REPORT: Mask Mandates Causing Over 350% Surge In Childhood Speech Delays

The article is incorrect, or didn't research very well.

I do find that I have to keep compensating myself in public settings because it dawns on me that the person I am talking to cannot actually see me smile, frown or other facial expressions so the nonverbal portion of my communication is not getting across.

It changes the entire dynamic of communication for the worse.
I had a severe speech deficiency as a child, so I know what it's like not to be able to communicate properly. I still am not able to carry on spoken conversations effectively now as an adult.

This is why I find this story so disturbing.

How long are you covidiots in our government going to keep this mask stuff going?

Also causing mass psychosis and mental illness in school age children.

Not surprising really.

A lot of speech is visual, especially learning it. Kids see mouths moving and it's part of seeing how you speak. Facial expressions also are a big part of speaking. Masks muffling sounds also plays a part. A child can see a lot of other people but with their face covered they can't even tell if they are speaking.

Learning to speak is a complex thing.

Plus it adds a new layer of social issues on kids who grow up in a masked up society and can be confusing to them during a development stage.
Here's a story about a society burned by a COVID theme to satisfy special interests & sponsored by the left side of center. Where the children took the deepest and permanent wounds too, just to amuse it.

The left are sure swell, don't you agree.
If I read that correctly, it is not talking about the original cause of your illness but the cause of your symptoms. IOW, when I initially took my son in it was because he looked like a sheet of paper. It was discovered that he had almost no red blood cells in his body. Treatment for that is pretty simple, a transfusion. Obviously giving him one would have not been a good idea at that point because they needed to know why his red blood cells were missing. Medical history and the like plays an important role in that.

Once they found the root of the problem though, that was that. The treatment plan was then set by testing responses to specific drugs and time periods of specific metrics.

At least that is my take on what you link.
I hope your son beat the cancer, FA_Q2.

If he did, let me be the first to say I am happy for you!
I hope your son beat the cancer, FA_Q2.

If he did, let me be the first to say I am happy for you!
lol, well thank you.

He was diagnosed almost 12 years ago so, ya we are through it. At least as far through it as you can get. I can guarantee you I would have zero time to be chatting here if we were still in treatment - it is a very intricate and in depth process. Actually took 4 years to complete - one hell of a ride.

The hardest part is you are in a ward surrounded by children. Kids everywhere, many playing on various toys the ward provides since you basically live there and you know, really know in your deepest heart, that some of those kids you are interacting with will not make it through. One thing you do not see are bad doctors in wards like that. I imagine it is very difficult for good doctors to deal with the loss. You can see it on their faces when one passes, the entire ward is devastated.
I do find that I have to keep compensating myself in public settings because it dawns on me that the person I am talking to cannot actually see me smile, frown or other facial expressions so the nonverbal portion of my communication is not getting across.

It changes the entire dynamic of communication for the worse.

I wish more people even thought about compensating. But they mumble just the way they do without the mask; I couldn't understand them then, and I can barely tell they're even talking now. After two years of this crap, I have to say I've become very impatient about it.
I wish more people even thought about compensating. But they mumble just the way they do without the mask; I couldn't understand them then, and I can barely tell they're even talking now. After two years of this crap, I have to say I've become very impatient about it.
I never realized how MUCH you communicated though your expressions. Every time someone says something that makes me smile while wearing my mask I realize that the expression, though automatic, meant something and the reason I was doing it, even if it was automatic, was to convey that meaning. Once you realize this, it is rather eye opening on how important that is as you cannot truly verbalize that tidbit of information.

It feels as though you are texting rather than talking to be honest. Its annoying in a time when making is irrelevant to outcomes.
Sure. But that hasn't been done.
Well, no. It has been done, at least studying the effect of faces on babies and child development as well as non faces.

Researching the effect of long term masking like we have now on overall development is actually impossible, the research itself would be MASSIVELY immoral. We have to wait and see how the long term effects current children. Considering the importance of faces in communication and development though, it is a pretty illogical conclusion that it does not have very real long term harms from doing so.

Of course, so does death. If children were actually at risk from COVID then there is something to be said about masking. They are not. There is virtually zero risk presented to children from COVID and this is the first time in my lifetime when we, as adults, have EVER sacrificed the well being of children for the comfort of adults.

The very fucking idea of that is infuriating.
I never realized how MUCH you communicated though your expressions. Every time someone says something that makes me smile while wearing my mask I realize that the expression, though automatic, meant something and the reason I was doing it, even if it was automatic, was to convey that meaning. Once you realize this, it is rather eye opening on how important that is as you cannot truly verbalize that tidbit of information.

It feels as though you are texting rather than talking to be honest. Its annoying in a time when making is irrelevant to outcomes.

It's been known by experts for a long time that the majority of human communication is non-verbal, be it facial expression or body language. We think it's all about our word choice, but it really isn't.
But I also have ask, in March 2020, when Covid hit us, what policies would you have put in place knowing what we knew then?

If it was in my power, and I knew then what I know now (what I actually realized back then, when too many other people were already too damned blind and brainwashed to see what ought to have been obvious) I would not have treated the #CoronaHoax2020 as anything more than what it clearly was—a routine cold/flu outbreak. No lockdown; no sabotage of the economy, no destruction of anyone's freedoms, and no new illegitimate powers to corrupt criminals who infest positions in government.

It would have run its course in a few months and been over with, just as all cold/flu outbreaks do, and now, two years later, most people would have forgotten that it ever happened.
Not surprising really.

A lot of speech is visual, especially learning it. Kids see mouths moving and it's part of seeing how you speak. Facial expressions also are a big part of speaking. Masks muffling sounds also plays a part. A child can see a lot of other people but with their face covered they can't even tell if they are speaking.

Learning to speak is a complex thing.

Plus it adds a new layer of social issues on kids who grow up in a masked up society and can be confusing to them during a development stage.

Among ways in which I suspect that I differ from most people, I suspect that the part of my brain that deals with speech is underdeveloped. There's nothing wrong with my hearing. I can hear just fine. But under less than ideal circumstances, I think I have more difficulty than most, understanding speech. If there's a lot of background noise or other issues affecting the sound quality with which I am hearing speech, if the speaker has a strong accent, if the sound of the speech is muffled, as by a mask, if I cannot see the speaker's face, then I have a much harder time understanding what the speaker is trying to say to me, than I think most people do.

It is very obvious to me, that it is important for children, to be able to see and clearly hear those who are speaking to them, with whom they are trying to interact, and it is obvious to me how the use of masks is seriously harmful to the process of children learning to converse and interact with others. As an old man, who has learned as much as I ever will about it, it is harmful to my efforts to converse and interact with others, for those others to be wearing masks, and it has to be much worse for most very young children than it is for me.
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I never realized how MUCH you communicated though your expressions. Every time someone says something that makes me smile while wearing my mask I realize that the expression, though automatic, meant something and the reason I was doing it, even if it was automatic, was to convey that meaning. Once you realize this, it is rather eye opening on how important that is as you cannot truly verbalize that tidbit of information.

It feels as though you are texting rather than talking to be honest.

I tend to prefer communicating through email and text messages, because I can process them at my own speed rather than having to parse them in real time. I do, however, recognize that these forms of text-based communication do suffer from the lack of included nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language that seem to be so crucial for me processing real-time spoken conversation.
Researching the effect of long term masking like we have now on overall development is actually impossible, the research itself would be MASSIVELY immoral. We have to wait and see how the long term effects current children. Considering the importance of faces in communication and development though, it is a pretty illogical conclusion that it does not have very real long term harms from doing so.

Of course, so does death. If children were actually at risk from COVID then there is something to be said about masking. They are not. There is virtually zero risk presented to children from COVID and this is the first time in my lifetime when we, as adults, have EVER sacrificed the well being of children for the comfort of adults.

What all this ultimately comes down to is that we have responded to what is, in fact, a relative non-threat, by imposing measures that have, themselves, directly caused far more harm to us, as individuals, and as societies, than the actual disease itself could ever have possibly caused.

If we had left it alone, the actual COVID-1984 epidemic would have passed in a few months. It will surely take us decades to recover from the damage that we have stupidly allowed to be done to ourselves under the fraudulent guise of “protecting” us from this disease.
These Gd liberals should pay with their mother fucking lives for what they've done
Of course they should all be hung. Its disgraceful behaviour. Some liberals teach their kids there's a god and how to use guns. They should be hung as well.
From the article…”There’s no research out there yet saying that this could be causing speech and language delays…”

Masks Can Be Detrimental to Babies’ Speech and Language Development​

The good news is that parents can take action to compensate

Bilingualism Modulates Infants’ Selective Attention to the Mouth of a Talking Face​

". . . Monolinguals looked more at the eyes than the mouth at 4 months and more at the mouth than the eyes at 8 months in response to both native and nonnative speech, but they looked more at the mouth than the eyes at 12 months only in response to nonnative speech. In contrast, bilinguals looked equally at the eyes and mouth at 4 months, more at the mouth than the eyes at 8 months, and more at the mouth than the eyes at 12 months, and these patterns of responses were found for both native and nonnative speech at all ages. Thus, to support their dual-language acquisition processes, bilingual infants exploit the greater perceptual salience of redundant audiovisual speech cues at an earlier age and for a longer time than monolingual infants."
How long are you covidiots in our government going to keep this mask stuff going?
They are going to lie, gas-light, deceive, and keep it going as long as they can. It will continue until the populace votes them out, and find every legal means necessary to end it, based on factual evidence and evidentiary proceedings. This is one of the many reasons why the establishment is preventing as much information sharing and communication between the citizenry.

I would imagine it is why they use computers and other means to skew elections as well.

Single Mom May Have Found The Silver Bullet To Counter COVID Mandates In Schools​


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