REPORT: Mask Mandates Causing Over 350% Surge In Childhood Speech Delays

You can set it aside all you want, it doesn’t make the premise any more credible.

You are not an arbiter of credibility, Coyote. Your innate biases on this topic are leading you to discredit my premise in lieu of any reasonable argument.

I have observed that rightwingers are morons. That is a pillar of science.

How childish and unbecoming of you.

I am not saying they are lying, only that it is their opinion not backed by anything.

Not an opinion. These parents are observing these things happening to their children, and what's happening to them has driven the parent to seek out proper help.

Therefore you are inferring they are simply making this up due to their opinions.

Is that what I'm getting?

The most critical years for speech are the first three years. Kids are that age, we’re almost certainly at home during Covid, daycares we’re closed, and they would not have been in school.

Speech recognition and development go beyond three years.

When carrying on a conversation, a child looks at the person's eyes and lip movements.

Our brains are accustomed to seeing full facial expressions when carrying on a conversation. When you cover half the face, you are hindering any perception of emotion the other person might be showing. The speech is distorted and imperceptible. The tone is masked and leads to incorrect assumptions of emotion.

Children this young are new to this. Their social skills and suffer because they are not able to recognize and connect expressions with the appropriate emotions being displayed by another person. Also it hinders their speech, as I said before. It can lead to Aspberger's, which is a syndrome where one is unable to properly read social cues from others.

I know far more about this issue than you because I have experienced it and was traumatized by it.
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You can set it aside all you want, it doesn’t make the premise any more credible. I am not saying they are lying, only that it is their opinion not backed by anything.

The most critical years for speech are the first three years. Kids are that age, we’re almost certainly at home during Covid, daycares we’re closed, and they would not have been in school.
Yet you believe there are no long term effects of the faux vaccine because someone told you so. Wow.
I think you fail to realize that one pillar alone supports nothing, as my more facetious reply indicated.

The basic pillars of the scientific method are:
1) make an observation that describes a problem,
2) create a hypothesis,
3) test the hypothesis
4) draw conclusions based on that test and refine the hypothesis.

Where in the OP is there evidence of the other pillars?

1) Happens with the parents, the clinics, and us.
2) The hypothesis happens with the parents, clinics, and us.
3) Testing of the hypothesis happens when the professionals at these clinics perform tests on the children.
4) The conclusion is drawn by the parents, the clinics, and us based on the above.

The very field these speech professionals inhabit happens to be scientific in nature. They must use the scientific method to determine what circumstances are affecting these children.
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I had a severe speech deficiency as a child, so I know what it's like not to be able to communicate effectively. I still am not able to carry on spoken conversations effectively now as an adult.

This is why I find this story so disturbing.

How long are you covidiots in our government going to keep this mask stuff going?

Until you all get your shots and stop spreading it...

Do you actually think that they are making kids mask at home where they learn how to actually talk?
You are not an arbiter of credibility, Coyote. Your innate biases on this topic are leading you to discredit my premise in lieu of any reasonable argument.

How childish and unbecoming of you.

Not an opinion. These parents are observing these things happening to their children, and what's happening to them has driven the parent to seek out proper help.

Therefore you are inferring they are simply making this up due to their opinions.

Is that what I'm getting?

Speech recognition and development go beyond three years.

When carrying on a conversation, a child looks at the person's eyes and lip movements.

Our brains are accustomed to seeing full facial expressions when carrying on a conversation. When you cover half the face, you are hindering any perception of emotion the other person might have. The speech is distorted and imperceptible

Children are new to this. Their social skills and suffer because they are not able to recognize and connect expressions with the appropriate emotions being displayed by another person. Also it hinders their speech, as I said before. It can lead to Aspberger's, which is a syndrome where one is unable to properly read social cues from others.

I know far more about this issue than you because I have experienced it and was traumatized by it.
I am not discounting your experiences whatsoever, but you are ignoring my point in your outrage. Observation can colored by our own bias (and you are no more exempt than I), or by our lack of knowledge about a process or behavior (for example someone might observe a group of dogs playing noisily and think it’s a fight). Observation alone isn’t normally a sound basis for making broad conclusions. That is why there are three other pillars.
Observation can colored by our own bias (and you are no more exempt than I)

True, but I am at least making an effort to keep my biases from coloring my observations. Which I cannot say for you, unfortunately.

Observation and experience is powerful. I know what speech impairment is, I've had it.

The diagnoses provided by these clinics are essentially the scientific method in motion.
Observation alone isn’t normally a sound basis for making broad conclusions. That is why there are three other pillars.
Like I said, the diagnoses made by these professionals treating these children is the scientific method in motion.
I had a severe speech deficiency as a child, so I know what it's like not to be able to communicate effectively. I still am not able to carry on spoken conversations effectively now as an adult.

This is why I find this story so disturbing.

How long are you covidiots in our government going to keep this mask stuff going?

I empathize with parents of young kids. I saw a woman from Loudon County Va, interviewed this morning. She said her 7 year old has never been in school yet when he could see the faces of the other kids. I hope it doesn't cause long term socialization problems for this generation.
I empathize with parents of young kids. I saw a woman from Loudon County Va, interviewed this morning. She said her 7 year old has never been in school yet when he could see the faces of the other kids. I hope it doesn't cause long term socialization problems for this generation.
Sadly, the damage has already been done.
I had a severe speech deficiency as a child, so I know what it's like not to be able to communicate effectively. I still am not able to carry on spoken conversations effectively now as an adult.

This is why I find this story so disturbing.

How long are you covidiots in our government going to keep this mask stuff going?

“There’s no research out there yet saying that this could be causing speech and language delays. But, most definitely, I’m sure it’s a factor,” Theek said. “It’s very important that kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth.”

Florida man don’t talk to his kids…
These Gd liberals should pay with their mother fucking lives for what they've done
Didga read the part where that Dr. said there's no research to prove his theory?

Looks like you just blew your mind because that Dr. has a hunch.

That's a shame.
“There’s no research out there yet saying that this could be causing speech and language delays. But, most definitely, I’m sure it’s a factor,” Theek said. “It’s very important that kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth.”

Florida man don’t talk to his kids…

Of course there is no study, this is unprecedented in nature. That requires a study to be done.
1) Happens with the parents, the clinics, and us.
Only one clinic was referenced.

2) The hypothesis happens with the parents, clinics, and us.

So your hypothesis is that masking caused speech delays?

3) Testing of the hypothesis happens when the professionals at these clinics perform tests on the children.
One clinic was referenced. No tests were performed to determine what masking did to children’s speech.

4) The conclusion is drawn by the parents, the clinics, and us based on the above.
Then the conclusion was drawn without any testing of the hypothesis.

The very field these speech professionals inhabit happens to be scientific in nature. They must use the scientific method to determine what circumstances are affecting these children.
Indeed it is. But if you read the original article your OP linked to you will they did not make any claims of certainty regarding masking and speech delays. They also observed the biggest increase in patients was in the 2 and under group (again, critical window for speech). Those are not school children.

She said that during this pandemic, her speech therapy clinic has seen an enormous shift in the ages of its patients. Before the pandemic, only 5% of patients were babies and toddlers, while today it's soared to 20%. Many parents call it "COVID-delayed."

"We've seen a 364% patient increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers from pediatricians and parents," Theek said.

When asked if they are children having a difficult time speaking, Theek said they are "speech-delayed."

Babies start learning how to speak by reading lips at as young as 8-months-old. So when lips and faces are covered up by masks, therapists say for some kids, they can work around the mask and still learn to speak perfectly fine. But for others, it can cause speech delays.

"There's no research out there yet saying that this could be causing speech and language delays. But, most definitely, I'm sure it's a factor," Theek said. "It's very important that kids do see your face to learn, so they're watching your mouth."

….and article concludes with:

The biggest piece of advice, therapists say, is to give your kids your time. When parents are home and the mask is off, turn off the media and instead read to your child, play and sing with them, so they can observe speech.

Essentially, it could a factor out of many (and given they are not in school why are people wearing masks?

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