Reported: Trump Will Not Object To Memo Release

Soon the GOP will have their version of it, and the Dims will have their version of it.

Then we are back to square one.

Here is a Congressman from New York.

Slinging poo is all they do. No one is ever brought to justice. It's all about scoring political points.
The WSJ reported in today's edition that Trump said (open mike, leaving SOTU after speech) that he was 100% certain he would release the memo. So Fox is late.

I heard the Adam Schiff jeremiad and Nancy Pelosi's tearing up a TV reporter on this subject: they are so frantic to suppress this, I can only conclude it's very damaging to the Dems.
The WSJ reported in today's edition that Trump said (open mike, leaving SOTU after speech) that he was 100% certain he would release the memo. So Fox is late.

I heard the Adam Schiff jeremiad and Nancy Pelosi's tearing up a TV reporter on this subject: they are so frantic to suppress this, I can only conclude it's very damaging to the Dems.
shame on them for covering up a coup.
shame on them for covering up a coup.

Yow, you think it's that bad? That really would be news. I wonder if you are right --- if there is language in there that could be interpreted that way. The real hysteria going on with the Dems makes me nervous about just how bad this might be.

There WAS a coup attempt, IMO, with the Comey interference in the election ten days before Election Day. Then Comey went after Trump: I firmly believe Comey was trying on a soft coup to make himself president. Trump had the sense to get rid of him quickly.

Now today the media is reporting that Democrat Andrew McCabe, just fired, knew about the Weiner emails fully a month before Comey reported and that he suppressed the news on behalf of Clinton. I don't know ---- it was very clear Comey played an October Surprise of perhaps the greatest power in our lifetime. I have believed all along that it swung the election over the edge to Trump: Weiner? Sexting? his wife the Iranian in the Oval Office? It was all yucky. Who could vote for that? So I'm not sure the McCabe claims actually work.

I await the primary source, the Memo, with interest. People will try to tell me how to think about it before I read it: no thanks, I'll be deciding that on my own.
Here is a Congressman from New York.

Slinging poo is all they do. No one is ever brought to justice. It's all about scoring political points.

Yuck. Monkey pictures intended to insult someone have never added anything good to any forum, IMO.
If there is nothing to the memo...nothing to see then why is so many named in the memo trying so hard to stop it's release?
And if there's nothing to it why do the dems want to release an alternate version of it?

Reuters is reporting right now this morning that Nancy Pelosi has asked Ryan to remove House Intelligence Committee chairman Nunes from his post ---

"Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi, on Thursday sent a letter to Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for Nunes to be removed as chairman, saying Nunes had acted dishonestly in altering the memo."

Migod, they are frantic! I wonder if the Dems are wise to let us all see how scared and frantic they are about whatever this memo will reveal.
John McLaughlin is a Johns Hopkins professor who spent more than three decades at the CIA, including as acting director:

The dems are doing what a cat does in it's litter box...but it won't work...
Mueller must be getting close to something which has Trump in a panic.

As Mueller and his team move closer to the president and his inner circle, a sense of panic is palpable on the Hill. GOP members recognize that the probe threatens not only the president but also their majorities in Congress.

In response, they have drawn on the stratagem of many criminal defense lawyers — when the evidence against a defendant is strong, put the government on trial.

Rep. Nunes’s memo crosses a dangerous line
If there is nothing to the memo...nothing to see then why is so many named in the memo trying so hard to stop it's release?
And if there's nothing to it why do the dems want to release an alternate version of it?

Reuters is reporting right now this morning that Nancy Pelosi has asked Ryan to remove House Intelligence Committee chairman Nunes from his post ---

"Top House Democrat Nancy Pelosi, on Thursday sent a letter to Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for Nunes to be removed as chairman, saying Nunes had acted dishonestly in altering the memo."

Migod, they are frantic! I wonder if the Dems are wise to let us all see how scared and frantic they are about whatever this memo will reveal.
They already tried to remove Nunes once for telling The President he had evidence of corruption in The FBI. Adam Schiff did that, and brought Nunes up on Ethics Violations, which suspended his participation in The Committee.

Nunes was cleared of all violations, and as soon as he was back at his post, the FISA MEMO became the new topic, but IMO, this was already known, but they couldn't talk about it at the time, and it's why Schiff did what he did, to delay, stall and obstruct the release of The Memo if he could.

Where was Pelosi asking for Strozk's and Comey's heads head when they altered The FBI's statement?
The Summary of Evidence will be part of the standard 'Friday Afternoon DC Data Dump'...just before they all run out of town.

Nunes was cleared of all violations, and as soon as he was back at his post, the FISA MEMO became the new topic, but IMO, this was already known, but they couldn't talk about it at the time, and it's why Schiff did what he did, to delay, stall and obstruct the release of The Memo if he could.

They are doing everything short of shooting up the place to stop this memo.

I wasn't very interested before, but now I really want to know what is in it. You would think it would have to be pretty hot to be causing all this terror on the part of Dems.
The Summary of Evidence will be part of the standard 'Friday Afternoon DC Data Dump'...just before they all run out of town.

That is only done when the White House is trying to bury something by releasing it on a Friday afternoon ------

So now I'm guessing it'll be today.
That is only done when the White House is trying to bury something by releasing it on a Friday afternoon ------

So now I'm guessing it'll be today.
...except the WH is not releasing it. The Intel Committee is...and it has supposedly already been reported that it WILL be done tomorrow.

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