Reporter Asks Joe Biden If He's Had a Cognitive Test-His Answer Shows Why One Might Be Needed

Anybody can see (in is answer) what they want. If I asked you in the aisle at Lowes if you had had a mental check up lately, would you be inclined to give a straight answer or tell me to get Fkd and walk off? I would tell you to get Fkd and you would deserve it. Joe was just a lot nicer about it, than you or I as he is a public figure, running for office.
That is a straw man argument. Your inability to realize that, and pose it as a defense of a presidential candidate, demonstrates your mental problems
Don't be dull. The question was a tactic to get the trumped up issue on the record. The answer or non-answer was a tactic. Only trump makes a total ass of himself on a daily basis answering without thinking. You got to be mental to do that and not know any better. Joe's answer, though unsatisfying to the people that wanted him to take the bate and at least legitimize the question, was better. Your just but hurt, because your guy is too psychologically challenged to do it.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know
It is not just Trump supporters who have questioned Joe Biden’s ability to navigate the rigors of the campaign trail, and the presidency.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this . Joe's lies don't mea anything?

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Just watching Creepy Joe struggle to answer questions from a reporter about a cognitive test shows clearly that he needs one.

In addition, Obama's own doctor for 22 years, a man whose judgement Obama trusted with his life, say Creepy Joe is not a healthy man, and other doctors concur, throwing suspicion on Joe's doctor's letter stating he is fit to be president, pointing out that given Joe's history of brain surgery and his heart problems, the letter makes no reference to a cardiac stress test of head CT or MRI, which should have been routine.

Has that doctor examined Biden?

As always, another stupid question.

And, a stupid answer, apparently that's all you can dredge up these days. You can't diagnose people from afar without a direct examination and tests especially for complex things like dementia. We have all kinds of internet and remote "experts" though don't we, who can diagnose from afar.

Again, no sign of intelligence in any of your posts. These doctors are not diagnosing him, they are simply saying that his health history should have required tests such as a cardiac stress test and a head CT or MRI which are conspicuously missing from his doctor's letter recounting what tests he has had. All of this is aside from Creepy Joe's obvious creeping dementia.
So the reporter was snorting coke?
Apparently that's all Creepy Joe was able to understand, more evidence of Creepy Joe's creeping dementia.
I wonder if Joe was flashing back to applying for food stamps? I havent heard of the drug test for programs for over 10 years.... This guy is way out of touch with reality.

I wonder who brags about taking a dementia test or brags about how well they did on it?
That would be someone who respects voters right to know if eh candidate is mentally fit to do the job, given the advanced age of both candidates; that would be President Trump and clearly not Creepy Joe.

We all know why Joe keeps running away from the test. What candidate in control of his mental faculties would make a campaign speech about how much he loves kids rubbing his hairy legs and jumping in his lap?

Trumpybear has never been fit to be the POTUS and he has no respect for voters rights. Well I take that back, he and his new Banana Republicans have no respect for our two party system and they want a single party to rule the country.

In other words, you agree Joe is not fit to be president, but you don't care.
Yes blindone, multiple questions are challenging. It's enough to make a seasoned political animal snap! Clearly, the snappers are the ones we want running the country.

To see some dumbass snap watch Trumpybear get asked a hard question by a black female reporter. Wasn't Joe laughing about the questions ol'Trumpybear was braging about?
So the reporter was snorting coke?
Apparently that's all Creepy Joe was able to understand, more evidence of Creepy Joe's creeping dementia.
I wonder if Joe was flashing back to applying for food stamps? I havent heard of the drug test for programs for over 10 years.... This guy is way out of touch with reality.

I wonder who brags about taking a dementia test or brags about how well they did on it?
That would be someone who respects voters right to know if eh candidate is mentally fit to do the job, given the advanced age of both candidates; that would be President Trump and clearly not Creepy Joe.

We all know why Joe keeps running away from the test. What candidate in control of his mental faculties would make a campaign speech about how much he loves kids rubbing his hairy legs and jumping in his lap?

Trumpybear has never been fit to be the POTUS and he has no respect for voters rights. Well I take that back, he and his new Banana Republicans have no respect for our two party system and they want a single party to rule the country.

In other words, you agree Joe is not fit to be president, but you don't care.

Nope. Those are your words, not mine.
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know
It is not just Trump supporters who have questioned Joe Biden’s ability to navigate the rigors of the campaign trail, and the presidency.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this . Joe's lies don't mea anything?
There is no need. Slow Joe's condition is as obvious as it is degenerative.
Yes blindone, multiple questions are challenging. It's enough to make a seasoned political animal snap! Clearly, the snappers are the ones we want running the country.

To see some dumbass snap watch Trumpybear get asked a hard question by a black female reporter. Wasn't Joe laughing about the questions ol'Trumpybear was braging about?
Sounds like you and Joe are kindred. "Trumpybear braging ...." LOL
So the reporter was snorting coke?
Apparently that's all Creepy Joe was able to understand, more evidence of Creepy Joe's creeping dementia.
I wonder if Joe was flashing back to applying for food stamps? I havent heard of the drug test for programs for over 10 years.... This guy is way out of touch with reality.

I wonder who brags about taking a dementia test or brags about how well they did on it?
That would be someone who respects voters right to know if eh candidate is mentally fit to do the job, given the advanced age of both candidates; that would be President Trump and clearly not Creepy Joe.

We all know why Joe keeps running away from the test. What candidate in control of his mental faculties would make a campaign speech about how much he loves kids rubbing his hairy legs and jumping in his lap?

Trumpybear has never been fit to be the POTUS and he has no respect for voters rights. Well I take that back, he and his new Banana Republicans have no respect for our two party system and they want a single party to rule the country.

In other words, you agree Joe is not fit to be president, but you don't care.

Nope. Those are your words, not mine.

Nope, clearly you conceded the point about Joe not being fit for office and that's why you tried to change the subject to President Trump. Why not tell the truth? You would vote for Biden even if he were a potted plant.
So the reporter was snorting coke?
Apparently that's all Creepy Joe was able to understand, more evidence of Creepy Joe's creeping dementia.
I wonder if Joe was flashing back to applying for food stamps? I havent heard of the drug test for programs for over 10 years.... This guy is way out of touch with reality.

I wonder who brags about taking a dementia test or brags about how well they did on it?
That would be someone who respects voters right to know if eh candidate is mentally fit to do the job, given the advanced age of both candidates; that would be President Trump and clearly not Creepy Joe.

We all know why Joe keeps running away from the test. What candidate in control of his mental faculties would make a campaign speech about how much he loves kids rubbing his hairy legs and jumping in his lap?

Trumpybear has never been fit to be the POTUS and he has no respect for voters rights. Well I take that back, he and his new Banana Republicans have no respect for our two party system and they want a single party to rule the country.

In other words, you agree Joe is not fit to be president, but you don't care.

Nope. Those are your words, not mine.

Nope, clearly you conceded the point about Joe not being fit for office and that's why you tried to change the subject to President Trump. Why not tell the truth? You would vote for Biden even if he were a potted plant.

Clearly you've made a false assumption. I saw no evidence in the interview that his cognitive skills have declined. Trumpybear proves he has always lacked them.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question, that he does not need a test. Who would trust one anyway. We heard the Prez raving about his. Did it put anyone's mind to rest on his mental stability. Not surprising he had to take one.
You folks have such short memories.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this

Just because the President spoke about the mental tests he had to take, doesn't mean Joe has to take or release any. Sorry, but that's not how it works, only as you wish it worked. We've been listening to your boy for over 4 years. Very little doubt about his mental afflictions, as they have been on display, and I am glad they had him take a test, though it proved nothing. His talking about it was far more telling of his mental condition. It damaged trump further in the public, true enough, but do not expect Joe to play the game, as he is not required and unlikely to fall for it.
Joe was right to ridicule the questioner. Only Trump is stupid enough not only to take it but brag he took it twice and then announce to the world how hard it was. Now that is showing signs of dementia.

The only reason Biden wont take one is he knows how it'll turn out....crazy as a loon.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

So Joe is against cocaine tests...I wonder why? Like father like son?
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know
It is not just Trump supporters who have questioned Joe Biden’s ability to navigate the rigors of the campaign trail, and the presidency.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this . Joe's lies don't mea anything?
Reminds me of the video in Trump ads of Biden bragging to some folks about his full scholarship, near top of the class performance, and numerous degrees. None of which turned out to be true.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question, that he does not need a test. Who would trust one anyway. We heard the Prez raving about his. Did it put anyone's mind to rest on his mental stability. Not surprising he had to take one.
You folks have such short memories.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this

Just because the President spoke about the mental tests he had to take, doesn't mean Joe has to take or release any. Sorry, but that's not how it works, only as you wish it worked. We've been listening to your boy for over 4 years. Very little doubt about his mental afflictions, as they have been on display, and I am glad they had him take a test, though it proved nothing. His talking about it was far more telling of his mental condition. It damaged trump further in the public, true enough, but do not expect Joe to play the game, as he is not required and unlikely to fall for it.

You have him saying he DID take it. You have him saying he DIDN'T take it. Which is it? Don't you care?

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