Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack

Ms Nox-----your writings indicate that english is not your mother-tongue.
as to your comment "look at your own citizens" are you telling me
that you are not in the USA? I lived in the USA The citizens of my
country include MANY MANY different groups. I do not understand your
comment. To what citizens are you referring?

As to the issue of "racism" -----you have already demonstrated that you are
a racist according to the current popular definition of "racism"

Please dont waste my time , you are causing an increase in my tooth pain : )
how interesting -----just WHAT ARE YOU? People who comment on groups ----as in
"jews are like this" and "blacks are like that" and "hispanics do thus" are
often people who refuse to divulge their own origins-------and for good reason.
I am a proud jew. I learned a lot about islam because I came into contact with
lots of people including people newly arrived in the USA from the south east Asia.
Because they logically assumed me to be christian----since I was located in a majority
christian area-----I learned what muslims are taught about jews in such places as
Pakistan and northern India (my informants were young and educated) Candid
person that I was-----I did tend to inform my informants that I am a jew-----then I
would learn what pakistani and muslims indians learn about christians----and HINDUS
(even more nefarious) You are not required to divulge personal information----but
in order to have some level of credibility-------it would help if you do

LoL :lol: so what ? I'm guilty person because of these speeches and I'm a racist ? :lol:

Stop to teach me humanity lesson and look at your own citizens , please :eusa_shhh:

Our (speaking of myself and American irosie) fellow American citizens decided to carry out attacks with nuclear weapons on two cities in Japan, our nation, the US, is the only one in history to sink so low as to carry out such a heinous act.

Noone can match the Depravity of the USA.

Noone can match the Inhumanity of the USA.
Israel values Israeli lives, they could give a fuck about anyone else.


All it proves is Israel has not removed all humanity from this one man yet, assuming the story is true and not another Zionist propaganda story.

[ame=]Precious Life - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Our (speaking of myself and American irosie) fellow American citizens decided to carry out attacks with nuclear weapons on two cities in Japan, our nation, the US, is the only one in history to sink so low as to carry out such a heinous act.

Noone can match the Depravity of the USA.

Noone can match the Inhumanity of the USA.

Actually I meant jews when I said him "your own citizens" , not americans : )
There is no "stolen" Israeli territory.

There is "released" one:cool:


even the Israeli govt. has admitted that the settlers have stolen land in the West Bank.

All of the 600,000 + illegal settlers live on stolen Palestinian land.

They need to stop being illegal war criminal squatters and leave.

All of the arabic speaking isa respecters living outside of arabia----
live on stolen land. In fact even the Yemeni arabic isa respecters live
on STOLEN LAND Jews own considerable land on the west bank
BY PURCHASE Ownership of land by invasion, rape, murder and
pillage in the isa-respecting mode is not true ownership The state of
Israel refers to settlers who live in the west bank without STATE APPROVAL as
"illegal" --- isa respecting scum construe that "ILLEGAL" status as if
they "STOLE LAND" ------
whether they live on jewish owned land or not. Every arab muslim living
in HEBRON is a murdering criminal. Land in Hebron is not for sale to
filth. It is already owned by jews.

The Iranian scum stole lots of land from jews and should be criminally
charged with crimes against humanity. Jews owned considerable land
in Iran long before the filth of arabia and the minions of the vile dog
GENGHIS KHAN murdered in the millions in that land and imposed the
filth of the vile creed

have suffered extensive genocide and pillage of the last of their land at the
bloody hands of the vile isa-respecters
Uhh, I was responding to your comment that contained the word "steal" and I never referenced it anyway.

This how zionists argue...diversion, deflection before outright fibbing.

Even though the mall was jewish owned, even though many of the stores in the mall were jewish owned and operated, not a single jew has been identified among the dead.

Guess they all got lucky and decided to take the same day off...

Last edited by Alfalfa; Yesterday at 04:22 PM.

This is how Pro Palestinian argue; Lying about the Mall being " Jewish owned", claiming the Israel Gov't warned all Jewish Shop Keepers to stay away, etc. Diversion, deflection, and outright lying

Jews work in retail?

Well, all of them cannot be paid Zionist shills posting Zionist propaganda on discussion boards.
some of the terrorists owned a store are the mall for a year.

how did the managers and the owners of this mall let that happen????????????????????

some of the terrorists owned a store are the mall for a year.

how did the managers and the owners of this mall let that happen????????????????????


Nothing to do with Israeli, as the managers and owners are not responsible for what the shopkeepers hold in their stockrooms.

All it proves is Israel has not removed all humanity from this one man yet, assuming the story is true and not another Zionist propaganda story.

[ame=]Precious Life - Official Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

You point out one baby Israelis saved, but Israel has killed over 1500 Palestinian children in attacks on them.

And Israel has deliberately deprived many more children of medical treatment, causing needless suffering and death.

Here is a Photo of one baby Israel denied treatment to in Occupied Gaza, and this baby died because of Israel's deliberate act in depriving this baby of needed medical treatment necessary to save the baby's life.



Seven-month old Gaza baby dies awaiting Israeli permission for operation

MaltaToday | Thursday 29 December 2011

A seven-month-baby suffering from renal failure died in a Gaza hospital while awaiting the go-ahead from Israeli authorities – who enforce a blockade around the Palestinian enclave – for an urgent operation.

Seven-month-old Adham Baroud died at the Al Rantissi Children’s Hospital’s in Gaza City at around 1am on 26 December. He had been referred to Israel for emergency treatment by his doctors in Gaza on 1 December.

By the 19th December, when this photo was taken, Adham was described by doctors at the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit as “terminal”.

Acting Hospital Director Dr Mustafa Al Aqila told Oxfam that Adham was referred to Israel after a catheter inserted four months earlier in a previous operation in Israel got infected. The boy was born suffering from congenital renal problems requiring specialised treatment that is unavailable in Gaza.

“Adham needed immediate surgery and we couldn‟t provide that kind of service in Gaza,” Dr Al Aqila said. “We waited for Israel‟s permission to send him for treatment, like we did in the past, but the more time passed the more complicated his situation became.”

Seven-month old Gaza baby dies awaiting Israeli permission for operation | Occupied Palestine | ??????
What exactly did they steal. Please show me

Uhh, I was responding to your comment that contained the word "steal" and I never referenced it anyway.

This how zionists argue...diversion, deflection before outright fibbing.

I suspect you and other posters have a difficult time making a coherent argument.

It is a strange conclusion to suggest that Israel "stole" land or is "expansionist" by giving back territory captured in war... by giving back territory captured in war... by giving back territory captured in war... a war (wars) started by Arabs.

You have heard that Israel gave back Gaza.... to Islamic terrorists... who then used the area to launch rockets at Israel.

Have you bumped you head on the "Stupid Tree"

Israel occupies east Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza, in violation of international law.

Denying that is what I call STUPIDITY!
This Mall attack is very likely an Israeli False Flag Operation.

False Flag Operations have a very long history.
Nothing to do with Israeli, as the managers and owners are not responsible for what the shopkeepers hold in their stockrooms.

they are criminally negligent and possible terrorist co-conspirators, if they fail to perform reasonable background checks on the folks they lease shops to in the mall.
how interesting -----just WHAT ARE YOU? People who comment on groups ----as in
"jews are like this" and "blacks are like that" and "hispanics do thus" are
often people who refuse to divulge their own origins-------and for good reason.
I am a proud jew. I learned a lot about islam because I came into contact with
lots of people including people newly arrived in the USA from the south east Asia.
Because they logically assumed me to be christian----since I was located in a majority
christian area-----I learned what muslims are taught about jews in such places as
Pakistan and northern India (my informants were young and educated) Candid
person that I was-----I did tend to inform my informants that I am a jew-----then I
would learn what pakistani and muslims indians learn about christians----and HINDUS
(even more nefarious) You are not required to divulge personal information----but
in order to have some level of credibility-------it would help if you do

LoL :lol: so what ? I'm guilty person because of these speeches and I'm a racist ? :lol:

Stop to teach me humanity lesson and look at your own citizens , please :eusa_shhh:

Our (speaking of myself and American irosie) fellow American citizens decided to carry out attacks with nuclear weapons on two cities in Japan, our nation, the US, is the only one in history to sink so low as to carry out such a heinous act.

Noone can match the Depravity of the USA.

Noone can match the Inhumanity of the USA.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were actions taken in the course of war --
against an aggressor nation. There has been considerable debate in the USA
as to whether inflicting so great a harm on a country was NECESSARY. I attended
USA public schools throut my education and even when I was an adolescent---the
morality of that act was under discussion in my classes.

Characterizing them as "MATCHLESS DEPRAVITY" is utterly senseless and
especially by an isa respecter whose kith and kin have brutally murdered innocents
---not in wars but in GENOCIDES in the TENS OF MILLIONS since that time--ie
1945. In fact her fellow isa-respecters CONTINUE to murder relentlessly

The use of atomic bombs in Nagasake and Hiroshima is considered by many
people an act that ended WORLD WAR II so quickly that millions were saved
thereby I am not sure if the act was better done or left undone-----but
I am sure that a person like sherri is not competent to judge

The number of people who died in Nagasaki and Hiroshima COLLECTIVELY ---
does not come close the number murdered in the name of isa/allah ---in
the past 50 years----brutally and cruelly and for no reason other than to
appease those "gods"

In the bible----a book which sherri claims she read-----the greatest sinners
are those who SACRIFICE CHILDREN on the altar of MOLOCH as a "religious
rite" Today---the sacrifice of children still exists ---- a rite practiced
only by ISA-RESPECTERS who are the modern day AMALEKIM. Modern
day AMALEKIM even teach their children to adulate those who
engage in the sacrificial rite and like the Amalekim of old------calll it
an honor for their "god" and themselves The songs of the present day
Amalekim include adculation of that filth as well as adulation of their "SAINTS"
who slit the throats of infants

As far as I know----the only people who still mention the children sacrificed
on the Altar of Moloch------are jews-----the issue arises during the
"yom kippur" holiday. Sherri spits on their ashes just as she spits on the
emaciated dead children of Biafra----some 2 million, the murdered of Uganda,
the slaughtered of sudan and those still languising in slavery and victims of
sexual perverion ------the hindu children ---raped and murdered leaving the
survivors to flee until they dropped dead of hunger and exhaustion in their
tracks-----etc etc ---and on and on PILES AND PILES OF DEAD CHILDREN---
more recently-----topped off with the dead of syria and of kenya----and even a little
kid in Boston-------all for her "NOBLE CAUSE"
This Mall attack is very likely an Israeli False Flag Operation.

False Flag Operations have a very long history.

Kenyan and Israeli soldiers failed to neutralize terrorists and they asked for help in Somalia : ) because there were Somalian soldiers those who have fought against Al-Shabab many times . About 300 soldier came to Kenya and they destroyed the mall completely to finish the operation .

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