Report: Trump team wants Netanyahu at inauguration


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being "aggressively courted" to attend the inauguration by the Trump team, according to a report on Saturday by the New York Post.

President-elect Donald Trump's transition team, led by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, has been pushing for Netanyahu to attend the January 20th festivities and for the two world leaders to meet before then, a source told the Post.

"There's a plan for Trump to meet with Netanyahu," said the source. "They're talking all the time. And Netanyahu is talking about possibly going to the inauguration."

Earlier in December, Netanyahu spoke warmly of Trump in a CBS interview. “His attitude, his support for Israel is clear. He feels very warmly about the Jewish state, about the Jewish people and about Jewish people. There is no question about that,” he said.

Last week, Trump spoke out in defense of Israel regarding the recent UN security council resolution condemning settlements and Secretary of State John Kerry's speech on Middle East peace.

Speaking to press outside of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, Trump said that he and Kerry "have different views." Later on during the conference, the president-elect said that "Israel has been treated very, very unfairly by a lot of different people." He criticized the UN for its harsh stance on Israel, charging that the body had meanwhile failed to reprimand "horrible places that treat people horribly."

Trump also addressed Israel prior to Kerry's speech, writing on Twitter: "[Israel] used to have a great friend in the U.S., but... not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)!"

He also criticized the White House for its treatment of Israel over the course of the last eight years.

“We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” the president-elect tweeted, noting both Resolution 2334 as well as the Obama administration’s role in brokering an international nuclear deal with Iran.

“Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!”

Report: Trump team wants Netanyahu at inauguration

What was the name of the guy who was president before Trump?
Make it a proper simcha ...
I think it's great. Israel certainly needs some reassurance that we are still a trusted ally. They've been treated like the enemy by the Obama administration. Remember when Obama didn't want to meet with Netanyahu when he came to the states? Obama always had time for Muslims and other dictators.
Perhaps Netanyahu'll have to stay in Israel while he helps the police with their enquiries.
So are Israel and Russia on friendly terms?

I don't have a problem with that. I would wish that EVERYONE was on friendly terms with Russia.

Nor would I expect that Columbia be on bad terms with Venezuela, just because we and Venezuela have some problems.

That's not a problem for me.
So are Israel and Russia on friendly terms?
They used to be -- at least originally.

Then Russia went rogue and started selling arms to the various Arab states.

Then the IDF kicked all their butts and blew up all the Russian materiel.

So there is no reason for Russia and Israel not to be friends again.
That would be a thumb in Obama's eye, I like it :eusa_clap: He should invite Comey also, they can point at Hillary and laugh.:lmao:
It's gonna be great to have a real leader in the white house once again!
Having Netanyahu at the Inauguration would be awesome. :p

It would help shore up our shaky alliance after Barry intervened in the Israeli's election to try to oust Netanyahu and after Obama betrayed Israel at the UN...

...and as an added bonus it would piss Barry off. :p
I doubt it will happen but obama stabbed Israel in the back so I'd like to see it. And he's kicked sand in the face of Russia. He's like a bull in a china closet. I think he's trying to make the Trump administration as difficult as possible and doesn't care what's left in the wake.
I love it. All these dudes so ready to call 'Commie' only a month ago now in love with an ex KGB officer. I'd say it couldn't get better but it always has.
I love it. All these dudes so ready to call 'Commie' only a month ago now in love with an ex KGB officer. I'd say it couldn't get better but it always has.
You and liberals like you are such douche bags - none have pledge support for Putin. This thread isn't even about Russia/Putin. It's about Israel, Netanyahu, and the US.

So shove your attempted distraction and false narratives.

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