Report: Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled During Recent ‘Amnesty’ Talks


Oct 30, 2012
As America’s elected officials and the “Gang of Eight” hammer out a deal on immigration reform, the number of illegal border crossings has exploded, according to a report from Townhall.
Townhall editor and bestselling author Katie Pavlich writes:
“We’ve seen the number of illegal aliens double, maybe even triple since amnesty talk started happening,” an agent told Townhall, who asked to remain unnamed due to fears of retaliation within Customs and Border Protection [CBP], something he said is common. “A lot of these people, although not the majority, are criminals or aggravated felons. This is a direct danger to our communities
Report: Illegal Border Crossings Have Doubled During Recent ?Amnesty? Talks |

Well, yeah, Obama's telling them to come over so he can make them legal

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