Report: Rise in health care spending lowest on record



Report: Rise in health care spending lowest on record

WASHINGTON — Health care spending since the 2010 passage of the Affordable Care Act has risen by 1.3% a year, the lowest rate ever recorded, and health care inflation is the lowest it has been in 50 years, a report released Wednesday by the White House shows.

Per capita spending has grown at a rate of 1.3% since 2010, the lowest recorded rate for any three-year period on record, according to the report, which was conducted by the White House Council of Economic Advisers.

Price inflation rose by 1%, the council found — the lowest since 1962.

Furman said the trends mean reduced costs for employers, and could lead to 200,000 to 400,000 new jobs per year by the second half of the decade.


Interesting report. Imagine how much better things could be if Republicans supported the country instead of trying to destroy the government?
You are as gullible as you are dumb rdean. Yeah, I trust this report, Source: White House Council on Economic Advisers, these are the same idiot advisors that told Obama the website was good to go. And that there was no targeting of special interest groups by the IRS. And that fast and furious was just a movie. And that Behghazi was a protest about a movie.
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You are as gullible as you are dumb rdean. Yeah, I trust this report, Source: White House Council on Economic Advisers, these are the same idiot advisors that told Obama the website was good to go. And that there was not targeting of special interest groups by the IRS. And that fast and furious was just a movie. And that Behghazi was a protest about a movie.

Hilarious you would call me "gullible".

Darrell Issa On IRS Investigation: Releasing Full Transcripts Now Would Be 'Reckless'

Top Democrat: Issa squashing info on IRS probe, approach is 'accuse, then prove' | Fox News

Cummings also sent a five-page letter to committee Chairman Darrell Issa, accusing the California Republican of withholding information in the IRS probe and criticizing how he has investigated the Justice Department’s flawed gun-tracking program Operation Fast and Furious, the fatal Benghazi terror attacks last year, and now the IRS.

“Your actions over the past three years do not reflect a responsible, bipartisan approach to investigations,” Cummings wrote. “And the committee’s credibility has been damaged as a result. Your approach in all of these cases has been to accuse first, and then go in search of evidence to back up your claims. … You have selectively leaked excerpts of interview transcripts, documents and other information, and you have withheld evidence that directly contradicts your claims.”


You really should learn to use Google. Even Republicans admit they only released "partial transcripts" to create a narrative. Later, when the information came out that the IRS was targeting many groups on both sides, the house Republicans pretty much saw this as another faux scandal.

Considering the Republican conservatives and the Tea Party are now at war, one has to wonder if Tea Party groups were targeted, was it by Obama or Bush's leftovers?
Wait a minute, are you trying to say that the report on health care spending is a good thing or a bad thing? You never said, my bad..
Yes I hope the Federal website gets to working soon, because that will be the next shoe to drop on Obama and democrats. Obama promised many times that premiums would go DOWN under his plan, actually making the claim that a family of 4 would SAVE $2500.00 a year in premiums--(cough-cough.)

We'll everyone is more than welcome to visit my Obamacare state site that is working just fine to see if they can find anything on it--that they would consider "Affordable."
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

So--it really doesn't matter if medical inflation costs have gone down--because Obamacare premiums have gone through the freaking roof.

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Yes I hope the Federal website gets to working soon, because that will be the next shoe to drop on Obama and democrats. Obama promised many times that premiums would go DOWN under his plan, actually making the claim that a family of 4 would SAVE $2500.00 a year in premiums--(cough-cough.)

We'll everyone is more than welcome to visit my Obamacare state site that is working just fine to see if they can find anything on it--that they would consider "Affordable."
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

So--it really doesn't matter if medical inflation costs have gone down--because Obamacare premiums have gone through the freaking roof.


do you have a zip code we could use? You can't look at the plans without a zip code.
You are as gullible as you are dumb rdean. Yeah, I trust this report, Source: White House Council on Economic Advisers, these are the same idiot advisors that told Obama the website was good to go. And that there was not targeting of special interest groups by the IRS. And that fast and furious was just a movie. And that Behghazi was a protest about a movie.

Hilarious you would call me "gullible".

Darrell Issa On IRS Investigation: Releasing Full Transcripts Now Would Be 'Reckless'

Top Democrat: Issa squashing info on IRS probe, approach is 'accuse, then prove' | Fox News

Cummings also sent a five-page letter to committee Chairman Darrell Issa, accusing the California Republican of withholding information in the IRS probe and criticizing how he has investigated the Justice Department’s flawed gun-tracking program Operation Fast and Furious, the fatal Benghazi terror attacks last year, and now the IRS.

“Your actions over the past three years do not reflect a responsible, bipartisan approach to investigations,” Cummings wrote. “And the committee’s credibility has been damaged as a result. Your approach in all of these cases has been to accuse first, and then go in search of evidence to back up your claims. … You have selectively leaked excerpts of interview transcripts, documents and other information, and you have withheld evidence that directly contradicts your claims.”


You really should learn to use Google. Even Republicans admit they only released "partial transcripts" to create a narrative. Later, when the information came out that the IRS was targeting many groups on both sides, the house Republicans pretty much saw this as another faux scandal.

Considering the Republican conservatives and the Tea Party are now at war, one has to wonder if Tea Party groups were targeted, was it by Obama or Bush's leftovers?

Wait a minute, are you trying to say that the report on health care spending is a good thing or a bad thing? You never said, my bad..
You are as gullible as you are dumb rdean. Yeah, I trust this report, Source: White House Council on Economic Advisers, these are the same idiot advisors that told Obama the website was good to go. And that there was not targeting of special interest groups by the IRS. And that fast and furious was just a movie. And that Behghazi was a protest about a movie.

Hilarious you would call me "gullible".

Darrell Issa On IRS Investigation: Releasing Full Transcripts Now Would Be 'Reckless'

Top Democrat: Issa squashing info on IRS probe, approach is 'accuse, then prove' | Fox News

Cummings also sent a five-page letter to committee Chairman Darrell Issa, accusing the California Republican of withholding information in the IRS probe and criticizing how he has investigated the Justice Department’s flawed gun-tracking program Operation Fast and Furious, the fatal Benghazi terror attacks last year, and now the IRS.

“Your actions over the past three years do not reflect a responsible, bipartisan approach to investigations,” Cummings wrote. “And the committee’s credibility has been damaged as a result. Your approach in all of these cases has been to accuse first, and then go in search of evidence to back up your claims. … You have selectively leaked excerpts of interview transcripts, documents and other information, and you have withheld evidence that directly contradicts your claims.”


You really should learn to use Google. Even Republicans admit they only released "partial transcripts" to create a narrative. Later, when the information came out that the IRS was targeting many groups on both sides, the house Republicans pretty much saw this as another faux scandal.

Considering the Republican conservatives and the Tea Party are now at war, one has to wonder if Tea Party groups were targeted, was it by Obama or Bush's leftovers?

Wait a minute, are you trying to say that the report on health care spending is a good thing or a bad thing? You never said, my bad
Living under Obama's rule in ObamaNation

who can afford to see a doctor?...they are lucky to feed their families..

that's why it's probably down...and they crow like a banshee
About the same as you, Antares, I would imagine but go ahead and tell me.
Yes I hope the Federal website gets to working soon, because that will be the next shoe to drop on Obama and democrats. Obama promised many times that premiums would go DOWN under his plan, actually making the claim that a family of 4 would SAVE $2500.00 a year in premiums--(cough-cough.)

We'll everyone is more than welcome to visit my Obamacare state site that is working just fine to see if they can find anything on it--that they would consider "Affordable."
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

So--it really doesn't matter if medical inflation costs have gone down--because Obamacare premiums have gone through the freaking roof.


do you have a zip code we could use? You can't look at the plans without a zip code.

yes--go with 80909
Yes I hope the Federal website gets to working soon, because that will be the next shoe to drop on Obama and democrats. Obama promised many times that premiums would go DOWN under his plan, actually making the claim that a family of 4 would SAVE $2500.00 a year in premiums--(cough-cough.)

We'll everyone is more than welcome to visit my Obamacare state site that is working just fine to see if they can find anything on it--that they would consider "Affordable."
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

So--it really doesn't matter if medical inflation costs have gone down--because Obamacare premiums have gone through the freaking roof.


do you have a zip code we could use? You can't look at the plans without a zip code.

yes--go with 80909

OK, so I went to the site and the cost for the least expensive Bronze plan is $434 per month. I've always had health care through my employer so I admit I don't know as much as I would like but when it says "Estimated out of pocket costs" and what's listed is $6500, doesn't that mean that $6500 is the most you would have to pay for a catastrophic illness? Now that $434 could be much lower if you are eligible for financial assistance, right?
Now my landlord worked until he was 66 so he could get Medicare and still had to buy supplemental insurance because of the cost of getting sick. And that ceiling of $6500 could certainly keep you from going bankrupt.
I also know that those plans that cost fifty bucks a month only cover up to two thousands which is nothing. So you can't possibly be crying over a plan that only costs fifty bucks a month because it's garbage. And you haven't mentioned anything about financial assistance so did you even check?

I just did a quick search on state help and found this:


Republicans on this site forget that when they post links, some of us actually go and look. So be sure to come back with facts the next time you cry about something.
So after writing the above post, I talked to my landlord who I mentioned in the above post is 78. I asked him about the $434 cost and the $6500 out of pocket limit and he thought this was a fantastic deal. And that is without any of the deductibles. Now I know that even minimum policies also include maternity which none of the fifty dollar a month policies do. And the fifty dollar a month policies also limit the number of times you can visit a doctor.

The problem here is that so many right wingers have never had real insurance, they don't really don't know anything about it other than to scream "it costs too much and we hate Obama".

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