Report Shows PA Using Foreign Aid to Pay Jailed Terrorists


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't think the ordinary taxpayers who might be struggling himself would be happy knowing that some of the money he has to pay in taxes is going for something like this.

Report Shows PA Using Foreign Aid to Pay Jailed Terrorists

By Ahuva Balofsky June 27, 2014

Despite protestations to the contrary, the Palestinian Authority continues to incite its population to violence against Israel and Jews, this time with the unwitting financial backing of the US and other foreign powers.

A report released by Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office shows that the PA provides substantial ongoing stipends to imprisoned terrorists on a sliding scale, dependent on the length of their imprisonment. Likewise, it confers other benefits to said prisoners upon their release. Much of this is made possible by funding provided by the US and other foreign governments.

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Law, updated by the PA in 2010, provides monthly salaries to Palestinian terrorists held in Israeli jails. These salaries start at NIS 1,400 (about $400) monthly, and can rise to as much as NIS 12,000 ($3,500), based on the length of the prison sentence. Additionally, the PA covers the inmates’ families’ living expenses for the duration of the prison term.


PA Using Foreign Aid to Pay Jailed Terrorists - Israel News

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