REPORT: Seattle Restaurants Suffer Worse Job Loss Since The Great Recession

Sorry a bit of an aside:

hmmm interesting question I had not thought of yet, the tipping thing. I typically math my tip at 20% then round up to the nearest dollar, admittedly because I'm a bit math lazy and don't give a shit about a some change. The reason I'd been tipping was as kind of a reward or encouragement to do a good job (with/for me), much like I'd give a good employee a bonus kind of deal, and I have no qualms admitting that if they did a shitty job they got no tip. I don't "reward" people for doing a shitty job; just to clarify though, having an empty glass of water for half the meal is the kind of stuff that I typically just ignore because they are... ah, I'm going to show my bitch side a bit here, my apologies... min wage underachievers who couldn't really be expected to do more than the minimum to get by. Unless they're younger... Like you can tell when you're dealing with an adult who's bumping along vs a younger adult who doesn't really know what they're supposed to be doing. I can't really blame those kids for their bad managers not teaching them how to do the job, and I know that shit happens constantly, but the adult, they should know better, because its the same shit /they/ would expect, ya know? The young ones I typically try to help out a little, let them know where they went wrong with me or w/e - if they cop an attitude, which many spoiled brats in my area do, then I say hey, it's your check sweety, your choice. Most of them square up frankly and then they get good tips from me.

It's honestly not something I'm personally likely to run into, the waiters and waitresses at the places I frequent know pretty well to give my parties a little extra time, nothing major just make sure to glance over at the table once in a while, make sure that those in my party who only drink water have it - hell the smart ones bring us pitchers of water when it's busy because they know our habits. I've even had our waiters/waitresses come up and apologize to my table for "less than their usual service" because "so and so didn't bother to show up" or w/e. I think ultimately, I'm not going to stop tipping them for that "little extra" my regular waiter/waitresses give me, even if they are getting paid more per hour - I didn't care how much they were making an hour before the silly $15/h min wage movement, I still don't particularly care - It's just the broader picture of economy and "business owner rights" issues that I really care about, not this particular person. I like my "regular" waiter/waitresses and I'll tip them based on that alone so I don't think it'll effect them at all.

The other ones, like the ones who don't know me, not that this happens often, ya know, they might have to work a little harder, not so much because my expectations of service have risen, but because it'd be even more of a "reward for good service" than before somehow. I think it's really going to boil down to personality for me personally; like if they /seem/ like they're trying, sure. If they seem like they're just bumping along, then naw.
Notice how libs want to decide what jobs are worth having, and what insurance is worth having........and if yours doesnt match why you should be shut down......never mind I bet a lot wait staff are making more now than they will under this.

Do you notice how rwingers doesn't do anything then complain about everything. Do you notice rwingers serve the best interest of their party but not the interest of their country. Do you notice rwingers are so sick with GOPs and nothing gets done is the reason why Trump is soaring.

We live in reality...

You live in a fantasy land, of wizards and unicorns farting dollars out its ass

Its clearly you don't know math , profit margins or economics.

I've been in business for 30 years. If that is all you can contribute. STFU. or start using you human brain instead of your bear brain. Since you are a maintenance go clean some toilets.
Your reality is non human habitable like where you live Bear. Did you come out from hibernation? GIT....
Next question would be what's the real purpose of the increase if people won't be helped......
I live in Seattle and one of my closest female friends manages a very popular pizza/pasta restaurant. Yes it is true that there is a lot of turnover recently in minimum wage employees. The above story omits something very important though. It seems to present a case that the restaurant owners and managers have had to fire over 1,000 employees over the new minimum wage. That is a big fat lie!

The TRUTH is that most of the turnover is because of the minimum wage employees ARE QUITTING in search of more suitable or desirable employment in this highly volatile employment market at this time. Now that the pay is more desirable in general people are exploring getting employment in areas they previously found interesting but not paying enough money.

It IS NOT TRUE that employers are firing minimum wage workers right and left over the minimum wage. I'm sure that the author of the piece the OP has cherry picked is well aware of the truth but as RWers are they have no problem lying to prove a point that on it's own does not exist supported by the facts.

I know of no pizza restaurant that has gone out of business just because they have to pay the higher minimum wage. One of my best friends drives pizza delivery and lately he has been busier than ever. People HAVE NOT stopped buying pizza in Seattle. It still takes the same amount of people to run the restaurants.

What HAS happened is that several thousand people have a lot more disposable income to spend in the city. In the last few years the min wage has gone from around $7 to $15. That's $8 X 40 X 52. That's several thousand people spending over $15,000 a year MORE in the city. That's 30-50 million more dollars in circulation a year more than a few years ago.

Your post has credence. Thank you.

I notice the Daily Caller article does not say the job "losses" are due to layoffs. It is not unusual for the Daily Pisser to commit lies of omission.

Good news for some of us: Other people are quitting jobs - The Seattle Times

The trend has already emerged in the restaurant and retail industries, where quits and pay are rising faster than in the overall economy. Workers in those industries appear to be taking advantage of rising consumer demand to seek better pay elsewhere.

Workers who quit typically do so to take higher-paying jobs. That’s why rising numbers of quits typically signal confidence in the economy and the job market. As the trend takes hold, employers are often forced to offer higher pay to hold on to their staffers or attract new ones.

The Labor Department said Tuesday that the number of people who quit jobs rose 3 percent from December to January to 2.8 million — the most in more than six years. Quits have jumped 17 percent over the past 12 months.
well well. YOU were warned. so now go beg your Commie government to take care of you. Of course it won't be THEIR MONIES


REPORT: Seattle Restaurants Suffer Worse Job Loss Since The Great Recession

Connor D. Wolf

12:03 PM 08/10/2015
According to a report released Sunday by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the $15 minimum wage has caused Seattle restaurants to lose 1,000 jobs — the worst decline since the 2009 Great Recession.

“The loss of 1,000 restaurant jobs in May following the minimum wage increase in April was the largest one month job decline since a 1,300 drop in January 2009, again during the Great Recession,” AEI Scholar Mark J. Perry noted in the report.

The citywide minimum wage increase was passed in June of last year. The measure is designed to increase the city minimum wage gradually to $15 an hour by 2017. The first increase under the plan was to $11 an hour in April. According to the report, Seattle restaurants have already faced severe consequences as a result. In contrast, in the six years since the 2009 financial crisis, the industry has been recovering in areas without the $15 minimum wage.

“Restaurant employment nationally increased by 130,700 jobs (and by 1.2%) during that same period,” the report also noted. “Restaurant employment in Washington increased 3.2% and by 2,800 jobs.”

Supporters of the $15 minimum wage often argue it will help the poor and stimulate economic activity. Opponents, however, argue such policies will actually hurt the poor by limiting job opportunities. How little or how much of either outcome usually depends on the study. Nevertheless, even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agrees at least some job loss is expected.

all of it here:
Why Did Seattle Restaurants Lose 1 000 Jobs Report Blames The Minimum Wage The Daily Caller

I live in Seattle and one of my closest female friends manages a very popular pizza/pasta restaurant. Yes it is true that there is a lot of turnover recently in minimum wage employees. The above story omits something very important though. It seems to present a case that the restaurant owners and managers have had to fire over 1,000 employees over the new minimum wage. That is a big fat lie!

The TRUTH is that most of the turnover is because of the minimum wage employees ARE QUITTING in search of more suitable or desirable employment in this highly volatile employment market at this time. Now that the pay is more desirable in general people are exploring getting employment in areas they previously found interesting but not paying enough money.

It IS NOT TRUE that employers are firing minimum wage workers right and left over the minimum wage. I'm sure that the author of the piece the OP has cherry picked is well aware of the truth but as RWers are they have no problem lying to prove a point that on it's own does not exist supported by the facts.

I know of no pizza restaurant that has gone out of business just because they have to pay the higher minimum wage. One of my best friends drives pizza delivery and lately he has been busier than ever. People HAVE NOT stopped buying pizza in Seattle. It still takes the same amount of people to run the restaurants.

What HAS happened is that several thousand people have a lot more disposable income to spend in the city. In the last few years the min wage has gone from around $7 to $15. That's $8 X 40 X 52. That's several thousand people spending over $15,000 a year MORE in the city. That's 30-50 million more dollars in circulation a year more than a few years ago.


So you have no facts just one manager and your opinion.

I didn't know I had to handicap your replies as for someone with a reading and comprehension disability.

One of my close friends and business partners is the original franchise owner and distributor for the Romios pizza chain some 30 4 states. I know the original owner of the another chain the name escapes me at the moment. I know and work with the owner of the 125th st grill and bar on a daily basis. My gal pal manages the downtown Romios location. My good friend Gary used to own the Magnolia location of Romios that has closed because Gary just got tired of the business. I worked closely with him for several years. Gary and I have worked together on several non restaurant projects. I also repaired and overhauled several pizza ovens and related restaurant machinery and mechanical items.

I hope that makes my knowledge and experience more clear.

What disability? It is apparent that you have the handicap of not knowing what you wrote. You gave yourself and one manager in Seattle as a reference. That was it.

You have often used your lack of curiosity and non ability to reference your accusations thoroughly to start a pointless argument. I suppose YOU believe you have more restaurant experience and knowledge than I. Please feel free to list your experience and accomplishments in that field.
Last edited:
well well. YOU were warned. so now go beg your Commie government to take care of you. Of course it won't be THEIR MONIES


REPORT: Seattle Restaurants Suffer Worse Job Loss Since The Great Recession

Connor D. Wolf

12:03 PM 08/10/2015
According to a report released Sunday by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the $15 minimum wage has caused Seattle restaurants to lose 1,000 jobs — the worst decline since the 2009 Great Recession.

“The loss of 1,000 restaurant jobs in May following the minimum wage increase in April was the largest one month job decline since a 1,300 drop in January 2009, again during the Great Recession,” AEI Scholar Mark J. Perry noted in the report.

The citywide minimum wage increase was passed in June of last year. The measure is designed to increase the city minimum wage gradually to $15 an hour by 2017. The first increase under the plan was to $11 an hour in April. According to the report, Seattle restaurants have already faced severe consequences as a result. In contrast, in the six years since the 2009 financial crisis, the industry has been recovering in areas without the $15 minimum wage.

“Restaurant employment nationally increased by 130,700 jobs (and by 1.2%) during that same period,” the report also noted. “Restaurant employment in Washington increased 3.2% and by 2,800 jobs.”

Supporters of the $15 minimum wage often argue it will help the poor and stimulate economic activity. Opponents, however, argue such policies will actually hurt the poor by limiting job opportunities. How little or how much of either outcome usually depends on the study. Nevertheless, even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agrees at least some job loss is expected.

all of it here:
Why Did Seattle Restaurants Lose 1 000 Jobs Report Blames The Minimum Wage The Daily Caller

I live in Seattle and one of my closest female friends manages a very popular pizza/pasta restaurant. Yes it is true that there is a lot of turnover recently in minimum wage employees. The above story omits something very important though. It seems to present a case that the restaurant owners and managers have had to fire over 1,000 employees over the new minimum wage. That is a big fat lie!

The TRUTH is that most of the turnover is because of the minimum wage employees ARE QUITTING in search of more suitable or desirable employment in this highly volatile employment market at this time. Now that the pay is more desirable in general people are exploring getting employment in areas they previously found interesting but not paying enough money.

It IS NOT TRUE that employers are firing minimum wage workers right and left over the minimum wage. I'm sure that the author of the piece the OP has cherry picked is well aware of the truth but as RWers are they have no problem lying to prove a point that on it's own does not exist supported by the facts.

I know of no pizza restaurant that has gone out of business just because they have to pay the higher minimum wage. One of my best friends drives pizza delivery and lately he has been busier than ever. People HAVE NOT stopped buying pizza in Seattle. It still takes the same amount of people to run the restaurants.

What HAS happened is that several thousand people have a lot more disposable income to spend in the city. In the last few years the min wage has gone from around $7 to $15. That's $8 X 40 X 52. That's several thousand people spending over $15,000 a year MORE in the city. That's 30-50 million more dollars in circulation a year more than a few years ago.


So you have no facts just one manager and your opinion.

I didn't know I had to handicap your replies as for someone with a reading and comprehension disability.

One of my close friends and business partners is the original franchise owner and distributor for the Romios pizza chain some 30 4 states. I know the original owner of the another chain the name escapes me at the moment. I know and work with the owner of the 125th st grill and bar on a daily basis. My gal pal manages the downtown Romios location. My good friend Gary used to own the Magnolia location of Romios that has closed because Gary just got tired of the business. I worked closely with him for several years. Gary and I have worked together on several non restaurant projects. I also repaired and overhauled several pizza ovens and related restaurant machinery and mechanical items.

I hope that makes my knowledge and experience more clear.

What disability? It is apparent that you have the handicap of not knowing what you wrote. You gave yourself and one manager in Seattle as a reference. That was it.

You have often used your lack of curiosity and non ability to reference your accusations thoroughly to start a pointless argument. I suppose YOU believe you have more restaurant experience and knowledge than I. Please feel free to list your experience and accomplishments in that field.

My curiosity got you to respond with a litany of references you didn't provide in the first place. At first it was you and a manager, that was it, why would I take your word for it? Now, you supplied the reasons that I might listen to you.

I also never said I had more experience, you are such a delicate thing, you whine and cry about being questioned. I saw little or no accomplishment in the field, other than fixing a pizza oven, you just knew people.
I live in Seattle and one of my closest female friends manages a very popular pizza/pasta restaurant. Yes it is true that there is a lot of turnover recently in minimum wage employees. The above story omits something very important though. It seems to present a case that the restaurant owners and managers have had to fire over 1,000 employees over the new minimum wage. That is a big fat lie!

The TRUTH is that most of the turnover is because of the minimum wage employees ARE QUITTING in search of more suitable or desirable employment in this highly volatile employment market at this time. Now that the pay is more desirable in general people are exploring getting employment in areas they previously found interesting but not paying enough money.

It IS NOT TRUE that employers are firing minimum wage workers right and left over the minimum wage. I'm sure that the author of the piece the OP has cherry picked is well aware of the truth but as RWers are they have no problem lying to prove a point that on it's own does not exist supported by the facts.

I know of no pizza restaurant that has gone out of business just because they have to pay the higher minimum wage. One of my best friends drives pizza delivery and lately he has been busier than ever. People HAVE NOT stopped buying pizza in Seattle. It still takes the same amount of people to run the restaurants.

What HAS happened is that several thousand people have a lot more disposable income to spend in the city. In the last few years the min wage has gone from around $7 to $15. That's $8 X 40 X 52. That's several thousand people spending over $15,000 a year MORE in the city. That's 30-50 million more dollars in circulation a year more than a few years ago.


So you have no facts just one manager and your opinion.

I didn't know I had to handicap your replies as for someone with a reading and comprehension disability.

One of my close friends and business partners is the original franchise owner and distributor for the Romios pizza chain some 30 4 states. I know the original owner of the another chain the name escapes me at the moment. I know and work with the owner of the 125th st grill and bar on a daily basis. My gal pal manages the downtown Romios location. My good friend Gary used to own the Magnolia location of Romios that has closed because Gary just got tired of the business. I worked closely with him for several years. Gary and I have worked together on several non restaurant projects. I also repaired and overhauled several pizza ovens and related restaurant machinery and mechanical items.

I hope that makes my knowledge and experience more clear.

What disability? It is apparent that you have the handicap of not knowing what you wrote. You gave yourself and one manager in Seattle as a reference. That was it.

You have often used your lack of curiosity and non ability to reference your accusations thoroughly to start a pointless argument. I suppose YOU believe you have more restaurant experience and knowledge than I. Please feel free to list your experience and accomplishments in that field.

My curiosity got you to respond with a litany of references you didn't provide in the first place. At first it was you and a manager, that was it, why would I take your word for it? Now, you supplied the reasons that I might listen to you.

I also never said I had more experience, you are such a delicate thing, you whine and cry about being questioned. I saw little or no accomplishment in the field, other than fixing a pizza oven, you just knew people.

You are such a blowviating retard. I guess anyone but you can see that I have and still do work closely with people in the restaurant business. Perhaps you being the asshat you are have only brief encounters with people you define as "friends". I on the other hand have had and still do have close working and social relationships with many people in the restaurant business. I suppose if you get a pizza delivered you are an expert in the business.

Why do you try so hard to down play my offering of real meaningful experience? Does it make you think others weigh your argumentative nit picking as having the same value as many years of actual interaction with those in the restaurant business? In the last few weeks I have performed several repairs at the 125th street grill. The owner came to me because we are friends. The man I work for at the motel owns the building the 125th street grill uses. I work with his managers several times a week on issues of security. They call me for advise and help frequently. So does the owner.

All you really KNOW how to do is bother people like a little yippy dog getting attention by being annoying.

I'm trying to think of some commercial value to your negativity. I'm drawing a blank. How do you make a living by primarily being a jerk? Does Craig's List have a section for "Jerks wanting attention"?
So you have no facts just one manager and your opinion.

I didn't know I had to handicap your replies as for someone with a reading and comprehension disability.

One of my close friends and business partners is the original franchise owner and distributor for the Romios pizza chain some 30 4 states. I know the original owner of the another chain the name escapes me at the moment. I know and work with the owner of the 125th st grill and bar on a daily basis. My gal pal manages the downtown Romios location. My good friend Gary used to own the Magnolia location of Romios that has closed because Gary just got tired of the business. I worked closely with him for several years. Gary and I have worked together on several non restaurant projects. I also repaired and overhauled several pizza ovens and related restaurant machinery and mechanical items.

I hope that makes my knowledge and experience more clear.

What disability? It is apparent that you have the handicap of not knowing what you wrote. You gave yourself and one manager in Seattle as a reference. That was it.

You have often used your lack of curiosity and non ability to reference your accusations thoroughly to start a pointless argument. I suppose YOU believe you have more restaurant experience and knowledge than I. Please feel free to list your experience and accomplishments in that field.

My curiosity got you to respond with a litany of references you didn't provide in the first place. At first it was you and a manager, that was it, why would I take your word for it? Now, you supplied the reasons that I might listen to you.

I also never said I had more experience, you are such a delicate thing, you whine and cry about being questioned. I saw little or no accomplishment in the field, other than fixing a pizza oven, you just knew people.

You are such a blowviating retard. I guess anyone but you can see that I have and still do work closely with people in the restaurant business. Perhaps you being the asshat you are have only brief encounters with people you define as "friends". I on the other hand have had and still do have close working and social relationships with many people in the restaurant business. I suppose if you get a pizza delivered you are an expert in the business.

Why do you try so hard to down play my offering of real meaningful experience? Does it make you think others weigh your argumentative nit picking as having the same value as many years of actual interaction with those in the restaurant business? In the last few weeks I have performed several repairs at the 125th street grill. The owner came to me because we are friends. The man I work for at the motel owns the building the 125th street grill uses. I work with his managers several times a week on issues of security. They call me for advise and help frequently. So does the owner.

All you really KNOW how to do is bother people like a little yippy dog getting attention by being annoying.

I'm trying to think of some commercial value to your negativity. I'm drawing a blank. How do you make a living by primarily being a jerk? Does Craig's List have a section for "Jerks wanting attention"?

Have a great evening, sorry I didn't mean to make you cry.

Speaking of jerks, how have you been?

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