Report: Trump sexual assault accuser's story corroborated by six people

We all know what the teabagger right wingers will say about the story because they are in total denial.
Report: Trump sexual assault accuser's story corroborated by six people
Six friends and colleagues of People magazine reporter Natasha Stoynoff are corroborating her first-person account of being kissed and groped by Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago over a decade ago, a charge that Trump denies.

On the night Stoynoff says she was attacked by Trump, she called her former journalism professor, Paul McLaughlin, to seek his advice, according to an account he gave People. Stoynoff was in tears, and she asked him what she should do.

Of course we have recordings to verify this, right?

Cuz we know the media never reports things that never happened.

Like this:

Corruption in the media under trial as we speak.

Then of course there's this beauty:

Duke lacrosse case - Wikipedia

You lefties have no shame.

Everytime an unsubstantiated sexual assault claim is made, it makes it harder for actual victims to step forward.

And these events had six corroborators too, did they? Oh and a taped conversation where the perp described exactly the same thing, that exists too?

Fuck you.

Apparently no tapes necessary with a press that doesn't do shit to verify the authenticity of the charges like:

Was there even a guy registered by the name that supposedly lured her to the frat house she said he lived in and in which the rape occurred?

God it must be fun to live in a delusional world!

Is it Pogo?
Of course we have recordings to verify this, right?

Those came out a couple of Fridays ago. Try to keep up.

Link to the six recordings?

Try to keep up

Nobody said "six recordings". Try to learn to read.

I saw two recordings -- both with audio, one video shot outside the bus and the other shot from inside. From what I know about wireless mics I'm pretty sure the latter was dubbed onto the former.
Why should I do your homework for you Pogo? You are a lazy, ignorant mess. Get meds please.

Because it isn't "my" homework --- it's YOURS. You brought it up, and I quote:

. It seems Melania is suing Natasha and/or her magazine.

---- ergo you have the burden of proof. Not me -- YOU.

Since you can't provide it ---- your claim is dismissed.

Unless you can come up with .... oh I dunno, maybe six people who corroborate your claim, at which point I can simply claim they all "need a psychiatrist".

You lose.
I especially like the one that said had he stuck with fondling her above the waist, she'd been OK.

Boy oh boy was she ever busted when the man who actually sat across from Trump and her said she was actually hitting on Trump.


Whoopsies. A witness.
Of course we have recordings to verify this, right?

Those came out a couple of Fridays ago. Try to keep up.

Link to the six recordings?

Try to keep up

Nobody said "six recordings". Try to learn to read.

I saw two recordings -- both with audio, one video shot outside the bus and the other shot from inside. From what I know about wireless mics I'm pretty sure the latter was dubbed onto the former.

So there are no recordings to back up this woman's nonsense.

Thanks for clearing that up
I especially like the one that said had he stuck with fondling her above the waist, she'd been OK.

Boy oh boy was she ever busted when the man who actually sat across from Trump and her said she was actually hitting on Trump.


Whoopsies. A witness.

He was trying to keep abreast of the situation!


I was fine with him doing my breasts............

End on credibility

But to the delusional left, no problem????
Just because this woman told six people this story does not make her truthful. One young lady told the whole world a lie recently in the Rolling Stone's now infamous "Rape on Campus".
The Duke Lacross case.

Take Jill Harth for example. I put it up in another thread. In the 90's her then husband was suing Trump for breach of contract and not getting anywhere so Jill charged Trump civilly for attempted rape.

Squeeze play. Trump settled out of court. Fast forward to February this year and she did an interview with Lawnewz where she said she was pressured to charge Trump with attempted rape. That she thought he was a nice person and are you freaking ready???????

She was going to vote for him. NOW she goes on Inside Edition claiming he almost raped her again. Oh and by the way she'd actually applied to do makeup for the campaign but was turned down.

Pfffffffffffffffft give me a bloody break. Inside Edition did no research on this woman. Just put her out there to trash Trump. They should be bitch slapped into the next galaxy. I found out about her just by hitting Google on freaking dial up.

OK here's my other post with the link. You can check out this whacked out woman yourself.

"Ok here's what I have on Harth. This goes back to the 90's. Her then husband was suing the Trump corporation for some work that he did. To put a squeeze play on Trump and get a settlement out of court she charged him with attempted rape.

Now get ready. And someone should bitch slap the shit out of Inside Edition for not doing any research into this before they let her blather on in their interview.

"Trump denied the allegations in the lawsuit, which was withdrawn less than a month after its filing.

Around that same time, Harth’s husband, George Houraney, was suing Trump for breach of contract, and Trump dismissed Harth’s lawsuit as “a desperate attempt to get me to settle a case they can’t win.”


In her interview with LawNews, Harth said that she was “pressured” to file the lawsuit and did so “under duress,” adding, “The allegations were twisted and embellished. Everything could be looked at in a different way.”"

READY? Check the headline. Trust me. Read the interview and get it out there.

Donald Trump’s Former Attempted Rape Accuser Now Says She’d Vote For Him (Report)

“I have nothing but good things to say about Donald,” woman who once sued Trump says

Tim Kenneally | February 23, 2016 @ 4:56 PM

:lmao: Talk about a hit job these asswipes have done on Trump. Was Jill lying then? Or is she lying now?

Donald Trump Accuser Now Says She'd Vote For Him
Just because this woman told six people this story does not make her truthful. One young lady told the whole world a lie recently in the Rolling Stone's now infamous "Rape on Campus".
The Duke Lacross case.

Take Jill Harth for example. I put it up in another thread. In the 90's her then husband was suing Trump for breach of contract and not getting anywhere so Jill charged Trump civilly for attempted rape.

Squeeze play. Trump settled out of court. Fast forward to February this year and she did an interview with Lawnewz where she said she was pressured to charge Trump with attempted rape. That she thought he was a nice person and are you freaking ready???????

She was going to vote for him. NOW she goes on Inside Edition claiming he almost raped her again. Oh and by the way she'd actually applied to do makeup for the campaign but was turned down.

Pfffffffffffffffft give me a bloody break. Inside Edition did no research on this woman. Just put her out there to trash Trump. They should be bitch slapped into the next galaxy. I found out about her just by hitting Google on freaking dial up.



And even the wackiest on the left will agree that when sexual assault claims are leveled and found out to be out and out lies it makes it harder on real victims to come forward.

You brought up the UVA rape case. Rolling Stone is currently defending itself in court over its own crappy reporting.

See link:

A Rape on Campus - Wikipedia

The press was all over this. The members of the frat that she said it happened were harassed and humiliated for months. Life's were ruined. Careers destroyed.

Did the reporter even check if the perpetrators were even real people?

Nope, this whole story was published without the reporter, rolling stone or any of the MSM even calling UVA to check to see if the perpetrators were EVEN ENROLLED IN THE SCHOOL, until this got way out of hand.

After the Herman Cain hack job, I'd need a blue dress/smoking gun to believe any accusations by leftists against any rightie candidate once he runs for POTUS. It is clearly an acceptable tactic even though it harms actual victims.

Also, after the defense of WJC and massive circle of wagons when a sitting D POTUS was accused of worse, no way in hell I believe Hillary or the left give a crap about victims of sexual assault.

I dont believe the bullshit accusations and I dont believe HRC believes them either. Donald's sex habits matter but Bill is still a darling? -puke-
I especially like the one that said had he stuck with fondling her above the waist, she'd been OK.

Boy oh boy was she ever busted when the man who actually sat across from Trump and her said she was actually hitting on Trump.


Whoopsies. A witness.

He was trying to keep abreast of the situation!


I was fine with him doing my breasts............

End on credibility

But to the delusional left, no problem????

Still struggling with reading class I see. :itsok:

Put words in other people's mouth much?
Of course we have recordings to verify this, right?

Those came out a couple of Fridays ago. Try to keep up.

Link to the six recordings?

Try to keep up

Nobody said "six recordings". Try to learn to read.

I saw two recordings -- both with audio, one video shot outside the bus and the other shot from inside. From what I know about wireless mics I'm pretty sure the latter was dubbed onto the former.

So there are no recordings to back up this woman's nonsense.

Thanks for clearing that up

They were released on Rump Records. Two weeks ago.

Or are you calling The Rump a liar? He'll sue you yanno.
I especially like the one that said had he stuck with fondling her above the waist, she'd been OK.

Boy oh boy was she ever busted when the man who actually sat across from Trump and her said she was actually hitting on Trump.


Whoopsies. A witness.

He was trying to keep abreast of the situation!


I was fine with him doing my breasts............

End on credibility

But to the delusional left, no problem????

Still struggling with reading class I see. :itsok:

Put words in other people's mouth much?

So the great Pogo fails again. Wow, that's quite a surprise.

So, do tell why these folks stayed silent for so long. Surely they reported this, right?

They didn't until a few weeks before the election? Nothing during the primaries?

:dig: <<<<< Pogo's hobby.
Like a boss


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Women generally do not dissolve into tears and hysteria when kissed even if the repulsive tried to cop a feel. She might get pissed off but not cry over it. Generally, the more money the man has, the less the affronted woman will cry.

You've never been kissed by Guno apparently?
I might deck him but I wouldn't cry.

This woman's story is patently untrue because the facts are wrong. She said she was there to cover a Ray Charles concert except there was no concert.
We all know what the teabagger right wingers will say about the story because they are in total denial.
Report: Trump sexual assault accuser's story corroborated by six people
Six friends and colleagues of People magazine reporter Natasha Stoynoff are corroborating her first-person account of being kissed and groped by Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago over a decade ago, a charge that Trump denies.

On the night Stoynoff says she was attacked by Trump, she called her former journalism professor, Paul McLaughlin, to seek his advice, according to an account he gave People. Stoynoff was in tears, and she asked him what she should do.
Another butthurt Leftard thread
Typical retard peemeister ass kisser..keep sucking "the donald" , all you now how to respond to facts anymore is spouting your lame remarks.
Keep sucking..

We all know what the teabagger right wingers will say about the story because they are in total denial.
Report: Trump sexual assault accuser's story corroborated by six people
Six friends and colleagues of People magazine reporter Natasha Stoynoff are corroborating her first-person account of being kissed and groped by Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago over a decade ago, a charge that Trump denies.

On the night Stoynoff says she was attacked by Trump, she called her former journalism professor, Paul McLaughlin, to seek his advice, according to an account he gave People. Stoynoff was in tears, and she asked him what she should do.
Another butthurt Leftard thread

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