Report: Tea Party Leader Charged In Thad Cochran Photo Scandal Commits Suicide

ah yes, we see how classy some people on the left can be and also leftwing sites like Hufferpuffer

and notice how he was the LEADER of the tea Party

the man is barly cold yet the hufferpuffer has all the facts on it already

pfeeesh, I'll wait for more to come out on the poor guys death before I'd believe the HuffingtonPost
Nothing is worth taking your life over.. I'm very sorry for the family.

Shades of Vince Foster.

So you are suggesting McDaniel killed him like the Right have suggested Hillary killed Foster.
Very interesting!

Thad Cochran can burn in hell with the rest of the Republican party. I'd have them all exterminated. That race card that they played in MS was disgraceful as was this man's little photo op. Disgusting. He's burning in hell too.
The news today just keeps getter better and less teabagger. w00t!

That is absolutely not cool.

The guy was charged, but not yet found guilty. In our system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

His politics may or may not be my politics, but I don't ever rejoice over the death of another human being. He left family behind - for them, this is surely a horrible, unmitigated tragedy. And suicide is NEVER the answer - ever.

My thoughts go with his family at this time.

On the face of it, I agree Howey went a bit too far but puh-lese ... all this phony sorrow from the RWs is to throw up. Especially since they line up to celebrate deaths from any cause of gays, liberals, abortionists.

Too broad a brush, Luddite. This is tragic, for both family and friends.
Wow...wonder if it was because he got caught up in the camera scandal thing or because McDaniel lost? Maybe McDaniel had him offed because he helped him lose? Either way. Sucks he thought that was the best way out...but it was his life and every person has that right to do as they wish with their life including ending it.
Just maybe he had a terminal illness and had planned to do this regardless.

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