REPORT: Taxpayers Paid $15k For Jimmy Carter's Postage...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Talk about Corporate Welfare? Yikes!

Taxpayers spent $15,000 on former President Jimmy Carter’s postage in 2010, according to a report released Tuesday about federal spending on ex-presidents.

The revelation came in a report by ABC News on the “welfare for former presidents,” which also claims taxpayers spent $579,000 for former President Bill Clinton’s rent and $83,000 for former President George W. Bush’s phone bill.

ABC reported that taxpayers paid more than $3 million on the four remaining former presidents in 2010, even though Clinton made more than $10 million and Bush made $15 million for speeches last year.

Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz is pushing a bill in Congress that would stop taxpayer funding of ex-presidents if they make more than $400,000 a year, according to the news organization.

Read more: Jimmy Carter | Phone Bill | Taxpayers | The Daily Caller
I believe congressmen make some pretty good lifetime perks, I wonder if those are on the line too?
He has been sending out millions of post card which say:

If Carter is using the perk to promote Habitat, it's money well spent.

As for Dubya, I wonder how much of his phone bill is for playing IPhone games with his old frat buddies.

But what's misleading about stories like this, is the fact that ex-Presidents get, under law, Secret Service protection. That accounts for a major expense on things like home security and extra space for the SS.
Funny that Carter is the lead in when he spends the least of all the former Presidents. Guess who spent the most last year?

George W. Bush Requests More Taxpayer Dollars Than Any Other Former President

George W. Bush is slated to receive $1.3 million in taxpayer dollars for fiscal year 2013, including $85,000 in phone costs and $26,000 in printing costs, according to a budget proposal compiled by the General Services Administration.

The money -- provided under the Former Presidents Act of 1958, which grants ex-presidents a taxpayer-sponsored "annual allowance" -- goes toward office expenses, staff and travel.

George W. Bush Requests More Taxpayer Dollars Than Any Other Former President
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