Report: Tea Party Leader Charged In Thad Cochran Photo Scandal Commits Suicide

When you think about it, it's not really that much of a surprise. I posted the statistics before. Nearly 70% of all gun related deaths in the US are suicide with most of them being white guys in Red States.

Gun related means ALL gun related. That includes bank robbery, thugs in Chicago, kids "accidentally shooting baby sister", school mass murders and so on.

Very few minorities kill themselves.

I suspect many right winger males commit suicide because they are just tired of their party scaring them all the time. It's terrible to live in fear.

This case could have been something else entirely.

But when a teabagger does it, should it be called "suicide" or "public service"?
Meh...a shady, racist teaper offed himself. I am surprised he didn't go on a shooting rampage and take a few lefties and blackies out too.
It's a shame what people will do to play dirty politics, how would using a photo of a woman with dementia, in a nursing home, help their election hopes?

First, while there was some early connection to McDaniel in planning this line of attack on Cochran, there was no direct link that he actually approved of photographing the woman. However, the McDaniel campaign made a couple of charges. First, that Cochran somehow deserted his wife and lived with an assistant in D.C. That for some reason Cochran should retire and return here to care for his wife full time.

Strange as the attacks seem to me, they actually appeared to resonate with the McDaniel voters. I'm not sure the adultery aspect worked much, but there's no doubt that Cochran was out of touch and had been in D.C. too long. A better candidate, with less racist baggage, and more focused on economic specifics and growth probably would have won.

Mayfield was a long time goper. He got Freedom Works and Club for Growth to pony up ten million or so. He's was charged with felony counts, and the result of his photograph escapade was going to cost him any postion in the gop and he would ultimately lose his law license and means to earn a living.

Very sad.
Now the TPM kills its own when they get out of line and stupid?

Sure that it is suicide?

He may have been 'Fostered'.
Now the TPM kills its own when they get out of line and stupid?

Sure that it is suicide?

He may have been 'Fostered'.

Now you are thinking like a teaper...turn it into a scandal. He was offed by Cochran and his teaper goons!
When you think about it, it's not really that much of a surprise. I posted the statistics before. Nearly 70% of all gun related deaths in the US are suicide with most of them being white guys in Red States.

Gun related means ALL gun related. That includes bank robbery, thugs in Chicago, kids "accidentally shooting baby sister", school mass murders and so on.

Very few minorities kill themselves.

I suspect many right winger males commit suicide because they are just tired of their party scaring them all the time. It's terrible to live in fear.

This case could have been something else entirely.

But when a teabagger does it, should it be called "suicide" or "public service"?

What do you think about someone who says something like that about a gay?
One of Mayfield's attorneys confirmed to TPM that he died in an "apparent" suicide.
Suicide at 28 over this? This guy had other issues, obviously.

Even if he did time the right-wingers at Townhall would have been more than happy to make him an editor. It's pretty easy there since correct English and spelling are optional.
Report: Tea Party Leader Charged In Thad Cochran Photo Scandal Commits Suicide

A supporter for Mississippi state Sen. Chris McDaniel (R), who was arrested for his alleged connection to the photographing of Sen. Thad Cochran's (R-Miss) wife, committed suicide Wednesday, according to The Clarion-Ledger.

Mark Mayfield, a leader of the Mississippi Tea Party and officer with the Central Mississippi Tea Party, was one of three men arrested on conspiracy charges after 28-year-old blogger Clayton Kelly allegedly photographed Cochran's bedridden wife, Rose, at a nursing home where she suffers from progressive dementia. The photos were allegedly used for an anti-Cochran political video that was later taken down.

One of Mayfield's attorneys confirmed to TPM that he died in an "apparent" suicide.

Rest in peace. It's a shame this poor soul didn't realize that the Tea Party is already dead.
The news today just keeps getter better and less teabagger. w00t!

That is absolutely not cool.

The guy was charged, but not yet found guilty. In our system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

His politics may or may not be my politics, but I don't ever rejoice over the death of another human being. He left family behind - for them, this is surely a horrible, unmitigated tragedy. And suicide is NEVER the answer - ever.

My thoughts go with his family at this time.
The news today just keeps getter better and less teabagger. w00t!

That is absolutely not cool.

The guy was charged, but not yet found guilty. In our system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

His politics may or may not be my politics, but I don't ever rejoice over the death of another human being. He left family behind - for them, this is surely a horrible, unmitigated tragedy. And suicide is NEVER the answer - ever.

My thoughts go with his family at this time.

I agree, very well written; suicide is never the solution.
One of Mayfield's attorneys confirmed to TPM that he died in an "apparent" suicide.
Suicide at 28 over this? This guy had other issues, obviously.

Even if he did time the right-wingers at Townhall would have been more than happy to make him an editor. It's pretty easy there since correct English and spelling are optional.
More like 68.

When you think about it, it's not really that much of a surprise. I posted the statistics before. Nearly 70% of all gun related deaths in the US are suicide with most of them being white guys in Red States.

Gun related means ALL gun related. That includes bank robbery, thugs in Chicago, kids "accidentally shooting baby sister", school mass murders and so on.

Very few minorities kill themselves.

I suspect many right winger males commit suicide because they are just tired of their party scaring them all the time. It's terrible to live in fear.

This case could have been something else entirely.

But when a teabagger does it, should it be called "suicide" or "public service"?

You know I detest negging anyone but you earned this one troll.
The news today just keeps getter better and less teabagger. w00t!

That is absolutely not cool.

The guy was charged, but not yet found guilty. In our system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

His politics may or may not be my politics, but I don't ever rejoice over the death of another human being. He left family behind - for them, this is surely a horrible, unmitigated tragedy. And suicide is NEVER the answer - ever.

My thoughts go with his family at this time.

On the face of it, I agree Howey went a bit too far but puh-lese ... all this phony sorrow from the RWs is to throw up. Especially since they line up to celebrate deaths from any cause of gays, liberals, abortionists.

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