Should we take cell phones out of school? Is it even possible anymore?

I do have an opinion about your claim. You’re full of shit.
Have fun thinking that. I've been a department chair in 2 schools, an administrator in 3 and a full time teacher for almost 30 years. I have multiple degrees and certifications. Your opinion means very little to me.
I am conflicted with this one. I understand the teacher's point of view that the cell phone is competition for the teacher....but I also understand tha parent's point of view that a cell phone represents a measure of safety in today's public education setting.

My Grandson has his entire curriculum on his I-phone and manages to do his homework and research sometimes all from his palm while at the same time learning Spanish. If anything I would say his handwriting skills probably suffer because of it but then relevant is handwriting anymore?

I think the real question now is whether or not it is even possible to do this thing. I'm thinking the time has past for it .


We never mobile phones as kids, never mind having the ability to take them to school.

The arguement from parents saying they're for safety, in case of emergency etc.. is BS. Get them banned, kids should be going to school to learn, not to read social media pages
We didn't have cell phones back in the day and somehow we managed to survive.
People can manage to survive and even thrive under all sorts of circumstances. As with every new technology, it is disruptive and needs to be coopted as a tool, a means, not (generally) an end. But eventually, we adjust as educators and find ways to turn a potential problem into a resource. People learned a whole lot of stuff before every student had a pen and paper. Learning styles, content priorities and other variables are constant challenges along with environmental concerns. A good teacher pivots so students excel.
You keep talking about how useful and non-disruptive cell phones are in the classroom and everyone who knows better will have fun thinking that.
well, gee. I have the experience and accolades that have borne out my methods. What proof do you have?
well, gee. I have the experience and accolades that have borne out my methods. ....

You're full of crap. Find three other teachers who post here who don't find cell phones a negative, disruptive influence in class. I can tell you that they ARE. You seem like a kid pretending to be an adult (let alone a teacher).
We didn't have cell phones back in the day and somehow we managed to survive.

We didn't have cars back in the day and somehow we managed to survive, but I bet you still have one, or more.

We didn't have AC back in the day and somehow we managed to survive, but I bet you still use it today.

We didn't have antibiotics back in the day and somehow we managed to survive, but I bet you still have used them.
You're full of crap. Find three other teachers who post here who don't find cell phones a negative, disruptive influence in class. I can tell you that they ARE. You seem like a kid pretending to be an adult (let alone a teacher).
Why do I have to find anyone to substantiate the successes I have had in my classroom? I'm flattered that you think I'm a kid but fact is, I'm past middle age and very good at my job. You just keep flailing about and guessing.
Yeah, you're full of crap.
it's cute that you think that because I won't produce other teachers who would agree with me. Do you want me to send you my resume? Do you even care about reality, or just your blinders? Are you going to demand for a list of my former students who can attest to my success? You seem jealous that I have actual years in a classroom and you don't seem to. Do you?
is this now going to be a dumping ground for any article that cries over phones in the classroom?

Am I supposed to start dropping ones that point out the advantages or opportunities?

seems like a waste of time. People can go out and look for whatever they want. Meanwhile, I still have my actual experiences to inform me.
You can't.

Because you're full of crap.
well, I work on a faculty that would agree but they aren't on here. You just can't believe that actual professionals with actual experience don't bear out whatever articles you have read. Welcome to reality.

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