Reporter Asks Joe Biden If He's Had a Cognitive Test-His Answer Shows Why One Might Be Needed

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question, that he does not need a test. Who would trust one anyway. We heard the Prez raving about his. Did it put anyone's mind to rest on his mental stability. Not surprising he had to take one.
You folks have such short memories.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this

Just because the President spoke about the mental tests he had to take, doesn't mean Joe has to take or release any. Sorry, but that's not how it works, only as you wish it worked. We've been listening to your boy for over 4 years. Very little doubt about his mental afflictions, as they have been on display, and I am glad they had him take a test, though it proved nothing. His talking about it was far more telling of his mental condition. It damaged trump further in the public, true enough, but do not expect Joe to play the game, as he is not required and unlikely to fall for it.

You have him saying he DID take it. You have him saying he DIDN'T take it. Which is it? Don't you care?

Somebody was bitching about my lazy use of grammar earlier. The President took a test. It was put out for public consumption and probably was part of normal required health checkup. He (the president) tried (but failed) to make political benefit by playing it up (or hamming it up, dependent on point of view) due to the nature of his repeated recitation of one part of the test, as if fixated upon it. The president appeared unbalanced. Of course that is nothing new or unexpected.
Never intended you to think anyone else had taken one or not taken one, as nobody else was required to take one. Hopefully that cleared it up for you.

The point is that Biden said he took one and then said he didn't. Which statement was a lie?

Just looked glancing at about 20 articles. I used the search argument "Did Biden say he took a mental or cognitive test". Did not narrow down to day, week, month or year. All except one seemed to reflect he has not taken one and doesn't have much plan to even entertain the question. Did find this:
My reading of that pretty much takes it as him regarding living and running for office itself as a cognitive test. I will be 66 in September. He's right.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question, that he does not need a test. Who would trust one anyway. We heard the Prez raving about his. Did it put anyone's mind to rest on his mental stability. Not surprising he had to take one.
You folks have such short memories.

Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden very nearly survived his first press conference in three months without a single goof. Almost, but not quite.

At the very end of the question-and-answer session, asked by a reporter if he had been tested for “cognitive decline,” he answered, “I’ve been tested. I’ve been tested constantly.” Biden went on to say he could “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

Pretty snappy answer for a fellow thought by 38 percent of likely voters to be suffering a mental decline. Except, of course, that Biden’s response raised more questions than it answered.

In his own words. You Progs must do better than this

Just because the President spoke about the mental tests he had to take, doesn't mean Joe has to take or release any. Sorry, but that's not how it works, only as you wish it worked. We've been listening to your boy for over 4 years. Very little doubt about his mental afflictions, as they have been on display, and I am glad they had him take a test, though it proved nothing. His talking about it was far more telling of his mental condition. It damaged trump further in the public, true enough, but do not expect Joe to play the game, as he is not required and unlikely to fall for it.

You have him saying he DID take it. You have him saying he DIDN'T take it. Which is it? Don't you care?

Somebody was bitching about my lazy use of grammar earlier. The President took a test. It was put out for public consumption and probably was part of normal required health checkup. He (the president) tried (but failed) to make political benefit by playing it up (or hamming it up, dependent on point of view) due to the nature of his repeated recitation of one part of the test, as if fixated upon it. The president appeared unbalanced. Of course that is nothing new or unexpected.
Never intended you to think anyone else had taken one or not taken one, as nobody else was required to take one. Hopefully that cleared it up for you.

The point is that Biden said he took one and then said he didn't. Which statement was a lie?

Just looked glancing at about 20 articles. I used the search argument "Did Biden say he took a mental or cognitive test". Did not narrow down to day, week, month or year. All except one seemed to reflect he has not taken one and doesn't have much plan to even entertain the question. Did find this:
My reading of that pretty much takes it as him regarding living and running for office itself as a cognitive test. I will be 66 in September. He's right.

I posted the video where he says it.
So the reporter was snorting coke?
Of course not, he's black. Blacks smoke cocaine, they don't snort it, according to Joe's logic.

When Biden drafted the legislation that created a 100:1 sentencing disparity for crack cocaine vs. powdered cocaine, he did it because respectable white people like himself and his cronies snort powdered cocaine, while ghetto blacks in racial jungles smoke crack cocaine.
Spread your lies about Biden Trumpers, but if Biden were president we would not have nearly 160,000 dead Americans. Say what you want about Biden but he would not have lied about Covid as Americans died as Trump does on a daily basis. Biden would never have had greater concern for Ghislaine Maxwell’s well being than for the families of 160,000 dead Americans.
RE: Reporter Asks Joe Biden If He's Had a Cognitive Test-His Answer Shows Why One Might Be Needed
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

BLUF: No question as to "Coyote's" claim.

You can't diagnose people from afar without a direct examination and tests especially for complex things like dementia.

Self-diagnosing your possible mental illness and examination at a distance are opposite poles of the problem. An attempt to evaluate a person online does not give any opportunity to look for symptoms and signs even not visible even with a video chat. And diagnosis at a distance is rather dangerous when trying to classify mental disorders. One can easily trivialize a significant clue or magnify a trivial symptom. The cause to suspect a mental illness may in fact be a more traditional medical illness or biochemical impairment not visible or testable at a distance.

I'm sure that physicians and health professionals, including psychologists, counselors, nurses, and occupational and rehabilitation therapists, as well as social workers and forensic and legal specialists will tell you the same thing. Now, once a physical examination is made and the standard battery of test results are in, many causes can be eliminated. And at that point, just maybe the scope and nature might lead to a treatment wherein a high definition video chat could be found useful. But that is determined in the treatment phase and not as the diagnosis.

I should remark that first-responders and emergency caregivers can use such devices in the stabilization
(critical care required immediately) and the initial triage phase.

My advice as a layman is → take to heart what "Coyote" said. Seek competent help. Don't practice on yourself or anyone else.

Just my thought as a layman. (Ω)

Most Respectfully,
Joe was right to ridicule the questioner. Only Trump is stupid enough not only to take it but brag he took it twice and then announce to the world how hard it was. Now that is showing signs of dementia.
You are defending Joe Babble after he disrespects ANOTHER Black man? How many Black people does Joe have to demean before it gets through to you? He is a brain damaged Racist.
Spread your lies about Biden Trumpers, but if Biden were president we would not have nearly 160,000 dead Americans. Say what you want about Biden but he would not have lied about Covid as Americans died as Trump does on a daily basis. Biden would never have had greater concern for Ghislaine Maxwell’s well being than for the families of 160,000 dead Americans.

He said he never took the test. I posted him saying that he did. One of those is a lie.
Spread your lies about Biden Trumpers, but if Biden were president we would not have nearly 160,000 dead Americans. Say what you want about Biden but he would not have lied about Covid as Americans died as Trump does on a daily basis. Biden would never have had greater concern for Ghislaine Maxwell’s well being than for the families of 160,000 dead Americans.
We don't have to lie. We have Joe himself on video getting confused, talking nonsense, telling creepy stories and not knowing even what City or State he's in.
Don't be dull. The question was a tactic to get the trumped up issue on the record. The answer or non-answer was a tactic. Only trump makes a total ass of himself on a daily basis answering without thinking. You got to be mental to do that and not know any better. Joe's answer, though unsatisfying to the people that wanted him to take the bate and at least legitimize the question, was better. Your just but hurt, because your guy is too psychologically challenged to do it.
You're silly. Trump does it all the time to reporters who ask him absurd questions irrelevant to the subject of the news conference, or the foreign dignitary being presented.

In this instance, Biden, should be expecting the questions, and he should be willing to take a test.
Don't be dull. The question was a tactic to get the trumped up issue on the record. The answer or non-answer was a tactic. Only trump makes a total ass of himself on a daily basis answering without thinking. You got to be mental to do that and not know any better. Joe's answer, though unsatisfying to the people that wanted him to take the bate and at least legitimize the question, was better. Your just but hurt, because your guy is too psychologically challenged to do it.
You're silly. Trump does it all the time to reporters who ask him absurd questions irrelevant to the subject of the news conference, or the foreign dignitary being presented.

In this instance, Biden, should be expecting the questions, and he should be willing to take a test.
He passed the test by the way he answered the question, in my opinion.

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

LOL Biden was referring to has spawn snorting coke in order to get tossed from the Navy

But he forgot that
Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question
It was a softball question that biden the irritable drooling old man too offense to
Yikes what in God’s name was Joe talking about!?
Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question
It was a softball question that biden the irritable drooling old man too offense to
He did not dignify the question with a response you would like, but it is all you deserved, didn't even work up a good drool for ya. :auiqs.jpg: So whine about it. Here is as much consolation as I can give you. :itsok:

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question, that he does not need a test. Who would trust one anyway. We heard the Prez raving about his. Did it put anyone's mind to rest on his mental stability. Not surprising he had to take one.

Strongly disagree. I get Biden was insulted by the question, but he didn’t do himself any favors with the way he handled it

“No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?” Biden asked incredulously. “C’mon man. That’s like saying you – before you got in this program, if you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think huh? Are you a junkie?”


I think somebody showed Hollow Joe the Zogby poll below and he thought it had him beating Trump 55-45.

View attachment 371519

I know you TDS Sufferers would vote for a turnip rather than The Donald, and that's what you're getting ready to do.

But, you must be squirming a bit as Sniffin Joe does all he can to built on that Zogby 55%.

Sounds like Joe gave an intelligent answer, showing just by the nature of recognizing a bait question, that he does not need a test. Who would trust one anyway. We heard the Prez raving about his. Did it put anyone's mind to rest on his mental stability. Not surprising he had to take one.

DENIAL is not a big river in Egypt.
Anybody can see (in is answer) what they want. If I asked you in the aisle at Lowes if you had had a mental check up lately, would you be inclined to give a straight answer or tell me to get Fkd and walk off? I would tell you to get Fkd and you would deserve it. Joe was just a lot nicer about it, than you or I as he is a public figure, running for office.

What Horseshit this is.

Biden isn't a shopper at Lowe's, he's asking America to make him President.
I admit, it would have be a more provocative answer to tell the reporter to get Fkd, but as you said, he is asking America to make him President. Not really in his best interests to answer with a straight forward "get Fkd". In his position, it would make you think he needed to have his head examined, like trump.

Anybody can see (in is answer) what they want. If I asked you in the aisle at Lowes if you had had a mental check up lately, would you be inclined to give a straight answer or tell me to get Fkd and walk off? I would tell you to get Fkd and you would deserve it. Joe was just a lot nicer about it, than you or I as he is a public figure, running for office.
That is a straw man argument. Your inability to realize that, and pose it as a defense of a presidential candidate, demonstrates your mental problems
Don't be dull. The question was a tactic to get the trumped up issue on the record. The answer or non-answer was a tactic. Only trump makes a total ass of himself on a daily basis answering without thinking. You got to be mental to do that and not know any better. Joe's answer, though unsatisfying to the people that wanted him to take the bate and at least legitimize the question, was better. Your just but hurt, because your guy is too psychologically challenged to do it.


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