REPORT: Biden's Muslim Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group With Ties to Terrorists and Cop Killers

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Obama is clearly behind this appointee. Even one of the article's commenter said this:

(The same group that Barack Hussein Obama was friendly with.)

And that's the truth.

Islam globally has referred to America as "The Great Satan". Having anything to do with islam, a sworn enemy of America, it's Constitution, Bill of Rights & peoples should be the #1 priority for Americans regarding defense pertaining to America. The belief system of islam is a bona fide religion for millions of people globally, but islam has also proven itself to be a bona fide religion based upon conquest & mass death making it also a bona fide death cult. If it's islam related it must be removed from America in the name of national security for America is enemy #1 to islam even more so than Israel herself. Having islamos as American citizens is serious enough but to have them within American government @ any level would be tantamount to have had nazis within American government during WW2.

Forerunner To The WW@ Holocaust

you know exactly who i am talking about, or did "antifa" call those poor women with death threats because trump's attorney ordered that terrorism?
I don't, I am clueless. Name names, and give the forum some facts - some specifics if you are going to draw a comparison to the "Weather Underground," . . . . if you are going to derail a thread on purpose. . .

"Adeel Abdullah Mangi, whom Biden tapped to serve on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, is an advisory board member of Alliance of Families for Justice. The organization, which works to end "mass incarceration," was formed in 2016 with Weather Underground member Kathy Boudin as a founding director. Boudin pleaded guilty to the murder of two police officers and a security guard during an armored truck robbery in 1981. The FBI named Weather Underground a domestic terrorist organization following a string of bombings and robberies in the 1970s and ‘80s. . . "

Stop being opaque and talking about who knows what the hell? :dunno:

. . . otherwise?

Americans must become accustomed to radical appointees in all positions.

Here in Los Angeles, the Caucasian woke district attorney has just appointed as his chief of staff an African American lady who is openly anti-cop.

Apparently, he feels that in next year's election, he will then get African Americans and Hispanic Americans to vote him back into office.

And he is probably right!
Trump is not the topic of this thread. If you want to discuss him, feel free to do so in another thread that is about him.

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