Report: VA Death Toll At 150


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

As controversy swirls around the Veterans Administration over deaths caused by delayed care, an investigation by the Dayton Daily News found that the VA settled many cases that appear to be related to delays in treatment.

A database of paid claims by the VA since 2001 includes 167 in which the words “delay in treatment” is used in the description. The VA paid out a total of $36.4 million to settle those claims, either voluntarily or as part of a court action.

The VA has admitted that 23 people have died because of delayed care, and is facing accusations that hospital administrators are gaming the system to conceal wait times, including using a “secret list” at the VA in Phoenix.

Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health care at the VA, resigned Friday, the day after he and agency head Eric Shinseki were grilled by the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. Many have called for Shinseki’s resignation, as well.

It’s unclear in the data analyzed by the newspaper how many of the cases match the VA’s definition of delayed care. But there are numerous examples, including in Dayton, where claimants allege substandard care related to lags in treatment.

The Dayton VA in 2009 paid out $140,000 for a 2006 claim that was described as “Failure/Delay in Admission to Hospital or Institution; Medication Administered via Wrong Route; Failure to Order Appropriate Test.”
obama: "MAD AS HELL" = whatever

Shinseki is obama's tool.
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Captain Kickass at his gutless best....

FLASHBACK: Obama, “I Won’t Stand For Hundreds of Thousands of Veterans Waiting For Benefits,” We Will “Process Claims Fair And Fast”…


Add this to the pile of bogus campaign promises Obama has made.

Mason City, IA — During a town hall meeting in Mason City, U.S. Senator Barack Obama today outlined his plan to ensure that the United States keeps its sacred trust with our nation’s veterans when they return home from war. Obama’s comments came in the wake of reports the Veterans Administration (VA) has been lagging in making needed improvements it promised after deplorable conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center became public. “It’s not enough to lay a wreath on Memorial Day, or to make a speech on Veteran’s Day,” Obama said. “When a veteran is denied health care, we are all dishonored. When 400,000 veterans are stuck on a waiting list for claims, we need a new sense of urgency in this country. And when we’ve got young veterans of a misguided war in Iraq sleeping on the streets of our cities and towns, we need a change in Washington.”

Obama said that he will improve medical care for veterans and help eliminate bureaucratic backlogs that delay disability claims by making sure that every service-member has individual electronic medical and service records that immediately transfer to the (VA) system. Obama also said he will hire additional VA claims raters and set up programs to get homeless veterans off the streets.

Obama said that he will improve medical care for veterans and help eliminate bureaucratic backlogs that delay disability claims by making sure that every service-member has individual electronic medical and service records that immediately work with the (VA) system. Obama also said he will hire additional VA claims raters and convert all veterans’ benefits paperwork into electronic records to speed up applications. Finally, Obama said he will establish a zero tolerance policy for vets falling into homelessness.

“As President, I won’t stand for hundreds of thousands of veterans waiting for benefits. We’ll hire additional claims workers,” Obama said. “We’ll bring together veterans groups and the VA to work out a claims process that is fair and fast. And instead of shutting veterans out, we’ll make sure that our disabled vets receive the benefits they deserve, and we’ll allow all veterans back into the VA health care system. And we’ll have a simple policy when it comes to homeless veterans: zero tolerance. We’ll expand housing vouchers. We’ll set up a new supportive services program to prevent at-risk veterans and their families from sliding into homelessness. We’ll stand with veterans in their hour of need, just as they have stood up for us.”
Another shocker on the 'Who gives a fuck about Veterans anyway' front

Add this to the sham that the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is trying to pull on us by implying they got rid of Petzl the pretzel because he just so deserved it.

The truth is, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief announced his replacement in early May

White House: Like Every Other Scandal, Obama First Learned About VA Deaths In The Media…


Except he knew about them six years ago.

Via Mediaite:

President Barack Obama first learned of the scandal involving hospital administrators with the Department of Veterans Affairs concealing the true wait times vets faced in the press, according to a claim made by White House Press Sec. Jay Carney on Monday. While the president may have not been aware of the falsified wait lists, however, reports indicate that his administration was informed of excessive wait times at the VA as early as 2008. Obama even campaigned on the issue of VA waiting lists in 2007.

“When was the president first made aware of these problems?” CNN reporter Jim Acosta asked. “These fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times?”

“You mean the specific allegations that were first reported by your network out of Phoenix, I believe, we learned about them through reports,” Carney replied. “That’s when, as I understand, Sec. [Eric] Shinseki learned about them.”
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I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

As controversy swirls around the Veterans Administration over deaths caused by delayed care, an investigation by the Dayton Daily News found that the VA settled many cases that appear to be related to delays in treatment.

A database of paid claims by the VA since 2001 includes 167 in which the words “delay in treatment” is used in the description. The VA paid out a total of $36.4 million to settle those claims, either voluntarily or as part of a court action.

The VA has admitted that 23 people have died because of delayed care, and is facing accusations that hospital administrators are gaming the system to conceal wait times, including using a “secret list” at the VA in Phoenix.

Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health care at the VA, resigned Friday, the day after he and agency head Eric Shinseki were grilled by the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. Many have called for Shinseki’s resignation, as well.

It’s unclear in the data analyzed by the newspaper how many of the cases match the VA’s definition of delayed care. But there are numerous examples, including in Dayton, where claimants allege substandard care related to lags in treatment.

The Dayton VA in 2009 paid out $140,000 for a 2006 claim that was described as “Failure/Delay in Admission to Hospital or Institution; Medication Administered via Wrong Route; Failure to Order Appropriate Test.”

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

As controversy swirls around the Veterans Administration over deaths caused by delayed care, an investigation by the Dayton Daily News found that the VA settled many cases that appear to be related to delays in treatment.

A database of paid claims by the VA since 2001 includes 167 in which the words “delay in treatment” is used in the description. The VA paid out a total of $36.4 million to settle those claims, either voluntarily or as part of a court action.

The VA has admitted that 23 people have died because of delayed care, and is facing accusations that hospital administrators are gaming the system to conceal wait times, including using a “secret list” at the VA in Phoenix.

Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health care at the VA, resigned Friday, the day after he and agency head Eric Shinseki were grilled by the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. Many have called for Shinseki’s resignation, as well.

It’s unclear in the data analyzed by the newspaper how many of the cases match the VA’s definition of delayed care. But there are numerous examples, including in Dayton, where claimants allege substandard care related to lags in treatment.

The Dayton VA in 2009 paid out $140,000 for a 2006 claim that was described as “Failure/Delay in Admission to Hospital or Institution; Medication Administered via Wrong Route; Failure to Order Appropriate Test.”

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

Don't play that shit. We know it's been an ongoing problem but what hasn't been an ongoing problem is Veterans being scrubbed from waiting lists after they died because of not being seen.

You wanna say something, fucking say it. Don't play pee-pee games.

This one is bad news for dimocraps.

You don't mess with the Military or its Veterans. Not in this Country
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

As controversy swirls around the Veterans Administration over deaths caused by delayed care, an investigation by the Dayton Daily News found that the VA settled many cases that appear to be related to delays in treatment.

A database of paid claims by the VA since 2001 includes 167 in which the words “delay in treatment” is used in the description. The VA paid out a total of $36.4 million to settle those claims, either voluntarily or as part of a court action.

The VA has admitted that 23 people have died because of delayed care, and is facing accusations that hospital administrators are gaming the system to conceal wait times, including using a “secret list” at the VA in Phoenix.

Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health care at the VA, resigned Friday, the day after he and agency head Eric Shinseki were grilled by the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. Many have called for Shinseki’s resignation, as well.

It’s unclear in the data analyzed by the newspaper how many of the cases match the VA’s definition of delayed care. But there are numerous examples, including in Dayton, where claimants allege substandard care related to lags in treatment.

The Dayton VA in 2009 paid out $140,000 for a 2006 claim that was described as “Failure/Delay in Admission to Hospital or Institution; Medication Administered via Wrong Route; Failure to Order Appropriate Test.”

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

No they always have had problems, bit now they are worse

ther is a case her in co, in ft collins where a couple of people refuse to alter documents on wait times to show them better than they were. They were fired for not complying.
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

As controversy swirls around the Veterans Administration over deaths caused by delayed care, an investigation by the Dayton Daily News found that the VA settled many cases that appear to be related to delays in treatment.

A database of paid claims by the VA since 2001 includes 167 in which the words “delay in treatment” is used in the description. The VA paid out a total of $36.4 million to settle those claims, either voluntarily or as part of a court action.

The VA has admitted that 23 people have died because of delayed care, and is facing accusations that hospital administrators are gaming the system to conceal wait times, including using a “secret list” at the VA in Phoenix.

Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health care at the VA, resigned Friday, the day after he and agency head Eric Shinseki were grilled by the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs. Many have called for Shinseki’s resignation, as well.

It’s unclear in the data analyzed by the newspaper how many of the cases match the VA’s definition of delayed care. But there are numerous examples, including in Dayton, where claimants allege substandard care related to lags in treatment.

The Dayton VA in 2009 paid out $140,000 for a 2006 claim that was described as “Failure/Delay in Admission to Hospital or Institution; Medication Administered via Wrong Route; Failure to Order Appropriate Test.”

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

It doesn't matter if it's a new problem or an old one. It became Obama's problem at noon on January 20, 2009.
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

No they always have had problems, bit now they are worse

ther is a case her in co, in ft collins where a couple of people refuse to alter documents on wait times to show them better than they were. They were fired for not complying.

I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

Don't play that shit. We know it's been an ongoing problem but what hasn't been an ongoing problem is Veterans being scrubbed from waiting lists after they died because of not being seen.

You wanna say something, fucking say it. Don't play pee-pee games.

This one is bad news for dimocraps.

You don't mess with the Military or its Veterans. Not in this Country

uh huh......nobody gave a shit under Bush, nobody will now
Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

Don't play that shit. We know it's been an ongoing problem but what hasn't been an ongoing problem is Veterans being scrubbed from waiting lists after they died because of not being seen.

You wanna say something, fucking say it. Don't play pee-pee games.

This one is bad news for dimocraps.

You don't mess with the Military or its Veterans. Not in this Country

uh huh......nobody gave a shit under Bush, nobody will now

That's because Veterans weren't dying on waiting lists under Bush, scumbag.
Don't play that shit. We know it's been an ongoing problem but what hasn't been an ongoing problem is Veterans being scrubbed from waiting lists after they died because of not being seen.

You wanna say something, fucking say it. Don't play pee-pee games.

This one is bad news for dimocraps.

You don't mess with the Military or its Veterans. Not in this Country

uh huh......nobody gave a shit under Bush, nobody will now

That's because Veterans weren't dying on waiting lists under Bush, scumbag.

you are joking right? This stems back to at least the Bush Admin. Logic...oh dont use logic. you are just a poor troll.
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

It doesn't matter if it's a new problem or an old one. It became Obama's problem at noon on January 20, 2009.
And not to mention Obama was on the Veterans Affairs Committee when he was in the Senate...I guess he never attended the meetings and voted present...:eusa_whistle:
I bet obama gets 'mad as hell' about this.

I bet he'll get to the bottom of this and condemn it in no uncertain terms.....

As soon as the investigation is over. I'm thinking sometime after November 2016

And..... The more I find out about this Shinseki dirtbag, the more I find out -- He's a dirtbag

Report: More Than 150 Vets Died Because of “Delay In Treatment”…


And today we found out Obama has known about these problems for the last six years.

Via Stars And Stripes:

Are you making the claim that the VA's problems and its delays (that I even remember from at least the early 1980s) something new under Obama?

Don't play that shit. We know it's been an ongoing problem but what hasn't been an ongoing problem is Veterans being scrubbed from waiting lists after they died because of not being seen.

You wanna say something, fucking say it. Don't play pee-pee games.

This one is bad news for dimocraps.

You don't mess with the Military or its Veterans. Not in this Country
In their minds? It will be another "Phony Scandal" That's how these assholes operate. Give it a week or so, and you'll be hearing and seeing the Liberal pundits stating just that.
Its stupid to blame Obama for something that goes back MANY administrations. If they were to go back as far as the VA mess actually goes, the death toll would be in the thousands.
Its stupid to blame Obama for something that goes back MANY administrations. If they were to go back as far as the VA mess actually goes, the death toll would be in the thousands.

The Obama-Biden Plan

As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Barack Obama has fought to end benefit disparities, bring homeless veterans in off the street, strengthen mental health care, add billions of dollars in additional Department of Veterans Affairs funding, and reform a system that often places barriers between veterans and the benefits they have earned. Obama and Joe Biden will ensure we honor the sacred trust to care for our nation’s veterans.
A Sacred Trust

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to creating a 21st Century Department of Veterans' Affairs that provides the care and benefits our nation's veterans deserve. They will:

  • Allow All Veterans Back into the VA: Reverse the 2003 ban on enrolling modest-income veterans, which has denied care to a million veterans.
  • Strengthen VA Care: Make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible. Improve care for polytrauma vision impairment, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, aging, and women's health.
  • Combat Homelessness among Our Nation's Veterans: Establish a national "zero tolerance" policy for veterans falling into homelessness by expanding proven programs and launching innovative services to prevent veterans from falling into homelessness.
  • Fight Employment Discrimination: Crack down on employers who commit job discrimination against guardsmen and reservists.
Help for Returning Service Members

Obama and Biden will improve the quality of health care for veterans, rebuild the VA's broken benefits system, and combat homelessness among veterans. They will:

  • Ensure a Seamless Transition: Demand that the military and the VA coordinate to provide a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life.
  • Fully Fund VA Medical Care: Fully fund the VA so it has all the resources it needs to serve the veterans who need it, when they need it. Establish a world-class VA Planning Division to avoid future budget shortfalls.
  • Fix the Benefits Bureaucracy: Hire additional claims workers, and improve training and accountability so that VA benefit decisions are rated fairly and consistently. Transform the paper benefit claims process to an electronic one to reduce errors and improve timeliness.
Improved Treatment for Mental Health and TBI

Obama and Biden will improve mental health treatment for troops and veterans suffering from combat-related psychological injuries. They will:

  • Improve Mental Health Treatment: Recruit more health professionals, improve screening, offer more support to families and make PTSD benefits claims fairer.
  • Improve Care for Traumatic Brain Injury: Establish standards of care for Traumatic Brain Injury, the signature injury of the Iraq war.
  • Expand Vet Centers: Expand and strengthen Vet Centers to provide more counseling for vets and their families.
Veterans | The Obama-Biden Transition Team

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