brainwashed by the Left.

Yawn, probably better education and more experienced than you are...

To the point, I used to be more right wing. Then I realized that they used your religious, racial and sexual fears to get you to vote against your own economic interests.

I just stopped playing along, probably because I was never all that invested.

Some people are Japanese Americans see--those who Serve Joe's Purpose.

Political Chick is a Mail Order Bride because she disagrees with his politics. IOW, like all stupid Leftists, he can reveal his racism to HER because she doesn't count. The same way black people are often horridly racist to fellow blacks who leave the Democrats. Etc.

You miss the point more often than a retard...

PC is a clown because she is just so fucking self-important. Seriously, she writes USMB posts like she's writing a doctoral thesis, but the clownery would get her laughed out of any real place of higher learning.

That's why she makes such a fun target..

You kind of fall into the same category, the kind of Clownish Christian who talks about Jesus but then tries to excuse why Trump bangs porn stars.

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