Report- USA is now an oligarchy.

perhaps those on the lower income scale should pay zero in ANY taxes given the results of this study.

This democracy is a sham in part because the extreme Right & Left sheeple won't put down their party's kool aid :alcoholic: long enough to see who gives the politicians their marching orders.
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perhaps those on the lower income scale should pay zero in ANY taxes given the results of this study.


I like the idea of everyone paying tax, no matter how small the amount, so that all people have a stake in the gov't.

Prob is, the ODS Repubs won't move on to tax reform. they still want to re-litigate a law thats 5 yrs old :tinfoil: I started a thread about it the other day ;)
Nothing about the constitution outlaws taxing the bloated rich their fair share or investing in the regular people...

Many thanks to Pubs for starting the great depression that gave us Hitler, and left France alone to fight him, dingbat...

So I'm guessing Lead Paint Chip Breakfast Cereal has you as their product tester
I've got a Master's in world history, lots of Hitler and France


Nothing you have EVER typed here indicates you have any education at all.

But then you ALSO said you were 6'4" and 215lbs.

you really need to follow Max Keiser who broadcasts from London if you want the unvarnished truth in re: the banksters. He knows, he used to work in the *cough* financial "services" industry:


excellent episode BTW
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