Reporter Asked Joe Biden If Americans Should Be Worried About Inflation – His Reaction Spoke Volumes


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Reporter Asked Joe Biden If Americans Should Be Worried About Inflation – His Reaction Spoke Volumes

14 May 2021 ~~ By Natalie Dagenhardt
If the media could take a break from obsessing over the House Republicans choosing a new conference chair, they might have noticed that Joe Biden’s presidency is falling apart.
On every major front, Biden is flailing — even by the depressingly low bar set for him by the Washington press corps.
April just saw the highest rate of inflation in 13 years, according to the Department of Labor. Prices for everything, including food and gasoline, immediately skyrocketed after Biden’s $2 trillion welfare scheme (sometimes referred to as a “stimulus package”) went into effect and flooded the economy with more money than anyone knows what to do with.
Biden’s preoccupation? Spending even more.
Given the current situation, President Joe Biden blatantly ignored a reporter’s question Wednesday about whether or not Americans should be worried about rising prices.


Joey Xi doesn't care and his handlers won't allowed him to answer questions anyway. They, the politicians, will forever be trying to line their own pockets, not particularly concerned with the Citizens of America, especially the poor ones who don't contribute to their election funds.
”April just saw the highest rate of inflation in 13 years, according to the Department of Labor. Prices for everything, including food and gasoline, immediately skyrocketed after Biden’s $2 trillion welfare scheme (sometimes referred to as a “stimulus package”) went into effect and flooded the economy with more money than anyone knows what to do with.
“Biden’s preoccupation? Spending even more."
“The unemployment rate actually went up from March to April”
The employment rate went up 1/10 of one percent. Hardly the "skyrocket" you're desperately trying to get anyone to believe.

Employment is down and inflation is rising according to those below....

Why do reporters even bother asking Joe Xiden questions? I‘ve never seen a president more clueless in my life. That includes Jimmy Carter. So far Biden has been a complete failure. High gas prices and shortages, unemployment going up, border crisis, rioting and violence in our cities, war in the ME and conflicting COVID messages.
Why do reporters even bother asking Joe Xiden questions? I‘ve never seen a president more clueless in my life. That includes Jimmy Carter. So far Biden has been a complete failure. High gas prices and shortages, unemployment going up, border crisis, rioting and violence in our cities, war in the ME and conflicting COVID messages.
Biden is not president and on multiple levels. He was not elected — the election was stolen.
He is a puppet, a nothing, a face, a front. The new politburo is running (ruining) the economy on purpose. Dependence and government control is the name of the game.
The employment rate went up 1/10 of one percent. Hardly the "skyrocket" you're desperately trying to get anyone to believe.

Employment is down and inflation is rising according to those below....

We added over a quarter of a million jobs last month...

Much better than your blob did.
Biden, or most Democrats for that matter, don't understand economics. They only understand spending. Look at the Cali. asshole, Newsome. He's taking all the surplus money which he received from our idiotic congress and President and he's giving rebates to constituents. Meanwhile, the water shortage and the yearly wildfires will go unaddressed as usual. What about some desalination plants and some forest management investments that will benefit Cali. in the long term? Newsome's solution for that will be to wait for the next emergency and then go crying to our idiot President with his hand out. And out idiotic President's response will be to throw more money to an irresponsible Democrat Governor.
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Democrat Water Authority Drains Loveland Lake to 32% Capacity, Seriously Considering Draining to 5% Capacity - San Diego News Desk

A floating dock resting in the mud and a receded shoreline is what currently remains of the Loveland Reservoir that has been drained to 32% capacity. Owned and controlled by the Sweetwater Water Authority, the decision to transfer over 2 million gallons of its waters to the Sweetwater Reservoir south of Spring Valley came to ensure they would have water to provide for their other 200,000 customers. Unfortunately, the transfer has been the cause for dispute between the water authority and the residents who use the lake for recreational purposes.

One of the issues caused by the transfer is that it left Loveland Lake with a decimated fishing area.
The employment rate went up 1/10 of one percent. Hardly the "skyrocket" you're desperately trying to get anyone to believe.

Employment is down and inflation is rising according to those below....

We added over a quarter of a million jobs last month...

Much better than your blob did.
I see you hvae no fucking clue what you just said. Just because the job market added those jobs, if you dont have people filling those jobs, then unemployment "Ticks" up.
Biden, or most Democrats for that matter, don't understand economics. They only understand spending. Look at the Cali. asshole, Newsome. He's taking all the surplus money which he received from our idiotic congress and President and he's giving rebates to constituents. Meanwhile, the water shortage and the yearly wildfires will go unaddressed as usual. What about some desalination plants and some forest management investments that will benefit Cali. in the long term? Newsome's solution for that will be to wait for the next emergency and then go crying to our idiot President with his hand out. And out idiotic President's response will be to throw more money to an irresponsible Democrat Governor.
He's taking all the surplus money which he received from our idiotic congress and President and he's giving rebates to constituents.

A budget surplus does not mean 'extra money'.

Newsom is not giving money to 'constituents'.

He is giving money to illegal aliens. He recently announced that illegals are eligible for STIM funds. (WTF?)

He doesn't gaf that 25% of Californians live under the poverty level.

He doesn't gaf that many Californians can't afford health insurance, but he will certainly force fines on those who can't afford, while giving illegal aliens health insurance. (WTF?)

Beauty and the Beast
The employment rate went up 1/10 of one percent. Hardly the "skyrocket" you're desperately trying to get anyone to believe.

Employment is down and inflation is rising according to those below....

We added over a quarter of a million jobs last month...

Much better than your blob did.

Hah!, When Joey Xi Bai Din estimated it would be over one million... :abgg2q.jpg:
The employment rate went up 1/10 of one percent. Hardly the "skyrocket" you're desperately trying to get anyone to believe.

Employment is down and inflation is rising according to those below....

We added over a quarter of a million jobs last month...

Much better than your blob did.
you really are fucking stupid
TRUMP and the ECONOMY were booming...until january, when the scum naziRATS starting bankrupting AMERICA....duh
Biden, or most Democrats for that matter, don't understand economics. They only understand spending. Look at the Cali. asshole, Newsome. He's taking all the surplus money which he received from our idiotic congress and President and he's giving rebates to constituents. Meanwhile, the water shortage and the yearly wildfires will go unaddressed as usual. What about some desalination plants and some forest management investments that will benefit Cali. in the long term? Newsome's solution for that will be to wait for the next emergency and then go crying to our idiot President with his hand out. And out idiotic President's response will be to throw more money to an irresponsible Democrat Governor.
He's taking all the surplus money which he received from our idiotic congress and President and he's giving rebates to constituents.

A budget surplus does not mean 'extra money'.

Newsom is not giving money to 'constituents'.

He is giving money to illegal aliens. He recently announced that illegals are eligible for STIM funds. (WTF?)

He doesn't gaf that 25% of Californians live under the poverty level.

He doesn't gaf that many Californians can't afford health insurance, but he will certainly force fines on those who can't afford, while giving illegal aliens health insurance. (WTF?)

Beauty and the Beast
the shit stain, cuomo the homo, is giving illegals over 15 grand apiece....but yet, this shit stain has been whining-POVERTY--
someone hang this MURDERER

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